
Programmer in the world of Hunters

Note; I do not own Hunter x Hunter, the characters other than my own. English was also not my first language so forgive for some grammatical errors.

Masta12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Garo Town

It was six o'clock in the morning when Rey woke up. He got up from the bed when suddenly felt that he was stronger than before.

"Its seems civilization healed me better than I expected." Rey deducted in awe ...


".. sigh, I have to fill my stomach first." He said to himself before going down to the first floor.

Heading towards dining, he raise his hand to call the waitress, a beautiful woman in her mid twenties who immediately came and greet him professionally: "Good morning sir, how can I help you?"

"Good morning, I wanted to order some.." Rey greeted before ordering a variety of food that surprised the waitress for a moment.

The food he ordered was enough to feed 4 people, but nonetheless the woman did her job and didn't ask many questions.

Half an hour later, he came out of the Inn with a filled stomach and a contented smile..

Having nothing to do, and feeling not in the mood to leave any time soon, Rey decided to spend a day off in the Town.

Roaming around for a while, he first visit the only Dojo in the Town, Rey planned to exchange some words with their instructors and hoping to gain some insight from thier fighting styles.

Unfortunately for him, reality was cruel as it turns out the people in the Dojo was just a group of scammer, promising people to learn bullshit martial arts in exchange for money so he instantly lost interest to them.

Next, he visit an Opera House nearby, he watched a play similar to Romeo and Juliet, The plot was interesting but the actors and actresses was not so immediately got bored and left.

He then went to a weapon shop to look for some weapon. The original Rey was good at knife so he didn't think twice and immediately bought several pairs.

There were others weapons in the shop like swords, guns, and such around but Rey ignore them knowing that training something you're not good at was inefficient and a waste of time.

Some time later, Rey could be seen in the park, wearing a disappointed expression. His initial excitement faded as there's nothing interest him in this Town.


NGL or neo green life was the only country in the world who rejected any form of modern technology and prevent anything created from synthetic materials from entering their country.

Any smuggling of technological goods, modern medicine, or weapons was dealt with through imprisonment or death sentence.

Everything in this place was made manually, the tools, wares and so on. there's also no electricity so they used lamp as light source, there's no radio, internet and such... really it wasn't difficult to imagine how boring this place was

It's amazing how this country even functioning. Like how can they mine without mining machine, how can they farm without tractors, harvester and such. Sure they could do it manually but that would slow and unproductive.


'Why am I even thinking trivial things like this?' Rey mumbled before sighing. 'Right its also a form of deduction training.'

"Oh well, might as well test my strength in the forest before calling it a day." He decided as he got up from the bench.

Few moments later.

Somewhere in the forest, in a clearing few kilometres away from the Town. Rey was currently lifting boulder few times bigger thaan him.


"Huff! Huff!" Rey collapse from the ground. He was tired and weak still a smirk was noticeably im his face as he managed to lift the boulder for 7 seconds.

"that boulder should be 1.92 tons heavy." He smile as 2 weeks of nonstop running did improve his strength by a huge margin.

But then he chuckled as he remember that Gon, Kurapika and Leorio managed to push the first gate of Zoldycks testing gate within 20 days. That gate weighed 4 tons by the way.

"Compared to them, I'm just an average genius." Rey mumbled but then smile lightly. 'Well, it doesn't matter. So what if I'm not like them, I have 15 years to developed.'

Rey got up and began testing his speed. Using the stop watched he bought yesterday he counted how far he could reach within a second.

16.3 meter per second.

'It seems I'm more of a speed type than strength' Rey deducted. Deciding to focus on his speed training than anything.

'Human bodies in this world really had more potential than my previous world.' Rey sighed.

An Hour Later.

Rey left the clearing and return to the Town, he ate on the same restaurant yesterday, roam around the Town enjoying the civilization before calling it a day as he noticed that the sky already darkened.