
Chapter 38.

The moment Miles got to the house, he found his brother outside.

"Where did you take Angel to, we were worried"

"Calm down big brother, you were busy inside with sister in-law, you guys forgot I could hear you, infact we could hear you, I had to leave with her"

Anna was about to smile but she was distracted by her phone ringing again, she really didn't need this sort of distraction, she had discussed with Andrew and she didn't think leaving him was the ideal thing to do, she was going to stay with him to make sure her marriage works, it wasn't entirely her fault that they ended up messed.

"Well next time brother, take sister in-law else where, especially when Angel is just down stairs else, she would think mummy and Daddy are fighting"

Now Anna couldn't hold herself anymore, she grabbed her daughter who was gigglingas if she knows what her uncle is talking about. 

Anna left the Anderson brothers and went into her room to get some privacy.

Angel rushed to the fish house to play with the fishes, that was her favorite spot in the house.

"We need to talk brother"

Miles said and pulled Andrew by the hand towards the garden. The garden was miles away from the main house and nobody would be able to hear what they were saying even if they tried. They were not close to any wall. So even the walls couldn't hear them.

" Hey man, what is going on?

Miles wanted to ask about his status but he didn't want to be too direct.

"I don't understand what you are asking?

"I mean how is it possible that you contracted HIV?

Now he was being too direct, that wasn't how he had planned to ask but it came out anyway so he waited for his answer.

Andrew was shocked that his brother knew about it already. He couldn't tell how he found out but he was sure he didn't get the information from Anna and it was against the ethics of medical representatives to disclose such an information.

"Who told you that?

"What does it matter who told me, you know I have my way of finding things. Plus I heard you and sister in-law talking about it so I know now that you are suffering from a deadly disease"

"But why are you not scared or worried about staying close to me?

"Are you that dumb? I thought you were a science students. HIV cannot be contracted like that, just by staying close to someone. Was that why you didn't tell us?

Now Andrew was embarrassed, everyone seemed to know so much about this disease and yet he been the carrier knows nothing about it, he hasn't even tried to read up about it or ask questions about it. The only information he has is the one Joseph gave him.

"Well you have to tell mum and Dad. And brother Anthony, Peter and Paul.

"You know I am never going to tell Paul anything.

"But he is going to find out somehow"

"Let him find out I am not talking to Paul no matter what"

"Well, you need to read more about your status. It was discovered three years ago and it is already all over the internet"

"I think I am the only person in this age that doesn't investigate anything or read about anything, I guess I  am just too archaic for this generation"

"Well you can say that again. I  wonder what sister in-law sees in you. She must be suffering big time in this so called relationship.

"I guess she has suffered enough. I won't blame her if she doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

"What do you mean? when just a while ago she was screaming your name.

"Sex doesn't mean anything, you could have sex with anyone but, your heart still decides on what it wants to do"

"Do you think she is planning on leaving?

"Well I think she is kind of distant. She is still yet to tell me where she spent the night"

"Why don't you ask Joseph, he might know something?

Andrew was not expecting his brother to talk about Joseph or even bring him into the picture, he suspected his brother knows more than he was letting on.

"What do you know about Joseph?

Miles laughed seeing the surprised look on his brother's face.

"What do you mean by that question? We all know Joseph is your personal doctor and you seem to have grown to trust him after you guys had that your big fight over that his girlfriend you slept with"

Andrew could not really tell where his brother was going with all he was saying.

"Was he the one that told you about my health Condition?

Miles was quiet for a while, he was contemplating within himself if he should tell his brother how he found out. But looking at his face he decided to play with him some more. It feels good to be in charge. No body takes him serious, they always see him as a boy instead of the man he had become simply because he came into the family last but he refused to be the least.

"Well like I said earlier, I heard about it from you and sister in-law then I went to the hospital to see him but he wouldn't say anything, so I broke into his office and stole your file that was how I found out. Happy now?

Andrew could tell he was lieing but he didn't want to waste more time on it. Now that his brother was aware of what was wrong with him he felt like a burden have been lifted.

He thought of how his life would be after his brothers find out about his health condition. Then he remembered Paul. He and Peter were twins, popularly called the Anderson twin. They were both so wicked but Paul was extremely wicked and he always look for ways to annoy Andrew but still one could tell that he loves his brothers so much yet he had a terrible way of showing it. Miles could sense that he was lost in thought so he asked with his face full of concern..

"How are you really?