
Phantom of Ancients

'"What you know is a drop, and What you don't know is an ocean." He himself doesn't know everything about himself. He who always feels disgusted with this world and consistently harbors disdain towards others, whether they are weak or strong. Delve into the journey of a boy whose only ambition is to understand himself, even if it requires conquering everything in his path. NOTE: It's just a first chapter to check the response, further chapters will be released after some time. Thank you!

kirmadaa · Fantasie
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7 Chs


"Null Heart Resonance" - the book's contents are already embedded in my memory. 'I didn't know there was such a method to impart knowledge directly into my mind.'

'Okay, so this is only the first part of the scripture, and it can help my cultivation until core formation. There must be more parts to this sutra, and maybe they will automatically unlock at a sufficient cultivation realm. The first thing I should try to learn about is this cultivation thing; then, only then can I think of delving into this scripture.'

'I can feel my soul; it's so much stronger after my awakening.'

'So now the main question: where was I in the middle of my awakening? Was it a dream? It was too real to be a dream, in my guess. The touch of that boy, the scripture contents, the pain after the boy bumped into me, and the main thing, the injury I suffered when I tried to recall the name of the place the boy told me, it was all too real to be a dream. And then the scene changed; I was floating in soul form above that throne room. Though I couldn't see those two people clearly, only their shadows were visible, but those shining rings on the neck and wrist of that bald person, I still can't forget their ethereal shine.'

'Was that also a dream? But one thing is sure: the scenes I saw during my awakening are somehow related to me. For now, I should focus on cultivation and for the answers to my questions. If I'm powerful enough, I will definitely get the answers.'

'Who is murmuring outside? Maids?'



'So, this explains the unrest in the house. While I was undergoing my awakening, some catastrophic events happened all around the world. It can't be a coincidence that it all happened during my awakening and stopped after my awakening. It may sound a bit arrogant on my part, but I believe in my intuition, plus I felt some type of resistance during awakening as if someone is stopping me from doing something. Let's see, for now, I cannot tell my parents that my soul is now fully healed, or they will surely connect the dots. I will wait for one month before telling about my recovery; till then, I must act dumb.'


After 1 month

As planned, Soren revealed how his curiosity led him to consume the herb in the red box, describing the ethereal feeling he experienced afterward, as if he had been completed. After hearing his explanation, his parents and the 5th elder finally understood how it all transpired. However, they were surprised at how smoothly his soul absorbed the effects of the heavenly soul grass.

"Father, I have a request," Soren suddenly spoke, interrupting their thoughts. As he sat on the sofa, casually sipping tea, Alex sensed a newfound confidence in his son's voice, tinged with a hint of arrogance or superiority. Sylv, on the other hand, remained enamored by Soren's handsomeness and cuteness, feeling none of the perceived arrogance like Alex did.

"Maybe this is what they call motherly love," Alex mused silently. The 5th elder, however, sensed a different aura around Soren—a confidence and demeanor befitting an heir of the Celestia family.

"Good," the 5th elder smiled at Soren.

With Alex's nod of approval, Soren set down his tea cup and began to state his request. "Father, though I may not know much about our family, I've overheard conversations throughout the years while I was in an altered state. I can say with certainty that our name, 'Celestia,' carries significant weight and is considered taboo outside these walls. I suspect there are other families like ours, labeled as taboo, and as an heir of the Celestia family, I believe I belong among those of similar status. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my cultivation has been delayed, but my soul is now much stronger than that of an average person. Therefore, I request access to all necessary books and knowledge regarding our world, factions, clans, sects, and cultivation."

Both Sylv and the 5th elder were taken aback, considering interrupting him but ultimately deciding against it. They couldn't find the right words, and something in Soren's demeanor dissuaded them from interjecting.

For Alex, Soren's decisiveness wasn't much of a surprise, but he was impressed by his son's firmness. "Your confidence doesn't surprise me, Soren, as it mirrors that of your mother and the 5th elder. I can sense the strength of your soul, which undoubtedly influences your demeanor. However, I must ask, why not request cultivation resources? Knowledge can be found in the library."

"Indeed, father, I could obtain knowledge from the library, but the books you provide will undoubtedly be the best available. As for your question regarding resources, I simply knew you would provide them regardless, given my status as the heir of Celestia," Soren answered with a smile.

"Worthy of our family name," Alex chuckled, admiration evident in his voice. "But there's one thing you're mistaken about."

"Please, enlighten me about my mistake, father," Soren responded calmly.

"You needn't worry so much about our name or catching up to your competitors. We'll never pressure you to do so. There's a proper pace for everything," Alex reassured him.

Soren nodded in agreement outwardly, though inwardly he sighed, 'Oh, father, how can I not know that things should be done at a proper pace? But how can I tell you that I've been planning my future path since I arrived here? All this time, I've been refining my plan, knowing that the day would come when I'd fully recover.'

Unaware of Soren's inner thoughts, Alex, Sylv, and the 5th elder nodded in pride as Soren finally left for his room, carrying the books his father had provided to broaden his horizons.


Soren's POV

"This world is called the Sundered World, but why 'Sundered'? There must be some reasoning behind this name. Let's leave it aside for now. So, there are four continents, each named after the most powerful hidden families: Celestia Continent, Dark Wood Continent, Aurelia Continent, and lastly Ember Continent. Additionally, there are 20 forbidden zones marked by the hidden families. However, according to what father has written in these books, not all 20 forbidden zones are dangerous. Only five are categorized as extremely dangerous, and even the ancient families avoid crossing their boundaries."

"So, 'taboo family' is simply a name to instill fear in those outside, to deter extreme evil. In reality, we are called 'Ancient Families,' so ancient that even my father, as the patriarch, doesn't know for how many years our family has been established. It's finally getting interesting when the sects are involved. In our continent, there are five major Seven Stars sects: Sword Pavilion, Ten Thousand Body Sect, Ice Spirit Sect, Heaven's Gate, and Green Forest. While there are many other factions, clans, and sects below the Seven Stars level, these five sects are major powerhouses in the outside world. However, I'm surprised that despite being a Nine Star clan, our family doesn't attempt to control or influence these five major sects in any way. Instead, they only serve as a deterrent, warning them that they will not be spared if they commit evil against mortals."

"As for cultivation levels, there are 11 realms: Foundation Building, Spirit Establishment, Spirit Refinement, Core Formation, Soul Formation, Heaven Mandate, Void Spirit, Void God, Radiant Realm, Profound Unity, and finally Transcendence Realm. If a clan member can reach the Void Spirit realm, the secrets of what comes after Transcendence will be revealed to them, meaning Transcendence Realm is not the end of the journey. As for how strong our family is, it will only be revealed to me if all the elders acknowledge me as a worthy heir."

"The sect masters of those five major sects are at least in the Void God realm, with their ancestors having a cultivation base of the Early Radiant Realm. So, by this calculation, our family, being a Nine Star clan, must have Profound Unity experts, and there must be some old members in the Transcendence realm."

"Father will guide me from tomorrow. Let's sleep for now."

I was not able to upload yesterday due to some issues, but will compensate it by uploading 2 or more chapters on Saturday or Sunday.

Thank you!

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