
The Misterious Voices

Arturo, panicked and unconscious, is plagued by calling voices that echo inside his mind. A white creature-like shape stands motionless in the corners of the hospital mortuary.

"Who are you? Are you an embalmer? I'm sorry, but I can't pay the hospital fees. I don't have any money!" Arturo stammers.

The white creature remains still, offering no response.

"Arturo! Help us!"


White smoke begins to slowly emanate from the lifeless bodies, rising gradually until it reaches a certain height. The smoke transforms into a chilling breeze.

"Arturo, are you ready to play?"

"Free us, Arturo. We want to play with you!"


Arturo feels the cold air produced by the white smoke. His lips begin to crack, and a sudden coldness permeates his body.

"Wow! I can't move properly," Arturo mutters as the icy breeze partially freezes his body.

Arturo watches in terror as the lifeless bodies slowly rise.

Overwhelmed by fear, Arturo's body gives way, and he collapses to the ground.

"What's happening? Is the apocalypse already starting?" Arturo trembles, his nervousness mounting as he witnesses the corpses come to life.

Suddenly, a muscular hand grips Arturo's forearm.

"What's wrong, Arturo? Are you scared of the dead?" The muscled dead man asks.

The fear of dead bodies and the white creature shape still lingers in Arturo's mind as he tries to talk about the creature.

The white shape creature suddenly vanishes out of sight, and a deep voice speaks somewhere.

"Heh, heh! Where to collect the debt of humanity."

"Yes, we're here to play. We want to play a game with you, Arturo."

"Can you play with us, Arturo?"

All of the dead bodies in the hospital mortuary walk towards Arturo, mumbling, "Play with us, Arturo, heh heh."

The emotionless white shape creature suddenly whispers into Arturo's ear, "See you in the game, Arturo."

The dead bodies grab Arturo's head, neck, forearm, hand, ear, and feet, slowly devouring him from the inside out.

Arturo feels a sudden blackout.

"Man! Are you alright? Hey, man?" An embalmer sees Arturo writhing under the bed of the newest dead patient.

Arturo's heartbeat races, he breathes heavily, and his whole body experiences extreme coldness. While Arturo is in the throes of this shock, a guard knocks on the door of the hospital mortuary.

"Hey! Jorge, did you see a young man covered in bandages running around?"

Jorge, the embalmer of the hospital mortuary, thinks, "I think I saw the young man earlier."

Jorge answers the guard, "No, I haven't seen a young man running around. If you'd like, you can search the mortuary."

The guard looks through the glass window and sees an old, muscular dead body being embalmed, with the fluid slowly dripping.

Jorge smiles and says, "Nice timing. I'm already in the process of embalming. Do you want to see it? It's quite interesting."

The guard feels disgusted when he sees the juice from the muscular dead body dripping.

"No thanks. If you see anything, call the guard, okay?"

Jorge replies, "Okay, no problem."

The guard runs off to search everywhere.

The guard run to opposite side, Jorge saw the guard running away.

"This boy, is very strange, do I need to turn over to this innocent man?" Jorge mumbled.

Jorge mumbled to himself, unsure of whether he should turn Arturo over to the guard or protect the innocent man.

When the guard ran away, Jorge hurried to Arturo's side and checked on his condition.

"Boy! Are you alright?" Jorge shouted, his voice filled with concern.

Jorge gently grasped Arturo's neck and began pushing on his chest, mimicking CPR. As Jorge touched Arturo's body, he felt an intense coldness, and his fingers and toes started turning dark.

"Man, are you okay?" Jorge asked, his voice trembling with worry.

Arturo produced bubbles in his mouth, indicating his struggle to breathe. Seeing Arturo's deteriorating condition, Jorge panicked and didn't know what to do. He quickly grabbed some blankets to wrap around Arturo's freezing body.

"Man, I need to admit you to the hospital. I can't let you die," Jorge said, his voice filled with desperation.

Jorge attempted to call the guard using his phone, but Arturo weakly grabbed Jorge's hand, signaling him not to report the situation.

"I don't know, man. I can't let you suffer, but I'm not a doctor. I don't have the knowledge to help you," Jorge said, feeling helpless.

Jorge stood up, deep in thought, until his eyes fell upon a corpse that had died from electrocution.

"This is a terrible idea, but I don't have a choice. Let's try this," Jorge said, determined to do whatever it took to save Arturo.

