
A Psychic Prodigy

The Psychic energy repelled the supersonic onto Cet.

'Argh! What is that move?' I screamed inwardly and waved Cet to move back.

'What to do, even with the buffs Cet has to be stationary for Gust and another Brave Bird in this Cet will exhaust him too much, just for the Munna to recover its health again IF it hits,' I thought as Munna once again shined as Cet retreated.

Cursing the moon for giving its light to the Psychic Pokemon, I ordered.

"Poison Sting, don't stop."

Cet began firing Posion stings as the Munna got a psychic coat around it, reflecting the stings but never reaching Cet as he was actively moving away.

I pitted Cet's Poison Sting mastery against the Munna's whatever armor move's mastery.

I was hoping it would drop the coat before Cet became unable to keep up the continuous barrage of his poison stings.

A couple of seconds passed before the Munna dropped the coat around it, taking the brunt of stings before erecting it again.

"Rest, Cet" I called out making him take huge mouthfuls of air.

As the Munna dropped its coat of Psychic energy following Cet, Cet began his barrage again.

'Why is she passive and just taking the hits?' I thought and looked at Celia, to see her smirking at me again.

"Celia, please stop smirking, you are going to give me nightmares," I shouted at her semi-seriously.

Celia just giggled at me, making me curse my stupidity at pranking her.

She was thrashing me onto inch of my life.

The Munna once again dropped the coat around it, taking some hits and Cet stopped too unable to keep firing.

But as Cet began firing again, the Munna glowed white, like a second moon touching the ground.

Cet kept on firing until it stopped glowing and as he took a break, purple bubbles rose from the Munna, making me cheer.

I looked at Celia to see a confident smile on her face.

'At least she is not smirking,' I thought before suddenly a second set of purple bubbles got emitted away from the Munna, making me confused.

'Cet,' I nearly screamed out on seeing him poisoned.

'How! Why!' my thoughts scrambled searching for an answer but got cut off as the Munna glowed once again.

"Brave Bird, everything into it Cet," I whispered gravely.

Cet crashed into the Psychic Pokemon and weakly took to the skies, but not for long as he fell onto the ground as recoil and poison damage set in.

The Munna looked like it was also close to getting knocked out before a white glow covered it, making it energetic again.

Cet once again glowed purple and the barrier that accompanies an awakened broke and his eyes got swirly.

I ran into the battlefield and sprayed him with a potion, crouching.

Cet stirred at cooed at me sadly, most likely sad about his defeat.

'His first battle after awakening and he lost, hope it doesn't get him too down,' I thought and took out a treat.

On seeing the treat Cet jumped onto me, swallowing the treat along with my hand.

I took my hand off his mouth as he swallowed his treat and happily started licking my face.

'I can't believe I thought the white knight MC would feel bad after one defeat,' I laughed, petting him.

"You did great buddy, how about some, rest?" I asked him, showing him his luxury ball.

He jumped onto the ball and got recalled voluntarily.

'That's a first,' I thought getting up and dusting my pants.

I knew I would taste defeat in my journey, but I didn't think I would taste it this early into my journey, though.

I shook my head and clapped my cheeks shaking off the creeping sadness.

'At least my loss isn't attributed to any stupid mistakes,' I thought pointedly looking at the bright side, ignoring the dull sense of loss.

Celia also recalled her Pokemon and was whispering something to it when I reached her.

On seeing me she attached her Pokeball to the belt and rested her hands on her hips, smiling proudly.

"You wanted to battle immediately because that recovery move depends on the moon," I said with a strained smile, understanding her trick.

"Yes!" she answered cheekily.

"How did Cet get poisoned?" I asked one of my many burning questions about the mind-numbing match.

"My Munna has a Synchronise Ability, whatever the status condition it gets from the opponent will get shared with her opponent," she said in a singalong voice.

'The contrast between her personality before and after is too much,' I thought shaking my head and continuing my questioning.

"What moves did you teach it?" I asked curiously as the Pokemon perfectly countered Cet.

"Substitute and Calm mind," she said her grin slowly fading.

"Well congratulations on your win," I said holding out my hand, already accepting my loss.

I suppressed my excuses like 'You caught me off guard with your Pokemon' and ' Next time I will win as your element of surprise ran out' and instead of whining, I shook her hand firmly.

I grimaced as she didn't receive any major winnings as I didn't have much in my account and I only allocated half of my meagre savings for the match's winnings.

'She accepted even though her Pokedex showed her the bet amount,' I thought shaking my guilt at my nearly consequence-free defeat.

"You fought very valiantly," she said mistaking my grimace for something else.

"Can I ask why you were hiding your personality?" I asked.

"It's nothing," she shyly mumbled.

"Come now, that was Cet's first match after awakening and he lost. At least let him feel better by solving a mystery," I said not all feeling bad about taking advantage of Cet's nonexistent sadness.

"Fine! I don't have many friends as I spend most of my time with my parents and my teacher," she said before started walking.

