
Programmer in the world of Hunters

Note; I do not own Hunter x Hunter, the characters other than my own. English was also not my first language so forgive for some grammatical errors.

Masta12 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs



"This should be enough." I nodded patting the huge travel backpack on my back.

The bag easily weighed 430 kg. It had everything I needed to survive in the wild, Like clothes, kitchen wares, knife, tent, sleeping bag and such. In a way, I should start calling it dora's backpack.


Rey shook his head, feeling cringed at his lame joke.

Glancing at his shabby house ones more, Rey felt something inside him crack, He swear he saw a speck of light rose up from his chest, he felt it smiling at him before disappearing in the sky.


"Oh well. Its time leave." Rey decided and began running down to the mountain. His speed was heavily affected by his backpack, but shrug it considering that it was a great way to train his physique.

Thinking about it. Its been three months now since he crossover in this world. The three months haven't gone to waste of course as during that time, he abused the original's talent and train his body and mind to its limit.

To said it was good was understatement as literally he improve his strength by a noticeable margin. If before he can lift 1.5 tons, now he can lift 1.8 tons, if before his top speed was 10 meter per second, its now 13 meter per second.

Unfortunately, even with his progress, Leaving the mountain would still take him time, as it was gigantic. So big that he can't even imagine how big it was as the peak reach the clouds.

His house was built in the middle part of the mountain, and If he were to calculate the distance between his house and the foot the mountain, the distance would take normal people two months of walks travel.

Well, that's only applied to normal people of course.. he wasn't normal in any sense.

An hour or so later, Rey find himself a river to settle and get some refreshments. He look at his reflection in the water and just as he excepted he really look like his counterpart. black hair, green eyes, six foot tall and slim body.


"This is crazy..." Rey sighed but then shook his head. "I should start getting used to it."

Finishing his meal, Rey then continue running at his top speed, heading towards the east.

'I do not know how long the journey was as the Map only show me the route, but from how big NGL was, I knew it would take me months to passed the border with foot alone.'

- 2 weeks later -

Somewhere in the eastern part of NGL, in town called Garo Town. A sixteen year old boy could be seen standing before the entrance gate looking around him in enthusiasm.

The boy was of courses Rey, wearing an old clothing, huge travel bag on his back, of course attracted a lot of attention.

But since this world was full of strange and weird people, most people shrug it and continue on thier way.

"Finally! Civilization!" Rey exclaimed as tears began to form in his eyes, But then as if nothing happen, he instantly calmed down and began walking forward, Ignoring the strange looks people gave him.


Its been months since he came in this world and as a normal human like most, he was a social animal in nature.

It was primimal instinct that was imprinted in our very genes, a code that was practiced and evolved for over Million years.

The very traits made human on the top of the food chain.. at least in the known world.


"... I'm hungry, I should find a place to eat. I'm getting tired of eating roasted same roasted animals all day."

- Few minutes later -

Rey find himself in a normal looking restaurant.

Not knowing anything from the Menu, he decided to order one for each of them and decided to order more later.

His action course surprised the waitressed and the chef. But nonetheless did thier work and serve him the food he order.

Smart move.

'They didn't judge me because of my appearance. Normally I would be disdained or look down upon by people if I were in wuxia novel right now. It seems people in this world was smarter than I initially expected.' Rey deducted, noticing how people reacted around him.

Finishing his meal. Rey then left the restaurant and decided to wander around the Town a bit.

On the way, he found a clothing store and since the one he wore was old and tattered already, he decided to buy a new one.

Thinking that the day was still early, Rey headed to the Market place to buy new wares and throw the old one.

An hour later.

The sky started to darkened. Feeling drain from all the traveling and shopping, mentally and physically, I decided to call it a day and find a cheap Inn to spend a night.