
Chapter 113

Ares eyes widened behind those glass, "yeah… why not?" But just then his face changed, "because I didn't want the trouble."

Percy frowned at this. Something was wrong. Ares was being very bipolar. Chalking it up to a god of war thing Percy readied his blade, "look Ares I frankly don't care much about you okay? Can we just forget this ever happened? Like let me and my mom live a normal life from now on and you go…..do what a god of war does."

Ares frowned, "hell no! I am going to kick you ass right here right now!" Ares then snapped his fingers transforming his bikers uniform into a big scary grey armour with spikes all over and a very scary looking helmet covering his face revealing nothing but those red eyes he had.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Percy asked smirking at Ares's new get up.

"No," Ares then summoned a spear that crackled with electricity, much like Clarisse own, and he drew back his hand, "this is!" He then threw the spear with all his strength and the spear flew at Percy.

"Idiot," Percy said as he opened his inventory and enlarged it to cover his whole body. The spear flew at Percy and in front of Ares's own eyes disappeared into nothing.

"What the hell?!" Ares roared, "what did you do to my spear?!"

Percy smiled and closed the inventory box, "I'm not telling you. What am I? A super villain that explain each and every power he has?"

Ares gritted his teeth, or at least it sounded like that since his face was covered with shadows, and clicked his finger trying to summon it back, "hey! Why isn't this working?!"

Percy shrugged, "are you sure you're doing it right?"

"How else can you do it?!" Ares shouted as he slowly started to panic, "give me back my symbol of power brat!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? That was your symbol of power? Lame."

Ares's hand then glowed red in anger as he growled out, "it is not lame!"

Percy nodded, "right. Okay then let's make a deal, you have Hades's helmet right?"

Ares's hand stopped glowing as he nodded, "yeah," he then snapped his finger summoning the helmet. It was bronze and had a skull covering the front while the rest of it looked like what a normal greek helmet would.

"Alright how about this, we fight, winner gets all. Deal?" Percy asked hiding a smirk.

Ares looked at Percy and then the helmet. Slowly Percy could see a row of white teeth behind the shadow of the hemet, "deal."

"Swear it on the Styx."

Ares sighed, "I Ares swear on the Styx to give Percy Jackson the Helmet of Hades if I lose in this battle." Thunder cracked and Ares turned to Percy, "happy?"

Percy nodded, "alright, the first person to hit the enemy wins. Okay?"

Ares nodded as he summoned his blade, "bring it brat."


Quest Alert!

Defeat Ares!


Hades's helmet

50,000 Exp




Percy pressed yes and readied Riptide motioning for Ares to come at him. The god of war yelled and began charging at Percy. Quickly the son of Poseidon moved and opened his inventory box. He took out the Master Bolt and fired it at Ares's crotch.

The bolt of lightning flew and before Ares could use his godly speed to move aside it hit him dead on sending the god flying back and into the ground.


Critical attack! 400% of 9,000,000 Attack! = 36,000,000 Attack!

Percy whistled at that. It wasn't enough to kill Ares, that's for sure, but it must have hurt like a mother fucker. Percy put the Master Bolt away and walked to Ares downed form which was now holding onto hi burt crotch, oddly enough the smell of bacon was in the air, hmm. Well his sacred animal was a boar.

"Looks like I win," Percy as he squatted down with a wide grin on his face.

"You fucker!" Ares shouted, "you cheated!"

"Not really."

"You used the lightning bolt!"

"I never said I wouldn't."

"You bastard!" Ares roared as he tried to move, but the moment he moved his hands the cold air hit his dick causing a lot of pain, "AH! FUCK!"

Percy grinned as he took out a tin can of Ambrosia, "here even if I hate your guts I can feel pity."

Ares didn't say anything. He grabbed the ambrosia squares with one hand and stuffed them down his throat. Slowly Percy could see him getting better. He then snapped his fingers changing into his boker uniform.

"I am going to kill you!" Ares roared as he tried to jump onto Percy only to stop mid way. His face turned to one of pain as his hands went back to his crotch. He then fell kneeled on his knees in front of Percy.

"What happened?" Percy asked with a devil like grin, "still sensitive down there?"

Ares looked up through as sweat covered his face, "you bastard."

Percy grinned, "doesn't matter. I win fair and square, not give me the helmet."

Ares grumbled, "bite me!"

Percy frowned, "you promised on the Styx."

"Yeah well didn't anyone ever tell you? We gods can break the promise without the threat of death!"

Percy frowned at that. He then took out the Master bolt again, "is that so..." He then got up and moved behind Ares and pressed one end of the weapon up Ares's ass and whispered in a deadly tone, "give me the helmet or I'll sodomize you by sending a bolt of lightning up you ass."

Ares looked at Percy, "you wouldn't dare."

"Try me," Percy pressed the bolt harder.

"Okay! Okay!" Ares then clicked his finger and the helmet appeared in front of Percy which the son of Poseidon grabbed.

"Thanks for that," he said as he put the helmet away in his inventory.

"You bastard," Ares growled out, "all you demigods are all the same. No and that boy Luke, no respect for the gods!"

"Yeah yeah whatever," Percy replied waving Ares off, "now get lost." Percy then caught, 'fire.'

Ares was then launched upwards into the night sky with a trail of smoke coming out of his ass, "JACKSON!" Ares shouted as he eventually landed in the middle of the sea.


Critical attack! 400% of 9,000,000 Attack! = 36,000,000 Attack!

"Idiot," Percy said putting the lightning bolt away.


Quest Completed!

Defeat Ares!


Hades's helmet

50,000 Exp


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-1,500/1,500(+1000) = 2,500

Mana-975/975(+1000) = 1,850

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-15 Exp- 7,771/55,000









MONEY- 66,597$/286D

Percy smiled at that, maybe it was time he spent some of these points.

He put 6 in Vit raising it to 40 so that next time he leveled up he would get an extra +50 HP. Then with 11 points remaining he put 10 in luck, because he couldn't level that up any other way, and one point he saved.








With that he quickly closed the box. He then turned to the lighthouse inside which he could see his mom smiling and waving at him. Percy smiled back and moved to the lighthouse, but just then a rainbow appeared in front of him causing Percy to stop.

The rainbow transformed into a window and there in front of him was Chiron, only he wasn't looking normal, he was bleeding from a cut above his eyebrow and behind him Percy could see a window which showed the rest of the camp filled with monsters.

"Percy!" Chiron shouted in relief, "thank the gods you are alright!"





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