Jorge searched the hospital mortuary for an electric wire, but to his dismay, he couldn't find one due to the weekly maintenance. Undeterred, Jorge looked for an alternative way to electrify Arturo's body. He remembered having an electric wire in his bag. Jorge retrieved the wire and attached some metal utensils to the plug area before wrapping it around Arturo's freezing body.

"Oh, man, this is a bad idea," Jorge muttered to himself.

Minutes later, Jorge plugged in the extension cord, delivering 240 volts directly into Arturo's body.

"This is like a scene from a movie. I hope I'm not turning you into a living dead," Jorge said, his anxiety evident.

Arturo's body lit up as smoke began to rise, giving off a peculiar aroma reminiscent of roasted pork.

"Man, you smell good, like lechon baboy!" Jorge exclaimed, trying to maintain his composure.

After three minutes of electrifying Arturo's body, an explosion erupted in the hospital mortuary, causing a complete blackout in the building. Two minutes later, the emergency generator kicked in, restoring power to the rest of the hospital except for the mortuary.

Jorge's phone began to ring, displaying the caller ID as "Human Resources."

"Oh no, this is not good. HR is calling. What should I do?" Jorge panicked, contemplating his next move.

Jorge answered the phone, trying to sound composed. "Hello, this is Jorge."

HR's voice sounded concerned on the other end. "Jorge, what's going on? Are you okay? Why was there an explosion in the hospital mortuary?"

Jorge, feeling overwhelmed, could only manage a response, "I don't know."

HR replied, "Okay, don't touch anything. The guard is on their way, along with some maintenance personnel."

The call ended, leaving Jorge in a state of panic. "Oh no, if they find out the truth, I'm going to prison. What should I do?"

Jorge checked Arturo's body and pulse, fearing the worst. "Oh my God,  I realized that I might have killed the man," Jorge whispered in despair.

With a heavy heart, Jorge carefully picked up Arturo's lifeless body and placed it inside the mortuary cabinet, hoping to conceal the evidence of his ill-fated attempt to save him.

Just as Jorge finished securing the cabinet, a group of guards and maintenance personnel knocked on the door of the hospital mortuary.

"Jorge, open up! It's the guard!" one of them called out.

Jorge wiped the sweat from his forehead, his nerves on edge. "I'm coming," he managed to say, his voice trembling.

Jorge rushed towards the door and opened it, revealing a concerned group of guards and maintenance workers.

The maintenance personnel searched the area but found nothing, except for a dark spot on the floor shaped like a human.

"Jorge, what happened here? Is someone hurt? Just tell us," one of the guards asked Jorge.

Jorge replied, "No, nothing special. An electric wire failed and caused an explosion while I was performing embalming."

One of the maintenance personnel asked Jorge, "Then what is this dark human-like spot on the floor? I think someone was electrocuted and burned."

Jorge felt scared when he heard the maintenance personnel talk. "Hmm, one of the dead bodies got electrified when the faulty wire exploded."

The maintenance personnel questioned Jorge, "Then where is the electrified dead body?"

Jorge became nervous and tried to find a way to reason out, "Oh, I don't know. I think when the explosion occurred, the dead body flew somewhere in the mortuary."

Jorge felt extreme fear, and sweat started to drip. As his eyes wandered around, Jorge saw an electrified corpse on the floor, smoking.

"I think I saw the corpse. It's over here," Jorge replied.

The guard and some maintenance personnel observed the scene and reported to the management using their walkie-talkies.

"Hello, Eagle 1, this is Alpha. Over," one guard spoke to the other.

"Hello, Alpha. This is Eagle 1. Over."

"Eagle 1, the base of the explosion is a faulty wire. Over."

"Roger that, Alpha. Eagle 1 out."

Jorge breathed slowly as he watched the guards and maintenance personnel search the area.

"Jorge, thank you for your cooperation," the charge officer said, breathing heavily.

Jorge took a deep breath and asked the maintenance personnel, "Are you going to repair the mortuary now?"

The maintenance personnel replied, "We will make a report and then proceed to transfer all the dead bodies to another mortuary to prepare for repairing the area."

"Oh, okay. I will transfer all the dead bodies right away," Jorge replied.

The maintenance personnel and guards left the hospital mortuary to report the incident to the management.