2021-08-12 01:53

This fanfic is recommended for you people who want read a not SI or Reincarnation MC, with cheat of potential System. The story more focused in the story telling part. However the pokemon battle part I find it less exciting than other pokemon Fanfic I read so far. Then the process of training and adventure the MC not shown that i found little disappointing. And the Writer seem write this story with base universe of the game one. The story itself fast pacing with how the MC aqquire 5-6 badge under one month. Enough my rambling. Overall this story is good writen and deserve a good review. P.s: Forgive me of there miss typing, English not my mother language nor it my second language

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It's nice to have this kind of reviews, and yes you are right, I'm not so good at writing action scenes :P, but I think I improved a lot since I started, overall with the battle with Junco. And about the training, I always found it weird in the histories it's just 'go and run a lot and you will be faster in a fight' so I didn't do it, but if you pay attention, the lessons of the gym leaders have a huge impact in the strength of Touya and others, for example Bel, she shows the lessons of four gym leaders, Camus, Camila, Aloe, Gerania, and I think it's also good, after all this fanfic is a history about understanding the points of view. P.D: you are always welcome to give your opinion or critics, of course always with respect a politely, it's quite exciting to know that people like my history!

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