The fight between truth and ideals, a confrontation that continues through the ages and which never seems to have an end. This story tries to capture the essence of Unova, what each character represents and what was one of the best if not the best Pokémon story. -Pokémon and the image do not belong to me, and I only try to interpret the characters through this fanfic. -Any advice to improve is welcome. -The story is inspired by the game and not the anime. -There will be small changes, but I will be as faithful to the story as possible. -The names of some characters change depending on the language, so I will name them as I know them. -At the start the writing is quite simple, but I improve my writing in every chapter, so don't worry :P.
[P.O.V Touya]
My name is Touya I am 4 years old and the other children say that I am weird.
My mommy left me in the kindergarten just like every morning and as always I sat alone while I watched the pokémon play.
My mommy says that I am unique, this because I can always understand people just by looking at them for a few seconds.
She always says to don't use it to hurt others, so I promised never to.
My mommy doesn't like lies, she always tells the truth and she is very affectionate with me.
I've never seen my dad, but mommy always says that he's a businessman and that he always cares about us.
I'm not as energetic as other children and their conversations bore me, but one day I met those who would be my first friends.
One of them is named Cheren and next to him, a girl named Bel.
They remind me of my mommy, they are quite sincere and when I saw them I knew they would be my best friends.
Cheren is a bit difficult to deal with, he is very upright and responsible, but he is always sincere and cares about others.
Bel is lively and always clueless, but also sincere and a great friend.
We always go everywhere together and have many adventures, although Cheren always worries too much and Bel worries too little.
They are completely opposite of each other, but still they always get along, although I always have to take a side every time they argue to make a decision.
Besides, they are my neighbors, so we are together most of the time.
Bel's parents are very nice, but her dad is sometimes very protective with Bel.
Cheren's parents are just like him, and his mother has a serious look that scares me a bit, but just like Cheren, I can see that she is very kind and sincere.
Also near my house lives a young lady who just graduated and is now known as Professor Encina.
I love my mommy and my friends very much, and I always get along well with pokémon, even though I can't understand them as well as people.
Whenever I am with them I feel happy and my expressions and energy appear instantly, but when I am alone I always have an indifferent expression on my face.
My mommy says that my dad has that same expression all the time, only unlike me his expression is harder to change.
And this is me, always living with the truth.
[P.O.V N]
My name is N, or that's how my pokémon friends call me.
I am 6 years old and I never met my parents, but my pokémon friends have always been with me and they have taught me many things.
I have a peculiarity and that is that I can understand pokémon just by looking at them for a few seconds.
That helps me to communicate with them and thus never feel alone.
My best friend is a very naughty and friendly little Zorua.
He always accompanies me and helps me find food in the forest where I live.
I always have a calm smile on my face and it is very difficult for me to change my expression.
One of the few times it changed was when I met a man who claimed to be my father.
His name is Ghechis and he has the same hair color as me, so it must be true.
He has great charisma and he made me like him in the first few seconds of seeing him.
The weird thing is that my pokémon friends seem scared of him, which I don't understand.
I'm not that good at understanding people unlike pokémon, but he doesn't seem like a bad man.
Still, I trusted my friends and I was always careful with him.
He said that I was the chosen one, that I would lead us to a better world where all pokémon would be happy and free.
He explained to me about pokeballs, those things that trap pokémon against their will.
He also told me about pokemon battles, where they force them to fight each other just to entertain others.
He filled me with gifts and attention, but my pokémon friends never completely trusted him, so I neither did it.
Still I want to help him free all pokémon and have a world where pokémon are happy and free.
He said that after teaching me many things and being 18 years old I will be ready for the coronation in which I will become the leader of the team Plasma.
A team with a single goal, free the pokémon and make a better world for them at any cost.
Zorua and my pokémon friends support me, so I can't fail them.
And this is me, always living with an ideal.