
Chapter 94

" so now you see, if your brother have had any case of lack of oxygen or blood flow either before, during or after the accident, it could lead to Anoxic brain injury.

"Thank you so much doctor for your time, but I have a final request"

"Can you run a HIV test for my brother?

The team exchanged glances but          quickly addressed themselves and       started to walk out one after the other, leaving only one African doctor with the Anderson family.

"The result will be out soon"

The doctor said after getting the sample he needed and left. 

Anthony looked at his baby brother and couldn't lie to himself anymore, Miles was surely a grown up man now, and he posses so much wisdom and is also ready to display them at will.

After a while the result of the HIV test was back and it was negative, they all read it, and their anger increased.

"Why did that bastard lie to Andrew?

Peter screamed, but he was hushed by his twin brother who is particular about them whispering, so that Andrew wouldn't hear them, but Peter was in no mood to be calm.

"He cannot kill someone for something so trivial? I am going to that hospital to finish what Anna have started"

" Don't bother your self, let big brother Anthony deal with him; Anthony had a wicked smile on, he seems to already have something planned, but them miles stopped him again.

"Let us allow the law, deal with him accordingly"

"What stupid law are u talking about? Blurted Peter. Again Andrew distracted them by coughing, which made them all rush to him.

They wanted to know if he was awake, but then again, as before, he fell back on the bed and was still.

"Why can he cough and sneeze yet he cannot hear us? Asked Paul.

"Go ask the doctor! Peter retorted.

But Miles once again answered.

Showing off his intelligence.

A coma can be of 4 states, I gather that it is difficult to distinguish between the states even by the experts themselves.

"And where did you gather that from? Asked Peter.

"Also why don't you like answering with a yes or a no when a question is asked? 

"Don't mind the little brother please enlighten us. Anthony said.

"Like I said earlier, coma can be of four stages. The first on is 

Brain death.

Vegetative state - where the person is able to respond to reflex actions like sneezing, coughing, crying etc.

Minimally conscious state - where the person might be able to mildly respond to others .

Locked-in state - where the person is aware of the surroundings but unable to interpret them and is completely paralyzed.

So yes, it is possible that a person can sneeze while in coma.

"I am just happy to know that Andrew is alive and will soon wake up.

Atleast now he doesn't need to worry about    being HIV positive.

"Before he wakes up, I would have ended Joseph, I cannot wait for the law.

Peter said and walked out of the room in anger. Petranilla chased after him but he got into his car and left before she could get close.