
Predator of Star Wars: Hunt(old)

A human from Origin Earth is reincarnated as a Yautja. His new name now is Bido of the Dark Blade Clan. An elite member of the clan. He then finds himself being transmigrated into the star wars universe after a navigation error sent him through a super-massive black hole. ------------------------------ [Also, if you can spare a moment to check out my other novel "Book of Dreams and Nightmares", I'll appreciate it. Hopefully you'll like that novel too. :) ] Hey readers! I started a discord server for my readers. I made it in hopes of eventually having some fan art and community building. Join by copying on the link below! https://discord.gg/kYJwW6AB3C My support page on ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/golddragonmachina Patreon Page https://patreon.com/GoldDragonMachina?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

GoldDragonMachina · Filme
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103 Chs


Now, I am not just going to wait out in the open for them. I jump up to a branch and cloak. The nightsisters arrive some minutes later.

They think they are sneaky jumping through the tree silently. That would be true if they had encountered anyone else. However, I am the sneakiest on this fucked up rock. A nightsister moves past me, only a few feet from me. She doesn't notice me in the least. They surround the place on the ground stained in blood.

One of them goes down to inspect the blood.

"Chirodactyl blood...", the nightsister says to the others.

I say aloud, "Correct...". I use the force to project my voice across the immediate area in a way where it sounds like it is from everywhere.

They all circle up in a defensive formation.

I click my mandibles and laugh. I tease them a little more, "A fair reaction. Not a bad defensive circle too. Although, such a formation means nothing to me."

My cloaking technology is top tier. Pairing that with Force Cloak, I literally walked through their formation unnoticed. I get behind the nightsister that identified the blood. Who I assume to be their leader as they circle around her.

I then stop projecting my voice and speak lowly in her ear, "Boo!..."

She takes a quick swing with a knife behind her in an attempt to hit me. I was already a step away and the knife cleanly missed me. These women are all so serious. It makes me want to be a little silly actually. I haven't wanted to be silly for quite a while. So I'll be silly while I'm in the mood for it.

I go around grabbing their noses and giving a little squeeze and tug. I was laughing aloud all the while in my low growly voice. Which made sound a little bit maniacal, but I was just having harmless fun. Although their pride will be harmed in the process.

Of course, this made them all angry and frustrated. The assumed leader yelled out in indignation, "Stop messing with us! Show yourself if you dare!"

I click and clack and let out a quick chuckle. I say to them, "Oh you want me to show myself? Do you? Well, be careful what you wish for."

I then undo my cloak and Force Cloak as I am standing right in front her. Her eyes go wide as she behold my 9ft tall, bulky, awesomely armored form.

I lean forward and little bit down, "I've shown myself now, nightsister. Your move."

She regains her focus and tries to stab me with her knife. It bounces of my armor. She hand flips back and draws a bowshot. She shoots me and the arrow bolt just dissipates, doing nothing to my armor.

I sigh, "Your weapons are archaic, outdated at best. None of them have been enchanted by your witchcraft either."

All the other nightsister raise their weapons despite them being ineffective.

"Hold on now! I did not come here to fight you girls. Let alone kill any of you. Although I would like to converse with your nightmother.", I say quickly and clearly.

A trail of unsettling green smoke appears on the ground. Leading somewhere.

The assumed leader speaks, "It looks like you'll get your wish off-worlder. Follow us."

They all turn to leave, not bothering to see if I keep up as they move fast. I easily keep up and hop trees next to the assumed leader. I ask her, "May I know your name. As I keep calling you 'Assumed Leader' in my head."

She grumbles, "I am the leader of this group. As for my name?.....fine. My name is Asajj Furia."

My eyes light up in recognition of her name. I probe her through the force. See, the Force is capable of doing a great many things. Such has probing for connections between people. The closer the connection, the easier it is to find it in the Force. Hence, I searched for a special connection. The one between a mother and her child. As I wanted to see if this actually the mother of Ventress rather than just a blood relative.

To my pleasure, the probe was promising. It seemed this Furia indeed has a daughter.

We arrive at the end of the green trail to a building built into a mountain. The abode of the nightsisters in this area no doubt. Before I continue inside, I ask Furia, "Furia, do you perhaps have a daughter?"

Her body goes on guard, "Why do you care?"

"I have a somewhat useful ability to...discern such things. Seeing you tighten up at the mention of your daughter in this way. I suppose she is no longer with us?"

She growls a little, "You can say that. Now shut up and go talk or whatever. It is none of your business."

I leave while muttering out of earshot, "Oh, but it will be. Soon enough too."

I make my way to the nightmother like I know the layout of the place. Not too hard to do when her presence in the Force is deliberately left open for me.

I enter a dimly lit room of candles and am welcomed by a character I recognize.

"Welcome to our humble coven, Predator...", Mother Talzin says to me.

"Thank you for your hospitality Mother Talzin. It is pleasure to make your acquaintance.", I say back.

Mother Talzin grins, "Oh, so you know me. Few off-worlders know of me. Although it is not all that surprising. You are here on the hunt. It would make sense to know about the environment where your prey resides."

I take off my helmet and laugh, "So you have some knowledge of my purpose here. As expected. I would have been disappointed otherwise. The witches of Dathomir have a reputation after all. Do you know what sort of prey I seek here though?"

Mother Talzin smiles, "Yes, you are here for a woman. This is something I can allow, for a price."

I say dangerously, "What sort of price?"

She raises a hand in a calming motion, "Now now, it should not be too hard for you. The price is something you may even enjoy."

I calm down and sit down in one of the nice chairs, "Continue..."

She smiles, "My price is that you help my coven in its time of need one time. I can promise that the help will be violent in nature, and not beyond your abilities to solve."

I know about what she would call me to deal with. Her face gives off the hint that she knows that I know.

I clack my mandibles once and decide to agree. As it should be a fun time. I make a smile with my mandibles, which is a little odd, "I agree to the price. It should be fun. As for my prey. I have her in mind already."

"I know...", Mother Talzin says with a smile of her own.

I put my helmet back on and stand up, "Then I'll get right to it then."

She leads me out of the room, "I will call all the nightsisters to us to make this quicker. Your prey will be among them.

I follow Talzin to a courtyard and the nightsister of the coven start to fill it up.

We stop in front of them all and Talzin speaks to them with me beside her.

"I have called you all here because of our guest. the infamous bounty hunter, Predator. He came here for a reason. A reason I knew. So for a price, I would make it easier for him to...hunt, he hm. He came to get himself a woman. A strong one. I can only say that he was right to come here to seek one. I like to think that among the woman of the galaxy, we are the strongest."

The last line was met with agreement. Talzin continues,

"Predator is also among the strongest. I will be shy and say that he stronger than everyone person in the coven. Even me, as I would only be able to escape him at most, if even that. Which is why I am willing to be considerate of him. Was he a weaker man, we would not have gotten to this point. What's more, he has already chosen."

Talzin then beckons me to voice my choice. I say clearly, "I have come to Dathomir for a woman. That is true. I even sort of knew who I wanted before I landed on this world. I have chosen..."

" Asajj Furia..."


Get fucking cliffhangered, lol. The Dark Side flows through me today. A price must be paid for a longer chapter after all, hahahahahahahhhaaa.....


Anyways, thanks for reading. I'll probably get the next chap up within 3 days.


also, Asajj Furia is a semi-original character. Couldn't find the name of Ventress's mother anywhere.

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