
Gym of Castella City: Part 1

After that little scene Camus went to his gym, but not before saying that he will wait for Touya's challenge.

"Are you family or something?" Iris asked curiously.

"No, but she's the closest to a sister I'm ever going to have" Touya said with a smile.

"Yay, come here bro!" Bel said happily trying to hug Touya.

"Nope, hug time is canceled, I had enough sentimentality" said Touya as he pushed Bel away with his hands.

"Ahhhh" Bel said in a low tone.

"Now what will you do Bel?" Touya asked curiously.

"There is still a lot to explore in the city!" Bel said excitedly.

"And I'll be your bodyguard!" Iris said confidently.

"Lets go at once!" Iris said taking Bel by the hand.

"B-but" Bel said to then be dragged away by Iris.

Touya could only look at the scene with a nervous smile and then go to the gym.

Upon entering the first thing he found was a presenter just like the previous one.

"Welcome to the gym of Castella city challenger" said the presenter in a professional tone.

"I imagine your name is Conse, is there something I should know about this gym?" Touya said with a smile.

"You are right challenger, in this gym you can go through walls, it also specializes in the bug type" Conse said with an explanatory tone.

"In case you're wondering, the walls are made of honey and you can walk through them if you try a little bit" Conse said calmly.

"If you can't get through it's because you need to push a button on the ground" Conse said with a warning tone.

"Isn't it unpleasant to go through honey?" Touya asked reluctantly.

"That's right, it's very unpleasant, that's the real challenge" Conse said excitedly.

Touya could only start walking with a gloomy aura around him.

After a few steps he came across a yellow wall giving off a sweet smell.

Touya touched the wall with his finger and saw how it sank a little.

"Well, what does it matter?" Touya said with a shrug and then walked through the wall.

Coming out the other side Touya had a strange look on his face.

"It's like being born again, it's disgusting and disturbing" Touya said having a chill.

"Besides, I smell like honey now" Touya said as he smelled his arm.

Curiously, the honey has the necessary consistency to not stick to clothes, so apart from the smell there is nothing different.

Touya pushed a button on the ground and then walked around a bit and met a man dressed as a clown.

"Welcome to your first fight, in this gym the battles are as beautiful as art, get ready for battle!" said the juggler with emotion and passion.

"Come out Sewaddle!" said the juggler thrown a pokeball still passionate.

"Come out Darumaka" Touya said pulling Darumaka out.

"Darum Darumaka!" Darumaka said excitedly.

They both got into fighting stance and...

"Darumaka use work up" Touya said quickly.

"Sewaddle use string shot!" said the juggler with passion.

Darumaka used work up to enhance his attack and then be enveloped by Sewaddle's silk.

"Sewaddle use razor leaf!" -juggler.

"Darumaka use incinerate and burn everything" Touya said seriously.

Darumaka burned both the silk and the approaching leaves, freeing himself completely.

"Use tackle" Touya said quickly.

"Sewaddle dodge it and use razor leaf!" -juggler.

When Darumaka was close enough Touya said.

"Use incinerate and then fire fang" Touya said seriously.

Darumaka used incinerate which was dodged by Sewaddle and then hit him with fire fang and defeated him.

"Well done friend" Touya said with a smile.

"Don't worry Sewaddle losing is an art too!" said the juggler still passionate.

"Come out Venipede!" said the juggler throwing another pokeball.

"Darumaka use taunt" -Touya.

Darumaka mocked Venipede making him upset and unable to think with complete clarity.

"Venipede use rollout!" -juggler.

Venipede curled up in a ball and then approached very quickly to Darumaka.

"Darumaka use incinerate while dodging" Touya said quickly.

Darumaka used incinerate which could not stop Venipede, but made it easier to dodge and finally defeat him.

"Good job" Touya said raising his thumb.

"Daru Darumaka!" Darumaka said happily.

"Good job challenger, push that button and you will have your next battle, that's art too!" said the juggler still with passion.

'How much energy' Touya thought with a nervous smile.

Touya pushed the button and then went through another wall and found another button.

When he pressed it, another juggler suddenly appeared emerging from the ground.

Touya didn't seem too affected by the sudden appearance of him only slightly surprised.

"How strange, the trainers are always scared by that" said the juggler surprised and confused.

"Let's say I already have experience" Touya said with a tired smile.

After beating several trainers, pressing various buttons, and going through several walls, Touya reached the gym leader, who was in a rather extravagant area.

"Congratulations, you managed to pass all the tests to get to me, but will you be able to understand and overcome my art?, That is what we will put to the test" said Camus with confidence and calm.

"Go!" Touya said excitedly.

"Go ahead young aspirant!" Camus said excitedly as well.