
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 26 - Versus Borsalino, Part 2


Borsalino and Victor both disappeared, moving at incredible speeds, and yet the people watching up at the wall had not much of a problem tracking their movements. Only the man wearing red open shirt had difficulties.

Victor, who now had pure energy supporting his senses was able to keep track of Borsalino's fast movements.

He came at fast speed, his sword swung from the side, while Victor countered with his dagger, Haki imbued.


They retracted and again came from the right; Victor countered the same.


*Clanggg* *Clanggg* *Clanggg* *Clanggg*

Sparks flew, dust scattered. Their speed was so fast that any normal person could see only a yellow flash flickering at different places randomly, everywhere at the training ground.


The dagger and the sword clashed; Victor used one hand while Borsalino had to use both hands to match the momentum.


Victor blocked the sword slamming down using his right hand, while the left hand turned black, followed by a layer of transparent golden glow over it.

Seeing the free hand moving, Borsalino immediately decided to get away.

His body turned golden, at the same time Victor unleashed the punch.

Borsalino avoided, albeit barely. However, the next moment, *Boooom*, he showed a confused expression. He was sure he had dodged, but he clearly felt it, a lot of pain.

He got blasted the second time toward the training ground wall, and *Boom*, crashed yet again.

He was fast, coupled with the advantage of Glint-Glint Fruit, but his physical fitness was weak.

"That was… emission…" It was Garp who spoke. He had a shocked expression, along with the other four beside him.

To burst Armament Haki out from a part of their body, it would take talent, and a lot of grinding. And coupled with all of that, only a very, very few could practice it.

"Zephyr, where did you find this monster...?" Garp asked.

A cross-popping vein appeared on his forehead, "He's not a monster... He is my nephew," responded Zephyr, with annoyance clearly visible on his face.

Zephyr truly thought of Von Doom as his brother, so consequently, he had now decided to address Victor as his nephew.

Garp, Sengoku and Tsuru all turned their heads… Zephyr's tone, although annoyed, it sounded proud and happy. Something that had disappeared from their friend since the day his family suffered the tragic fate.

And to see this 'spark' from their long-term colleague, of course they were shocked. And at the same time, they were all genuinely happy for him.

Zephyr, being the experienced veteran himself, immediately noticed the mixed emotions behind their shocked faces. He spoke quickly, "Just shut up and watch," once again bringing everyone's focus to the battle.

Not long after, with another, *Booom*, the debris blasted out. A more bruised Borsalino appeared once again, three meters from victor.

"How did you do it?" Borsalino asked directly.

"Oh... want to know? Victor teased.

Borsalino had always believed speed was everything. If he was faster, then it doesn't matter the gap in strength. His enemies would have to catch him fist to beat him.

But today he met an opponent, this bastard, who was amazingly keeping up with his speed, with his Glint-Glint Fruit, and without any Devil-Fruit power.

He was pissed. Annoyed.

He was lazy, but not someone who'd give up easily. Ignoring Victor's taunt, he moved once again.

Faster than any normal eye could see, he rushed, looking for an opening.

He understood now, the disadvantage of engaging in a melee. He could use one hand to wield the sword, at the same time blizzard him with laser beams with the other, however, Victor's physical strength was too strong. Much, much stronger than him.


He refused to get buried into the wall for a third time.

Victor stood in the middle; his iris moved, following the laser like beam's every trajectory.

[317 meters per second, sir.] Jaya's voice rang inside his head.

A corner of his mouth turned up into a confident smile. "Speed of light my ass…"

At the same time, the gleam in Borsalino's eyes also brightened.

Borsalino stopped moving before taking a few meters distance, blinking himself into the air 30 meters above Victor. He now had a mocking smile, to which, Victor only raise a brow.

"Let's see you fare against this." Borsalino spoke before crossing his arms in front.

*Yasakani no Magatama*

*Peww* *Peww* *Peww*

A torrent of deadly light particles shot fast towards Victor in the blink of an eye, while causing extreme damage to the training ground, and more to the surrounding walls. If a normal person were to get hit, they would instantly be penetrated or explode.

