
Programmer in the world of Hunters

Note; I do not own Hunter x Hunter, the characters other than my own. English was also not my first language so forgive for some grammatical errors.

Masta12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


The following days passed uneventfully.

During these days Rey meditated, making thausands of plans for his next course of action, leaving his shabby house to hunt animals ones in a while in order to feed himself.

Ray also tested the limit of his physical abilities and as expected its really mind blowing.

The kid was strong, like literally he can lift 1.5 tons of boulders or rocks. He's also fast, he can move 10 meter per second. His endurance was also crazy, he didn't know its limit as there's no one to test but he knew that he could survive even if he was hit by 200 KPH fast car.

Thinking about it, the original was actually really talented, (not at the level of Gon and Killua of course, maybe only below's Kurapika talent) he had a potential to become strong, coupled with Nen he could be one of the top dogs.

Unfortunately, the guy was so depressed when his grandfather died, he started living in seclusion alone in the mountain, never train his technique again as it remind him of his grandfather, like really?

'That stupid.' Rey couldn't but to lament the original. ',Waste of potential.'

But then he shook his head and began laughing as the wastrel was now gone as replace him. "well at least you won't be wasted now with me."


2 months later.

Somewhere in the mountain called 'The Peak', the talest mountain in NGL, same country where the chimera Arc began, atop the water falls sitting in the stone unmoving as mountain was a 15 year old boy meditating.

(Details about NGL here)

This boy was of course Rey.

It been months since he crossover in this Universe. He had gotten to used in living as Rey now, surprising him at how quick he accepted reality, but then shrug his shoulder considering it normal as he one shrug death with 'Rationality'.

Nothing much happen during these months, other than hunting, he either search for quite place to meditate.

It is said in the series that there's two method to open the Aura nodes for one to be able to harnest Nen. The first way is by gradually training to open them, the second is to have them forcibly open by someone who already know Nen.

Rey was currently doing the first and thanks to the original's natural talent, he quickly managed to sense his Aura, he even began experimenting on it, expanding, changing its shape, color, and even added an intent scarring the animals away, unfortunately that was all he could do now.


"It was harder than I expected." He frown, noticing how slow his progress was. "With my pace, it would took me years of meditation to open my Aura nodes, let alone practice Nen."

Shaking his head he got up from the boulder, breath in and breath out. "Training won't benifit me anymore, unless I train for years its impossible for me to improve. what I need now is real life experience."

It would dangerous but as long as I don't offended someone I shouldn't, I think I'll be alright.


"I'll decided it later when the times come." Shaking his head, chuckling at how he overthinking things.


- - -

AN: MC's talent when it comes to Nen was far from the likes of Gon and Killua. He was at most above average.

Well, Nen aside, he was smart, mature, and had creative mind so no doubt he'll be strong in the future.

It would slow though, I'm going to focus on worldbuilding