
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Battle Trials pt 2

Danny POV

"Alright Momo we get a few minutes to set up, tell me more about your abilities. What all are you capable of?"

She goes on to explain that her powers allows her to create any non organic structure as long as she understands the material and what its composed of.

I explain my ghost powers and we quickly brainstorm. The plan was to set this place into a horror show. Scare them on every floor so they don't notice that Momo is realeasing sleeping gas on every floor. Small amounts to not startle them but enough to knock them out the more they scream and breathe.

Momo creates small cameras on every hallway and staircase leading up to our location. She's the eyes and ears while im to focus. A few years i realized if i seep my ecto-energy into a place hard enough i can control everything from small rocks to furniture i call it haunting.

Im not proficient enough to spread my senses to every inch of the house but if i focus in a room i can do it. With our plan set Momo heads downstairs to release the sleeping gas while i sit Lotus position and release my energy.

Welcome to the Freak Show.

Jiro POV

I cant help but be nervous. Im going against Danny and Momo, both of whom i know are strong individually, yet im stuck with Denki. Don't get me wrong he's strong too but he's limited in his releases. A brain dead moron won't be helpful at all.

Denki tenses up as our time runs out, "Jiro, are you ready? Once we step inside we're in their territory we have to be prepared for anything."

"Yea yea" i respond "Im as ready as im gonna be. Are you though? Knowing Momo she'll have a countermeasure to your lightning ready. And Danny is no pushover."

He smiles and gets ready to defend himself when we hear Allmight in our ear-pieces tell us to begin. We rush into the building and stop right at the entrance. I plug my ears into the wall to catch any sings of anything. Thats unusual?

"Its silent? Like they're not here?" Denki starts looking around for any traps and once we've cleared this floor we slowly climb the stairs.

The air suddenly got colder on the second floor. I feel chills run down my spine. I turn my head to Denki to ask if he feels it too just to find out he's gone?

I freak out but dont panic and touch my comms "Kaminari? Are you okay? Whats your location?" Static.

Okay Jiro calm down and think. We can't count on Kaminari for now so what to do? Theres no back up and you have to move forward. I take a second to make a plan that i miss the stairs behind me turning into a solid floor.

I keep moving forward slowly always keeping one ear plugged in to catch any sound. Thats when i hear music? I follow the sound to a side room tucked away in the corner of the room.

I crack the door open to see a weird scene. A Jack in the box sitting in the middle of the ground with the handle slowly turning. I look at it wondering of Momo made it when the handle stopped.

No more music and the silence is deafening. I back out towards the door i entered when i feel my back press up against a wall. I turn around to see the door missing. My chest starts pumping oxygen faster finding myself trapped. Shit what do i do?

The music starts back up and i turn my head to where the jack in the box was. I say was because it moved from the center of the room to right below my feet.

My eyes widen as i jump back and start looking for another exit. The box picks up speed and i cant help but stare at it. I raise my arms in a defensive position. This situation is anything but normal. My body is covered in a cold sweat as the handle slows down again.

The box sprang open showing a weird looking clown with red lines running down his face and a bald spot in between his tufts of red hair. The clown looks at me and i jump backwards to gain distance from this toy. I still dont know what tricks it held.

But i didnt expect it to talk "Hellooo Jiro." What the heck? "Oh dont be scared. My name is Pennywise the dancing clown." The creepy clown smiles with pride and a mouthful of extra large teeth that sends a shiver down my spine.

"Oops i guess i cant dance anymore though, i only have a spring for legs after all." The clown hangs his head in shame and i begin to calm down. This is a time wasting trap i begin to scan the room with my eyes for another exit again.

By the time i look back at the clown on the ground it's staring intently at me. "Hey Jiro, you know i used to be the greatest dancer in the circus." It takes a hop towards me and i panic stepping back. How is this thing moving? "If only i had my legs again i could show you such a great dance."

My heart beat starts speeding up as i dont dare take my eyes off of the talkative toy.

"Say i have a wonderful idea friend." Its eyes start glowing red and i knew whatever happens now is the real trap. I steel my nerves but i can't stop my heart from beating so fast.

"You have such nice legs." I step back in anticipation as the doll suddenly stops and just stares at my legs. I shudder and prepare to run when all of a sudden one of the arms on the clown grew massive and pinned me to the wall. "Jiroooooo" the doll growled while my heart started beating extensively i tried smacking the hand with my earphones but it did nothing. "if i can't dance on my own legs then I'LL USE YOURS!"

The doll grew immensely jumping at me as its mouth spread out in four parts revealing rows of sharp teeth spreading around me.

I tried, i really tried but i guess this is as far as i go.

I let out a gut curdling scream "AAAAAAAAAAAH HELP MEEEEEEE!" Those were the last words i said before passing out.

Danny POV

Yea i might have gotten a bit too excited with the exercise. Currently Me and Momo are standing in silence as our classmates are giving us weird looks.

A cough from AllMight brought their attention back to him as he started talking "This match was obviously the Villains win. Separating the heroes while scaring them so badly they breath in more of that Gas young Momo created was an ingenious plan. Using your abilities to create a base suited for your purposes is something villains do often. Sometimes you have to push forward throuugh unfavorable conditions to reach your target. But always move with caution. Anyways young Fenton next time please try to refrain from traumatizing your classmates in the future. You have a very powerful and versatile quirk so please keep that in mind. NOW im off to check on young Izuku, Jiro and Kaminari. Til next time PLUS ULTRAAAAA!"

He ran out the building leaving Me and Momo to be bombarded by questions from the rest of the class. Its gonna be a long day.