
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Battle Trials 1

"COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." I sweat drop seeing this hulking figure of a man burst through our classroom being anything except normal. All Might is one of the worlds top heroes. Obviously in Japan he's #1 but there are others around the globe such as HyperDrive a speedster who's has two quirks. One is super speed and the other allows him to transform kinetic energy to physical force. He's my personal favorite.

Anyways off topic todays hero course is supposedy battle trials. I cant wait to see where i stand in this class practically. He told us to change into our costumes and passed out a case to everyone but me. I didnt need one since when im in my ghost form my body can create what i need. Sure it doesnt boost my defense but any other material wont turn invisible and intangible with me unless i focused on it.

I skip going to the gym with the other guys and head straight to the meeting spot on training fields three. Class 1-B has field 1 book today and class 3-C has field 2. The first person to join me was Todoroki and then after him the girls all came out dressed to the nines.

The first one to catch my eyes was Toru. Was she naked? Holy shit thats distracting. Next was Momo barely wearing anything making her seems even sexier.

The boys were no where in sight so i did what any guys would do. I kept staring at Toru. Which in retrospect was a bad idea since she felt my gaze, remembering i could see her and immediately she screamed and started covering herself.

All the girls rushed to her asking what happened and only a few of them like Momo and Tsuyu noticed me pretending. Toru was a sniveling mess so i decided to lend her a helping hand. I walked over and put my hand on her head channeling my ghost energy. A few seconds later a black leotard with with gloves and boots appeared over her body.

She glanced up at me with tears in her eyes sniffling as she thanks me. The leotard shimmers for a second before disappearing along with her. She wipes her eyes and thanks me. Seeing the display the rest of the girls give me a dirty look like i was the one who made her naked.

"You know Toru my friend Tucker was experimenting with invisible fabrics. Ill have him send one to you."

She thanks me again and the guys are finally starting to come out of the lockers. Everyone starts lining up inside of a building while All might explains the battle trials. Two people on a team and teams are split im Heroes and Villains with the target being a fake bomb the villains have.

I end up paired with Momo as Villains against Denki and Jiro.

The first battles of the day was the stuttering kid and gravity girl against sparky and Mr. Serious.

Momo comes up next to me and starts asking "How do you think this will go down?"

"Katsuki and Tenya are both stronger than Izuku and Ochako. If these were individual battles or a different exercise they'd win. However as a team battle they lose. Tenya can't adapt to situations on the fly seeing how he's so focus minded and Sparky cant hold his emotions so he'll go in solo. Midoriya seems ready for him so the battle will come down to how well Ochako does against Lida."

"Interesting so you're saying the underdogs will win? I agree Midoriya is a nervous wreck but he's always planning ahead. Ochako has good chemistry with him as well so they should be able to pull out some surprises."

We watch the match in silence and these events play out. As predicted sparky rushes off on his own and Lida starts monologuing to everyones surprise. A few minutes of Dekus and kacchan being traded back and forth like its a Naruto fight the winner is decided when Midoriya blasted the roof with a punch taking the full brunt of an explosion. All might ends the match when Ochako touches the bomb.

Midoriya is sent to the infirmary and the others come back to the class. All might warns Bakugou about his recklessness then asks the class who the mvp was.

Momo raised her hand and started "Lida was the MVP. He accurately planned for their clash while protecting the bomb. He made use of his advantages to move it around quicker and also set himself for the home field advantage by clearing the ground of debris therefore giving himself free reign to move and inhabiting Ochakos gravity manipulation."

"Also" i decided to add on causing everyones attention to shift to me "He was the only one hero or villain who didnt cause damage to the building. If this was real Bakugou would've given their location away and the building would be flooded with heros and police, Midoriya would've set off the bomb with his punch causing even more mayhem and Ochako sending all that rubble at it wouldve set it off and even caused all that rubble to spread with the explosive power causing massive damage not only to this building but the ones around it. Plus Bakugou was reckless. If he had coordinated with Lida he wouldve won. Being a hero isnt about being the flashiest or the strongest. Its about saving lives Sparky."

Momo nods satisfied with my answer while Sparky looked pissed and Ochako was embarrassed. All might was satisfied with our answers and gave us his signature smile and thumbs up pose. We move on throughout the rest of the groups watching Todoroki freeze the whole building and Tokoyami's shadow was fierce. But I think Aoyama's laser is the perfect counter for it. Mina's acid was versatile and Tsuyu was just adorable.

Finally after waiting almost 30 minutes its me and Momo's turn. I crack my knuckles and look at my partner who shared my enthusiasm. We started walking to the building ready to blow the competition away. I know exactly how ghost villains act and im ready to embrace that fully.

Beware of Phantoms in the night.