

Ava, a hardworking young girl, finds herself in a real dilemma after her mother, a drug addict, took out a large loan from loan sharks and fled, leaving Ava to clean up her mess. Ava has one week to pay off her mother's debts or she will be forced to become a mistress to the loan shark, which forces her to sell her virginity to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, wants more than just her virginity; he wants her to be his wife.

Gina_rites · Urban
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297 Chs

How Do You Sleep?

As Mason drove to Ava's school to pick her up, he decided he was going to come clean and tell her the truth. Even though She was going to hate him and probably not want to have anything to do with him but then he would have told her the truth. He no longer wanted to keep it a secret from her.

Deep down he prayed that Ava wouldn't leave him when she finds out. He prayed she wouldn't ask for a divorce.

When he got to her school, he called her on the phone but Ava didn't pick up. After calling her several times with no response he sent her a text letting her know he was at the school's car park waiting for her.

After ten minutes of waiting in his car without hearing back from Ava or seeing her, Mason got worried. Where was she? Why was she not taking his call? Was she having a class? But she told him didn't have any lectures until the next two hours.