"And like my teacher, Sabrina, I was also born as a talented psychic. And as a result of it, I get to hear thoughts of everyone outside elders of my clan, making it difficult for me to be near anyone of my age," she said covertly glancing at me while walking.

'I knew it,' I exclaimed in my mind, I thought of telepathy when she stopped giving her commands aloud. But it looked too farfetched when simple training could have achieved the same results. 

"It is always noisy," she said showing her talent by levitating off the ground.

I clapped at that, barely coming out of shock at seeing a human levitate.

She blushed and resumed her walking, cancelling her levitation.

"So, I just try to mimic my teacher when I am in social settings." She said stopping in front of a cabin.

"You were not able to defeat Gon with Munna?" I asked, still reeling from her earlier display, as both Pokemon have nearly the same battle style and I can see Celia using that Psychic coat move to deflect every attack of Gastly.

"I only got Munna after you left the Celadon, my teacher gifted her to me. She is one of her Pokemon's offspring."

"Really? What's her egg move?" I asked suddenly, curious.

"Healing Wish," she said drawing on the ground with her toe.

"Oh! A support move," I said.

She nodded.

"Does Gon know you are acting like your teacher?" I asked and regretted it after, I didn't know why I still wanted the answer though.

"No, we just battled one time and I see him in the Celadon's Pokemon Centre battlefields whenever I come to visit my grandparents," she said laughing.

"Huh! Then why did you give his details to me personally," I asked seeing that something was missing.

She blushed and spoke.

"It was just that I couldn't hear your thoughts, when Gon challenged you. I wanted to see if I could hear them if I am near you."

"And I gave you the packages to see if I can hear your thoughts if there is a sudden flux in your emotions."

"Both tries failed, though," she said not meeting my eye. 

"Really, you couldn't hear my thoughts," I asked very intrigued, ignoring her reasons for gifting luxury meals to me.

"Yes, my teachers say some people's minds are disciplined like that. If you want, I can ask her to look into you," she said, crashing my budding hopes of having power after transmigrating.

"No! I don't think so." I said on instinct but still clung to the hope that I got some type of cheat.

"I changed my mind, let me think about it," I said after a moment, not wanting to close the door without more consideration.

"Sure," she said giving me a weird look for my earlier outburst.

"Who did you say your teacher was?"

"Sabrina Reich, Gym leader of Saffron City," she said with proudness in her voice.

"Oh!" I said shocked.

 "Don't worry she is very sweet, once you get to know her," she said waving off my surprise.

"Now, this is your cabin. Why don't you freshen up and come for dinner? It will be served in the middle of the camp. Just walk towards that direction." She said, pointing towards the lake.

"Free food! Awesome. I guess I will see you there," I said before entering my cabin, tossing the Psychic Gym leader to the back of my mind.

I walked towards the lake after freshening up, observing the trainers and Pokemon along the way.

A Meditite and its trainer caught my eye as both were sparring with each other, making me think of a certain Farfetch.

I stopped to observe their spar.

'God Damn!' I thought as they moved with fierce accuracy and momentum, like the leads in a martial arts movie.

The trainer took advantage of the Meditite's lapse in footwork and swept it off its legs, ending the spar.

I clapped, making them notice me.

"Marvelous, I couldn't even follow your footwork," I said to the trainer.

"And of course, the Meditite was good too," I said making the blue Pokemon nod its head at me.

"I am Leon, you can call me Leo," I said holding out my hand.

"Mike, I learned martial arts from the day I could walk, if I can't even do this much, my father will whoop my ass," he said shaking my hand, grinning.


A/N: For readers who caught onto the mistake that Poison-type Pokemon can't get poisoned.

Here is another ending to the battle.

The Munna started using bursts of psychic power to repel the stings, making me stop Cet from continuing his barrage.

'Hrgh! I can't even drag this battle. I had Cet buff himself twice, hoping to confuse by using supersonic and the plan backfired tremendously.'

"Sandscreen and one more agility, Cet, it's time for our special move," I shamelessly bluffed.

"Use the cover for Brave Bird," I whispered cursing the move psybeam as Cet won't be able to use Mega Drain or Astonish, as both slow him down, making him an easy mark for the Munna.

The Munna floated high into the air and cleared the Dust around it with two bursts of Psychic energy.

Cet crashed into the Psychic Pokemon, tossing it back and took to the skies weakly as recoil damage set in.

But not for long as he fell onto the ground as the Munna sent a burst of Psychic energy at the recoiling Cet, knocking him to the ground.

The Munna looked like it was also close to getting knocked out before a white glow covered it, making it energetic again.

Cet glowed purple and the barrier that accompanies an awakened broke and his eyes got swirly.


I caught onto the fact that Posion Pokemon can't be poisoned when I was doing my regular check before releasing chapters.

And I Liked the Poisoned ending more, so I just added another ending at the end of the chapter.

Should I change the chapter to have only one type of ending though? IF yes which one?  

soul_wordscreators' thoughts