
A Twist of Fate in the Mortuary

The hospital mortuary had 25 dead bodies, and many of them were affected by the explosion. Jorge's co-workers helped transfer the bodies to another mortuary. Among them was Mary Whey, a 37-year-old embalmer who had been working at the hospital for 17 years. Mary became curious about Jorge when she heard about the strong explosion and how he emerged unscathed.

"Jorge, are you okay? The guard told us that you were there during the explosion," Mary asked.

Jorge felt nervous but still answered Mary's question. "Yeah, I got lucky. I didn't get injured in the explosion."

"That's really miraculous. Almost all the dead bodies were damaged, some even burned. And yet, you were in the enclosed area and came out unharmed. Very lucky," Mary replied, her suspicion growing.

"What do you mean, Mary? I'm still here, right? It doesn't matter; I was just fortunate to survive," Jorge responded defensively.

Mary thought for a moment and then replied with an amazed expression, "I guess you were lucky. Good for you. It's almost like someone is watching over you."

While the embalmers were busy transferring the dead bodies, Jorge slowly opened the mortuary cabinet where Arturo's body was located. He observed that all the embalmers were occupied with their tasks.

Jorge grabbed Arturo's body and noticed a suspicious aroma emanating from it. He couldn't resist thinking about taking the body home for examination.

"Hey, my friend, do you smell this unusual scent coming from Arturo's body?" Jorge asked himself.

"Yeah, this smell is unusual. Hmm, why don't you bring him to your house, Jorge?" Jorge answered himself, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Of course, I want to examine his body. It's like a little adventure for me," Jorge said with a smile.

"My friend, why don't you possess him? When you have the chance, I can help you electrify his body to warm it up," Jorge continued talking to himself.

"I can't. I don't know why! That's why I want you to grab him for me. I want to examine his body," Jorge replied.

"Okay, got it. But first, I want to taste his warmed body," Jorge said, succumbing to his dark curiosity.

Jorge took a piece of Arturo's cracked skin and ate it. As he consumed the skin, he felt a burning sensation inside his mouth, as if he had eaten a piece of hot charcoal. His throat became dry, and he sensed that Arturo's body was somehow protected by someone or something.

"Oh, shit! My mouth is burning," Jorge exclaimed in pain.

"Just spit out the skin you ate," Jorge answered himself.

Jorge spat out the skin, realizing that he had suffered third-degree burns in his mouth.

"Hey, Jorge, bag the body now!" Jorge replied to himself.

Jorge grabbed a body bag and placed Arturo's body inside it. Carrying the body felt surprisingly easy, as if he were carrying a mere piece of paper, thanks to his newfound strength.

Jorge put the body bag in the stroller to drag it, while dragging he saw a doctor named smith.

"Hey, Jorge, what's in that bag you're carrying?" one of the doctors asked.

"We're transferring the body to the upper side of the hospital, to the larger mortuary," Jorge replied.

"I heard there was an explosion in the mortuary. What happened?" the doctor inquired.

"They said it was a faulty wire that caused the explosion," Jorge answered.

"Oh, that's dangerous. You're lucky, man," the doctor remarked.

"Yeah, they said so," Jorge replied.

An emergency alarm for critically ill patients suddenly rang, and an announcement followed.

"Doctor Smith!"

"Doctor Smith, you're needed in the ER."

The doctor and Jorge were in the midst of a conversation when the alarm interrupted them.

"They are calling me , Jorge, see yeah" the doctor replied.

The doctors and nurses hurriedly ran towards the ER. As they attended to their duties, Jorge carefully draggingthe dead bodies, ensuring no cameras or people were around. He then placed the body bag in the back of his car.

While Jorge was putting the body bag in the back of his car, he heard a voice coming from the bag.

"Ahh! Where am I? I can't breathe! Help!" a faint voice came from the body bag.

Jorge was shocked when he saw the body bag moving and heard sounds coming from it.

"What is happening? I thought that boy was dead!" Jorge mumbled.

Suddenly, there was a kick from inside the back of his car.

"Let me out of here! I can't breathe! Someone!" Arturo shouted.

Jorge panicked and spoke towards Arturo.

"Hey, man, don't talk. The guard will find you and you'll get arrested. I am here to help you!" Jorge whispered.

While Jorge whispered to the back of his car, an old guard passing by, drinking coffee, saw Jorge and called out to him. Jorge panicked when the guard called him.

"Hey, Jorge! What's up? Are you in for tonight?" the guard said.

"Hmm, I don't know, man. My wife will yell at me again if I go to the casino," Jorge answered.

"Come on, man. I have a feeling this is the time. My gut tells me we're going to win this time," the guard replied.

"I'll find a way, man," Jorge said.

While they were talking, Jorge's car started making loud noises. The car was shaking uncontrollably. It was as if the car was possessed by something. The guard noticed the strange noise and movement.

"Hey, man, you're being robbed!" the guard told Jorge.

The guard slowly walked towards Jorge's car, signaling Jorge to remain quiet and that he would check the car.

Jorge panicked and called out to the guard.

"Hey, man! There's nothing there," Jorge said.

The guard didn't listen and continued walking slowly towards the car, holding his handgun and flashlight.

Jorge ran towards his car while the guard shone his flashlight inside to see what was happening.

When the guard observed the car, he saw a young man covered in bandages, sleeping in the back seat. When the guard tried to knock on the car's window, Jorge suddenly grabbed the guard's hand and said,

"Yeah, this is my older brother, Jose!" Jorge said.

The guard was shocked and said, "I know this guy. This is the one running away from his hospital bills. Is he your relative?" the guard questioned Jorge.

"Yeah, he's had some screws loose in his head. He's kind of out of his mind," Jorge replied.

"I'm going to have to report this to the management," the guard answered.

"Please don't! I don't want to lose my job," Jorge pleaded.

"Okay, I won't report you, but please come with me to the casino," the guard demanded.

"Okay, fine," Jorge answered.

The guard and Jorge finished their conversation, and Jorge got into his car and drove home with Arturo sleeping in the back.

Jorge wondered how Arturo ended up in the back seat of his car. He took out his phone and tried calling Mary.

Mary didn't answer, so Jorge sent her a message stating,

"Mary, I'm going home early. There is an emergency. Thank you, Mary."

Jorge spotted a coffee shop, ordered some coffee, and drove home while drinking it.