
Chapter 95

The fact that Joseph didn't care about the consequences of his actions surprised Walter.

"Are you not even worried that you will loose everything?

He asked him as he watched him intently.

He chewed his lips and smiled wearily at him.

I am tired Walter, I need to rest.

He looked away and faced the opposite direction, but he knew Walter was watching him closely.

"Why did you do it?

Walter still wanted to know, he wanted to hear him say something about the past, but Joseph only pretended to be asleep.

 He turned to the other side where the pain was less and sobbed silently.

Walter was no fool, he could tell he wasn't sleeping, he was quite aware he was crying from the sound he could hear him make.

How could he not cry, he was not going to escape the law no matter how much he tries to act strong.

He has violated the laws of medicine.

He forgot all about the pledge he had taken and the oath he had swore as a doctor.

He forgot that he had  solemnly promise that he will to the best of his ability serve humanity—caring for the sick, promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.

But he had not only caused pain, he had increased the pain and suffering.

He forgot that the practice of medicine was a privilege and even he had swore it in his pledge.

He looked at his back and asked.

"what happened to what you said and I quote'

'I recognise that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position'

Joseph you have abused your position in the worse way ever.

you even went further to say that 

you will practise medicine with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion—working with your fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs of your  patients.

you said that you shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.

But now you have intentionally harm your patients. You have hurt an entire family, you have done evil in the sight of God and man.

I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence my duty of care.

"tell me Joseph what have driven you to this act, are you in some kind of trouble, were you forced to do these things or you just did it because you wanted to portray some form of wickedness.

"I am sorry okay,  that is not what I planned to do but it just happened"

"what do you mean it just happened?

does it have anything to do with politics or money?

didn't you also swear that 

you  will oppose politics in breach of human rights and will not participate in them. you said you will strive to change laws that are contrary to your  profession's ethics and will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources.

have you been fair?

that is a question you should be asking yourself right now.

you said you will assist your patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.

can anyone have confidence in you now?

can anyone ever trust doctors again.

Joseph knew Walter was asking him nicely because he was yet to know what he had done with Anna.

Anna had trusted him more than even her own family and yet he had destroyed her.

He knew that no matter how Anna tried to act all string and brave, she could never be the same again.

Walter wanted to stop and leave immediately,  as he could not continue to recite the pledge to someone who had not kept any of them.

"I guess you don't even remember any of the pledges you made.

I guess you don't even know what they mean any more;

Walter looked at him and shook his her head in dissapointment. As he made to leave, he heard him recite the other stanza of the pledge, and that made him stop to take a second look at him. 

"I will recognise the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly assess and respond to those of others.

I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through teaching and research"

I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.

I don't have any honour to swear on, I am a broken man, I have done worse than just lieing to my patient about his status.

I am a sinner and I am guilty as charged, I must face the law.

"Joseph talk to me, what have you done and why did you do this to  Andrew?

I just want to know what drove you to it.

"It was years ago, back then at school.         He slept with the only girlfriend I was able to get, and he laughed at me with his friends.

He even made a video of the both of them making out, the girl said lots of bad things about me and they all laughed to my face.

He never apologised to me, he never felt sorry for what he did, he never tried to find out how I felt, he was always full of himself and always picking quarrels with me.

I became really angry, I even dropped in my grades, I also had to repeat a particular course.

I went through a lot and finally I managed to get myself together, and promised myself that I was never going to let him have rest.

But truth be told, I regret it all now, I wish I never did those things, I wish I never allow my anger get the better part of me.

I wish I forgave him and move on.

That is not even the worse of my faults

He said.

"What is it then?

" I slept with his wife!