
Chapter 40

"I am fine, I am just trying to convince myself that everything will be fine but I think I know better.

"Offcourse everything will be fine. It is not the end of the world after all we have not seen nor heard of anyone that have died from this thing called HIV.

"And then you said this thing was discovered three years ago, are you sure about that, this is the year 2000 are you saying HIV was discovered in 1997?

I am sure I have started hearing of HIV way before then.

Miles laughed at his brother that was obviously trying to redeem himself from looking so naive. He immediately Google and started reading about HIV to his brother.

"Well my dear brother it was said that HIV was first discovered in Kinshasa of Congo around 1920. I mean it originated from there.

"So you mean HIV have existed since 1920?

Andrew asked sounding all surprised.

"Well that is more like it, atleast that is what the Internet says"

Andrew came close to read along with his brother.

"But it says here that it was from Chimpanzees and monkeys, how then did humans get infected?

" Well brother I don't know that maybe we should call doctor Joseph and ask him about it, I am sure he has the perfect answer since you trusted him more than you trust your own family"

"You don't need to sound all angry, I was just scared, I didn't mean to keep it from you guys I am sorry. And please Miles I want to tell mum and Dad myself, please don't tell them before I do.

"Off course silly, do you think I can face them, I am not ready to tell mum and Dad that their sweet son who was smart enough to take their business to the next level when it was almost crashing is dieing with HIV?

"Am I really dieing?

He asked looking sad and that made Miles know that his joke was already out of hand. He actually just wanted to make him happy and smile but he ended up upsetting him.

"Oh no that is not what I mean, I am just trying to say that I will not tell mum and dad about your condition I will let you tell them yourself but you need to be fast about it. I don't know how long I will be able to keep quiet"

He smiled and tapped his brother on the shoulder.

" I want to check on sister in-law, we also need to talk"

"What are you planning to talk about?

"Can't I talk with my sister in-law in peace anymore?

"You know she is stiill shocked about this whole thing I am just worried for her and I am really scared, I don't want her running off again. I need to call her parents to come they also need to know she is back and fine but how will I tell them that I have the deadly disease.

"You are making it sound like it's a big deal, from what I have read, even ordinary Malaria can kill someone faster than this HIV. I think what you are feeling us just fear of the unknown. 

I write a poem on that.

"On what?

" On fear.