
Into the Abyss: A Twisted Encounter in the Lawless Depths

Sipping a cup of coffee while driving, Jorge continued to observe the area. Suddenly, from the back seat of his car, someone spoke.

"Hey man! Thank you, thank you for saving me," Arturo smiled.

When Jorge heard Arturo's voice, he was shocked and his car veered slightly before he stopped it.

"Oh my god, man! I thought you were sleeping," Jorge replied.

In his inner thoughts, Jorge talked to himself.

"Ouch, man! Don't talk like that," Jorge said to himself.

He teased himself, "What, like saying 'oh God'?" Jorge replied.

His inner voice replied, "I said stop, it hurts. You're burning me, man," Jorge said.

While Jorge talked to himself, Arturo watched Jorge talking to himself and thought that Jorge might be stupid or have lost his mind a little.

"Hey, hey, man! Don't talk. We are not stupid," Jorge felt Arturo's feelings and read his mind.

"Wait, what? How come this guy can read my mind?" Arturo thought to himself.

"Hey, hey! Don't mumble to yourself," Jorge's inner voice replied.

Arturo tried to clear his mind and talked to himself, "Please don't read my mind, please don't read my mind. It's creepy," Arturo communicated with Jorge in his mind.

Jorge started the car engine and continued driving. He said, "I will read your mind if you don't talk to me honestly," Jorge replied.

Arturo said, "Okay, man! By the way, my name is..." Jorge interrupted Arturo.

"I already know your name, man. You're Arturo. I heard your voice and observed your feelings. You're depressed, and I love it," Jorge said, smiling at Arturo.

Arturo felt uncomfortable. He observed the buildings outside the car, realizing that he wasn't familiar with this area, but he didn't care.

Jorge felt Arturo's emotions, a strong, dark feeling inside, as if Arturo was already broken.

"Hey, man! Don't worry," Jorge reassured Arturo while driving.

While driving, Arturo saw a big sign that said, "This Area is a dangerous place, lawless area ahead."

"Hey, Jorge, what is this place?" Arturo questioned Jorge with curiosity.

"Ah, this place is my safe haven. People here live in 100% freedom without government intervention," Jorge replied to Arturo.

As they were talking, a sudden gang shootout erupted, with guns firing and creating chaos in the middle of the road where Jorge's car was driving.

"Hey, look, man! Do you see that child over there? He seems even more depressed, and I love it," Jorge pointed his right arm towards a child among the gang members.

Gunshots echoed, screams filled the air, and a small explosion occurred somewhere in the area.

Arturo felt panicked and asked Jorge, "Are you scared? What if one of these men kills you one day?"

"Nah! I've lived here for almost 12 years now, and I love it. Screaming people and chaos feel natural to me," Jorge laughed.

While they were talking, Jorge and Arturo noticed a government military personnel crawling in pain.

"Help! Help! Someone!" The military personnel cried out, both of his feet missing.

Arturo felt scared when he saw the military personnel crawling.

Jorge stopped the car, got out, and approached the military personnel. "Hey, man, are you alright? Do you want some help?" Jorge asked.

The military personnel nodded.

Jorge went back to his car and retrieved his small Colt 45 pistol. "Okay, man! You wish is my command," Jorge said, inserting some bullets into his pistol.

"Thanks a million, man," Jorge smiled and fired his pistol at the military personnel's head.

Blood splattered onto his hands, and Jorge licked it. "Mmm, this blood is juicy," he said, then took a small piece of flesh from the military personnel's body and ate it. "Hmm, this meat is good. I like it even more than the mortuary's meat," Jorge mumbled to himself.

Arturo watched in horror as Jorge killed the military personnel. Overwhelmed with fear, he opened the back seat of Jorge's car and ran as fast as he could.

"Shit! Is he a murderer? Oh my god, I think I'm in hell," Arturo muttered to himself.

Jorge saw Arturo running in the opposite direction. "Haha, this guy can't give me a break," he thought to himself.

Jorge's inner voice replied, "This is your fault. You killed the personnel right in front of him!"

Jorge argued back, "Why am I the one to blame? I'm sure he saw you eating the flesh!"

Jorge cried as he pleaded with the voices in his head, "Please, stop! I'm human too. I can't do this."

Jorge fell silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Get him, man! I want him. I want to find out more about him," Jorge whispered to himself.

"Okay, man," Jorge said determinedly, running towards his car to chase after Arturo.

Meanwhile, Arturo ran for his life, shouting, "Help! Someone, help me!"

As he ran, Arturo noticed a group of people sitting nearby. They had mohawk hairstyles, red hair color, and tattoos all over their bodies.

"Hey! Are you part of our group, boy?" one of the group members stood up and shouted at Arturo.

While running, Arturo saw the group and shouted back, "Help me! Help me! There's a murderer nearby. He killed a military personnel!"

The group of people started standing up, but from afar, they heard Arturo mentioning the murder of a military personnel. They laughed and said, "Hey, boy! Are you stupid? Killing government personnel is paid around here," one of them shouted.

Arturo didn't hear the group's voices clearly and shouted again, "Please, someone, help me. I want to go back."

The group exchanged smiles, as if they had a plan for Arturo, and they grabbed their guns. They pointed their guns at Arturo.

But one of the gang members intervened, "Stop! It's not fun if we shoot him with guns. Let's make it more exciting with bombs and a rocket launcher," he suggested.

"Yeah, you're right," the group agreed.

The gang members began throwing grenades and firing shots at Arturo.

"Run, bitch! Eat this, haha!" the group shouted with twisted joy as they saw Arturo running towards the explosions.

Arturo was petrified and cried out, "Please, stop! I can't take it anymore."

While running, one of the grenades exploded near Arturo, causing severe damage to his right foot and left arm.

"Ahh! Someone, help me!" Arturo cried in pain.

Meanwhile, Jorge searched everywhere for Arturo, and he heard something in the distance.

"Ahh! Someone, help me!" a voice screamed.

Jorge recognized Arturo's voice and sensed his pain from a distance.