
Chapter 96

Walter could not believe his ears.

He felt he must have heard wrong.

"What did you say?

"He iambast me Walter!

"So what if he did?

What if he slept with your girlfriend.

What if he did all that to you, when you were just in school.

You guys were teenagers then, without knowledge of what you were doing.

"You are a contamination to our profession"

Joseph could not hold himself anymore, he continued to sob, his tears couldn't just stop flowing.

Walter soon walked out of the room, he too was in tears, not because he was feeling pity for him, but because he was angry that it happened in the same  hospital where he was also a doctor.

Once again,  Joseph was all alone.

He felt the same way he had felt years ago when Andrew had laughed to his face.

He felt the same way he had felt, years ago when he had been insulted because he had Keracotonus.

He never knew his eye sight could be corrected but now he was himself, confident and free, he could move about without his glasses and still be comfortable.

He thought of Anna, he tried to imagine what she was doing at the time, then he remembered what Miles had said.

Andrew was in a coma, he wept some more, knowing that no matter how much he tries to deny it, he was responsible for his current situation.

He closed his eyes and allowed the tears to flow freely down to his cheek.

He tasted the salty tear that moved towards his lip and felt sour.

His life, was that sour or even worse.

"I need to leave this place"

He said to himself. But then he thought again, he had no family, his career was all he had, that was the only thing he could use and see as his family, Now that he has lost his job too, he need not stay any more. 

"I have to take my life, that way I can atone for my sins"

He tried removing the cannula from his hands, the force he used made him injure himself, he soon saw his blood and he winced in pain.

He got up from the bed but as he got to the entrance he saw the two police men sitting down waiting for him.

Joseph held his side.

The stab was deep because he could still feel pain.

He thought of the best way to escape, he wanted to apologise to Andrew before ending his life, but after seeing the police men, he knew he couldn't leave without them seeing him.

He decided to go back to his bed to think about it well or make a plan, the moment he turned his back and moved towards his bed side. He was greeted by a ferrocious slap.

When he turned to see the face of his attacker, it was yet another Anderson, he knew he could never be free from the family, now that everyone of them knew about what he had done, they were going to destroy him, they would torture him till he prayed for death.