
Chapter 41

Are you still writing?

He asked his brother remebering how his brother used to write back then and he always had funny ways of putting the words together yet when people listen to him present they would always stand and clap for him, they usually give him more of an ovation than just clap. Maybe that was why he was the eye of the Anderson as there is always something to ask about and say about him. He always seem to have the answer to everything.

"Yes I still write. I cannot stop writing, it is part of me. How do you think I get all the attention? I write I present and I edit for others who write. The only reason I like you wife more than others is also because she is also a good writer, we seem to have something strong in common"

"Really? I never knew that about Anna.

"There is probably so many things you do not know about her and that is because you do not care to know.

"That is not true, I care.

"Yes, yes you care I am not going to argue with you. But I will talk to Anna she will understand me better than you when she hears about this HIV thing from me. Don't worry.

He made to go but Andrew called him back reminding him of the poem he was about to read to him. It felt as though listening to the poem would help him feel better.

"I thought you wanted to read your poem on Fear to me?

Miles turned back and with one look he knew his brother needed all the encouragement he could get, he was even willing to hear his poem. He never used to want to hear him sing or recite any poem not story, he was always the one forcing him to hear from him but now he was begging him to recite his unfinished poem.

"Alright but I am not through with it yet o.

""Fear is here (he said touching his heart)

Fear is out there( he pointed out to empty space).

Fear is every where.

But how abstract is  fear?

Fear one cannot touch.

But fear can give you some touch.

You cannot see it even with a torch.

But it's touch feels like a bunch.

Cannot chase it, don't think you could.

But to fight it, I think you could.

Thinking about it one shouldn't or should?

To prevent it's touch one should get a should.

Ha!ha!ha! Fear is too powerful.

With fear, one cannot be too careful.

It's thought is dreadful.

But all needs to know the needful.

Running is not right.

It is abstract, so we need to fight.

Work to set your mind right.

Read, sing, dance, or even write.

Then fear will be out of your sight.

He finished and paused to look at his brother who was already in tears.

He moved close to him and hugged him.

You will be alright I promise. I will go to the moon to fi d out about this disease and make sure you are better.