Yet, Victors indifferent expression remained the same. He imbued Haki to his dagger, and then *Whamm* *Whamm* *Whamm*, deflected every beam that came at him, making Borsalino more and more irritated.

"Damn persistent bastard…" Borsalino growled.

He blinked to the ground, fired two beams, and blinked again to another area, firing two more. Consequently, in a fraction of a second, he had blinked to multiple locations shooting laser beams at Victor who stood at the center.

Victor kept deflecting, however, even for him it was difficult to keep track of it all.

Eventually, *Booom*, *Peww* *Peww* *Peww*, *Booom*, *Peww* *Peww* *Peww*, one or two hit, while others got deflected.

Victor tsked, "Packed quiet the power." He spoke.

He had his hands full, one with the dagger deflecting, while the other blocking beams that broke through. His face spoke the pain every time it hit.

Even with Armament hardening, it couldn't all be neglected.

Borsalino continued the bombardment for nearly a minute, while simultaneously, a lot of them were deflected randomly, to all sides before blasting the walls.

Sengoku who was tasked with protecting the walls from the aftermath had long stopped, after all, it was simply impossible to be two places at the same time.

The six onlookers were all engrossed in the battle. Even Kong had his eyes fixed down.

"This Borsalino kid is quit something… Each of those beams must pack more power than a cannon ball." Tsuru broke the silence.

"True, but Zephyr, your nephew… It's… Incredible. His Observation Haki may not be at the advanced level, but his Armament is absolutely monstrous.

He's tanking them like training bullets." Sengoku added in, before his head turned to the direction where the man wearing red, open shirt stood.

"Sakazuki, what do you think about this battle?" He asked.

The man, now named Sakazuki, glanced Sengoku's direction before quickly returning to the training ground. Looking at Sakazuki's face, one could not tell whether he was excited, happy or angry. "Strong…," was all he said.

Back on the training ground, Borsalino's gatling had come to an end. The thick concrete walls were now broken from all sides, even the many reinforced metal bars were damaged. Debris of dust and rocks smoked the entire ground, with the center being the thickest, spreading out wards to the surrounding. The dense smoke had long swallowed Victor from people's sight.

While momentarily staying afloat, Borsalino's mouth turned a half-cocked smile, before blinking back to the ground.

Arriving near below the wall where his superiors stood watch, he spoke confidently, "speed is everything…!"

He firmly believed there was no way Victor could survive his previous onslaught. At least, would not be in good shape after that.

At the same time, he was tired. Very, very tired. The constant use of light attacks had near completely drained his stamina. After all, this is not the Admiral level Borsalino from decades later.

Now back to the lazy indifferent expression, he raised head to the direction of Kong and others. However, he noticed their gaze not on him, but to the center of the training ground.

Confused, he likewise followed their sight.

However suddenly, a sense of danger arose that made his hair stand on end, and at that same instant, "it's not very good to be distracted in the middle of a fight," a whisper came from his right.

With all his might, he moved, or he tried to. He didn't even look at where the sound came, rather, immediately tried to move the opposite direction.

However, before that, a sense of great pain came from his abdomen, evidently caused by a foot that was now buried knuckle-deep in his gut.

Just before his body blasted like a rocket, he saw the culprit Victor, now in a jump side kick posture.

*Swoooooshh*, Borsalino was blasted flying, followed by yet another *Boooooommm*. He crashed the third time, before stopping halfway buried inside the thick wall.

A *sigh* escaped the mouths of all five people, while Sakazuki clenched his fists tightly.

"Where am…"

"Sure enough… it's not that easy to knock out a future admiral level powerhouse." Victor thought, hearing the barely conscious Borsalino mumble.

"Give up!" He said, the dagger pinned to Borsalino's throat.

Borsalino opened his eyes with difficulty. His clothes were all tattered. He had a bloody nose, and a swollen face which was full of pain. He wanted to refute.


After a moment, "Really terrifying fellow…" It went back to the lazy, indifferent, extremely annoying expression. He had his hands raised, seemingly with extreme difficulty, showing a posture of surrender.