
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Today is Saturday and currently im on the way to the mall. Im meeting a few classmates here and im excited to finally hang out with people my age. Dani is too much for my teenage energy levels and Nemuri is too much for my teenage hormonal levels.

I quickly exit the bus and head towards the mall's front entrance before taking out my phone and calling Tsuyu.

"Hello?" - Tsuyu

"Hey Tsu, im here. Where are you guys?"

"Oh Danny, we're by the fountain, Momo has been pacing a bit so come sooner than later."


Well that was a fun phone call. Chuckling to myself i speed forward a bit and head towards the fountain. Turning a corner i finally set my eyes on two girls. One of which is extremely cute with her tongue slightly sticking out of the left side of her face as she covers her ears to ignore the lecture from the taller busty girl.

I decide to play a trick on them and turn invisible. I walk over to them to hear Momo going on about how important secrets are and such. I decide to save Tsu by tickling Momo in the side.

She snorts with laughter before whipping her ahead around. She looks confused but thats understandable because im now behind Tsu still cloaked. I pet her head a bit and she smacks my hand away with her tongue before she turned to look at me.

"Ouch Tsu your tongue is really reflexive" i said to the girl undoing my invisibility while rubbing my hand which has a red mark.

"Sorry gero~ but you shouldnt sneak up on a future hero ya know. It my quirk was more offensive then you couldve been hurt."

"Wait was it you tickling me?" Momo asks rather embarrassed i heard her laugh.

"Its great to see you girls" i say with a smile "Whats the plans for today?"

The girls gave each other a look and then shared a smile which sent shivers down my back. They each grab an arm before pulling me towards a ton of stores.

Elizabeth's Secret, Sephomora, Kalvin Clein, and KC Penny, we went through every store the mall had. Currently we were standing in line at Auntie Anna's Pretzels, and each of us holding a bag or two.

Tsu didnt have much spending money but whenever i saw something that would look good on her i bought it. Same with Momo, she almost declined but i convinced her by saying she should use her money on her siblings and let us treat her for once.

The day was going smoothly and there was even a movie about Dhrek an Ogre who just wanted to be left alone. Pretty Solid movie and with that song All stars by Smosh Mouth was going to be catchy.

We checked out a few places and towards the last store in the mall i saw a custom jewelry shop. I told the girls i was using the restroom and snuck away to go buy the girls gifts. I ended up buying 6. One for Dani which was like a small ghost with green eyes, I bought a fox for Nemuri, An Owl for Momo, and a Frog for Tsu. The last one i bought was one that seemed made for my purpose. A small ghost charm with Periwinkle eyes. I also got one that was the letter D.

Gifts in hand i return to the two girls who tease me about my Fiber intake and naturally i had to hold back my smirk. The three of us head outside the mall where the sun is slowly falling out of the sky and dipping into the horizon.

We chat happily as we head to one of the bus depots when i heard a guy strumming a guitar. A small plan hatched in my mind and i quickly grabbed the girls hands and led them to the guitarist.

I look at the girls and they have a confused expression on their face.

"Why bring us here Danny?" Tsu asked

"I agree, while he's quite talented its nothing to drag us around like that for" Momo added.

"Just trust me you'll love it!"

I walk over to the guy and whisper in his ear before handing him 1000 yen to borrow his guitar.

Momo and Tsu looks on interestedly as they see me pick up the guitar and start strumming to figure out the tuning. A few curious people turn their heads in my direction but they dont stop.

Once im tuned up i channel a little ecto energy in my voice which not only amplifies it but allows the listener to stay focused on me. This is an aspect of my power thats very easy to use but very noticable. If i use it for too long people turn into almost zombie like beings that crave for my music.

With a few strums i set the mood and i open my mouth.

I fell by the wayside, Like everyone else

I hate you, i hate you, i hate you but i was just kidding myself

Our every moment, I start to replace

Cause now that they're gone, all i hear are the words i needed to say

Just like that time stopped, everyone in a nearby radius was stopped, watching, some recording this unknown person singing that sweet song that no one knows.

His voice carried over that even a nearby Live Streamer who normally isnt popular started getting views like crazy.

When you hurt under the surface

Like troubled water running cold

Well, some can heal, but this wont

Sooooooo before you gooooo

Is there something i could've said to make your heart beat better

If only id had known you had a storm to weather

The people were crying listening to this unknown man move them all with his voice only. Some police showed up to disperse the crowd but even they were captivated.

"Hey Rumi do you hear that song?" asked Yu a woman with a giganticifaction quirk to her bunny friend.

"Yea it sounds nice, but so sad as well. C'mon its this way." Rumi exclaimed as she grabbed her friend and started jumping over the nearest building towards the crowd of people.

Soooo before you gooooo

I open my eyes to see hundreds of people staring at me and Momo and Tsu wiping tears from my eyes. I hand the guitar back to the guy and the crowd goes wild cheering for an encore. People start to push their way towards us crowding us.

I was ready to use my quirk when a lady in a purple and beige leotard started growing out of nowhere and put her hand in between the people and us.

"OYE YOU LOT BREAK IT UP. CONCERT'S OVER NOW LEAVE!" Yelled a bunny themed super hero. Are her ears real? "As for you three, nice song kid but the next time you wanna sing for your girlfriends get a hero on standby if you're gonna create chaos like this.

I give an embarrased chuckle before thanking her and taking the girls and walking away.

"Danny that was so amazing! Youre voice is so good!" Exclaimed Momo

"I agree, who wouldve thought you'd be a hero with a voice like that." added in the direct Tsuyu.

We walk in tandem to the nearest bus stop which is where we were parting ways. Momo had her driver meet us there while Nemuri pulled some strings and got me my flight license. So i can fly around but I'd need a passenger permit to carry others.

I say goodbye to the girls as the bus pulls up. I gave them their bracelets which brought huge smiles to their faces. They hugged me and we all seperated for the day.

I had fun with my friends, but tomorrow is my date with Nejire and thats what im most excited about. At least i have an idea of what i wanna do. So im looking forward to it.