
Pokemon: Alex's New Life

This book will be updated 3 times a week, If you want to get chapters ahead or support me, Please head over to patreon.com/izana07

Izana07 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Viridian City

The air was thick and billowing as Alex continued his walk through Route 1 with Pidgey and Geodude at his side.

"I need to capture more Pokemon," Alex sighed under his breath.

His future team depended on it and even though Alex didn't have an official trainer license which meant he couldn't enter Viridian forest- Alex was planning to go in anyway to capture some good mons once his had gotten stronger.

'Apparently Metapod grows stronger by being bathed by the sun's rays,' Alex thought.

And the sun's effects were very strong in the sub space, that's why Metapod had jumped to LV. 8 so quickly.

Geodude had been quick to subdue and Alex was happy about that, now he had a fully fledged rock Pokemon on his team and the Pokemon on Route 1 were easy.

[Species: Geodude]

[Level: 5]

[Ability: Sturdy]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Tackle, Harden, Rock Throw]

The fact that Geodude didn't need berries made it a relatively easier Pokemon to train- but Alex was soon faced with a hard choice.

Geodude ate rocks to sustain itself, Did he have any rocks to give Geodude? No…

Even if there were excessive pebbles in Route 1, Geodude wouldn't get satisfied with them and then Alex learned that there was a specific kind of rock Geodude ate that would help with not only it's growth but make sure it is satisfied but the closest vendor was in Viridian city-

Which was why Alex settled to reach Viridian city a lot faster, he had been playing around and training but right now, he had an actual reason to head to Viridian city quickly and he would combat every single Pokemon that stood in his way.

"Use Tackle!" Alex ordered and Geodude tackled the enemy Rattata, the Pokemon slamming into the ground.

Rattata stood back up and used Tackle as well only for it to bounce off Geodude without doing any significant damage at all.

"Punch it!" Alex cried out and Geodude reared it's fist back, gathering energy for the imminent strike.

Geodude punched Rattata straight across the face and it connected, pain inflaming on Rattata's cheeks as it got flung through the air and into a tree.

"Finish it up with Rock Throw!" Alex finished and Geodude smashed it's fists into the ground, by doing this action, it was able to locate any rock in the surrounding.

Geodude quickly picked up a pebble and tossed it in the direction of Rattata, but if it was simply about throwing a rock, it wouldn't be a move-

A crimson aura burst to life around the rock and Rattata's eyes widened in surprise as it moved to dodge the attack.

The rock smashed against the tree and it rattled, showing the full power of the Rock Pokemon.

But Rattata hadn't escaped it yet, Pidgey was already into it, encasing it within a gust.

"Once more!" Alex ordered.

Geodude picked up another pebble and a crimson energy burst to life around it before throwing it forward.

The attack connected and propelled Rattata into the air once again- only for it to crash some meters away slumped.

Alex's Appraisal showed that Geodude had gone up by one level.

'That's what happens when you mess with a rock Pokemon in route 1,' Alex thought.

Rock Pokemon were durable kinds of Pokemon but they got old really quick, By the time he reached Cerulean city- Rock Pokemon would have far been outclassed.

"That is if Geodude can't become a Golem," Alex said.

Golem wasn't actually discovered in Gen (1) games but later along the line- if it was compared with the Ash timeline, Alex could only deduce that someone discovered Golem.

'Well if it isn't out now, I'll make sure it is by the time I set out on my Journey,' Alex thought as he quickly refused the thought of catching a Rattata.


"Ah, finally here," Alex muttered under his breath with his Pokemon beside him.

They had finally arrived at the outskirts of Viridian city and there was nothing but little shrubbery and some wild Pokemon.

"I am near Viridian city," Alex said, not only would he be able to purchase the certain Geodude rocks but he would also be able to sell his Berries to a different vendor.

Alex looked at the sky as he returned his Geodude and started walking with Pidgey on his shoulder- one could never be too cautious when walking in uncharted territory.

Not only was Viridian city as huge as fuck, it was also the largest city in the entire Kanto region- surpassing the size of Saffron in a heartbeat.

And it had an official airport which connected to the other regions too, but getting a VISA was a really hard thing to do, just like in Alex's past.

"And not to mention the official Indigo league stadium," Alex said with a dreamy look in his eyes, "One day I will stand there,"

Alex had already made up his mind to participate in the upcoming Indigo league- with his knowledge, he was sure in securing a high position.

But after seeing Sabrina against Chuck and the gravity of real tensed Pokemon battles, he felt only knowledge would not suffice in his pursuit of strength- he needed to go even further beyond… ascend into the realms of legends themselves and become a true Pokemon Lege-

"Hold it right there," A stern voice interrupted his thoughts as Alex looked up to see a blue haired woman.

She had gorgeous blue hair and wore the Kanto police uniform but Alex couldn't get his eyes off her's, they were really something else… it was almost like he could see his reflection in them.

'So this is what it means to see a Jenny up close and personal,' Alex thought.

"Yes mam?" Alex asked as he stared at her tight fitting uniform, it was just meters away from him.

"You need verification to enter Viridian city," Jenny replied and Alex shrugged.

"Does a Pokédex ID work?" Alex asked and Jenny nodded.

"Your ID must not have any bad criminal records on it," Jenny said, "We're doing this for the safety of the citizens,"

"Sure," Alex said and opened his ID for her to see, "So can I get your number?"


Author's Note:

🙂 He's growing slowly.

If you want to access chapters ahead or support me, please head over to Patreon.com/izana07… I'd appreciate it.