
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · Movies
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148 Chs

Chapter 114

"Chiron? What the hell happened?!" Percy shouted as he heard screams coming from the Iris message.

"We don't know. One moment the night was quiet then the next a large amount of monster appeared in camp and started to destroy everything! Are you and Grover safe?"

Percy scratched his head, "kind of a long story. I managed to go inside Hades and get my mom back though."

"Good that's good. Alright Percy stay there, do not come here, do you understand?"

Percy nodded as Chiron then closed the Iris message. Alright then let's go to camp.

Sally opened the lighthouse door and walked out, "Percy what was that all about?"

Percy looked at her, "the camp needs me."

Sally nodded, "alright then, how are you going to get there?"

Percy smiled as he pulled out his gauntlet of Kefka and summoned Alecto, "with style."

A few minutes later Percy found himself flying across the night sky being carried by Alecto. "Am I just a traveling tool for you? Like seriously every time you summon me it's, kill that or carry me here. Sometimes I feel like you don't appreciate me master."

Percy sighed, "Alecto, no offence but right now really isn't the time."

The Fury grumbled, "yeah yeah."

They reached the camp borders in five minutes. Alecto dropped Percy off where he fought the minotaur and then vanished into smoke. Percy then hiked up the hill and quickly passed Thalia's tree. 'Wait the barrier is still up, how did the monsters get in?' he thought, but the moment he came onto the entrance of the camp his mind went blank.

The view he got from the Iris message was a small slice what truly happened to camp. In short, everything was destroyed. The cabins were crushed and on fire, the Amphitheater was completely overrun by monster that were destroying it stone by stone. Percy could see gold dust everywhere but underneath that was the bodies of several campers.

Percy's eyes watered as he recognized some of them. A few unclaimed laid directly in front of him with a daughter of Hermes propped up against a tree with a ghostly smile on her face. Percy knew them, he spoke to them, he laughed with them.

And then he remembered the prophecy;

And you shall fail to ssssave what matters mossst in the end.

Anger built up inside of him. He looked up to the cloudless sky and shouted, "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

Percy could feel the Le Bete curse try and take over, but he couldn't risk it, if there were any survivors there he would kill them too. Percy pushed his anger down and took out Riptide with Zeus's Lightning bolt in the other. He charged forward into camp with a look of vengeance.

He reached the Big House first and saw several campers in there with Chiron. Most of the monster attacking them were either Hellhounds or Cyclops. They were so focused on trying to get into the Big House they didn't even notice Percy walk up behind them.

Percy narrowed his eyes and points the lightning bolt at their backs, "hey fucktards!" The monster turned immediately and just then a flash of lightning blinded half of them will turning the rest into dust.

"Ops." Percy said with a savage look on his face. He couldn't shoot the remaining monsters, they were too close to the building. So Percy put the bolt away and then charged the remaining monster and began slicing them all up.

In a matter of few second ll the monsters turned into dust as Percy stood over the golden sands victorious.


Total Exp gained= 10,349!

Percy closed the box and then turned to Big House. The campers inside cheered for Percy and ran out with Chiron who came out with a bow on hand and a quiver strapped to his back. "Percy? What are you doing here?!"

"I came to help," Percy replied.

"I told you to stay away!"

"As if! My friends are dying Chiron! What would you have me do?! Plus I have this," Percy then pretended to reach into his inventory and pulled out the Master bolt.

"You found it?!" Chiron asked in surprise, "wait, where did you pull the bolt from?"

Percy then realised his mistake, well too late now, "long story. Either way with this," he pointe at the bolt, "we have a fighting chance."

Chiron looked at Percy's determined unwavering eye and then sighed, "stubborn as your father."

Percy grinned, "now what's the situation like? Are all the campers in the Big House?"

Chiron shook his head, "no I managed to get the Demeter cabin, the Hermes cabin and the Aphrodite cabin in here when the monsters attacked."

Percy nodded, "alright where are is Dionysis? Isn't he supposed to be guarding the camp?"

Chiron's face took a dark look, "he is not here. He was summoned to Olympus."

Percy's eyes winded at that, "but...but can't he like split his essence? I have seen Ares do it."

Chiron looked at Percy strangely, "Ares? Sigh never mind. Yes he can do that but Dionysis wishes to spend no more time here than required. So-"

"So he used this as an excuse," Percy said as he respect for the god went to the same level as Ares. He then turned to the campers that were gathered around him. The Aphrodite campers were useless in a fight and the Demeter kids can probably be support like Grover. Percy then turned to the Hermes kids, most were in their nightclothes and were unarmed.

"Where are the rest of the campers?" Percy asked turning back to Chiron.

"Most I think have go to the Arena, the best place to defend an attacking force against."

Percy too that information into account and nodded. "Alright let's go save the rest of camp."

"But we don't' have any weapons," said one of the campers.

Percy grinned as he opened his inventory and pulled out 50 golden blades, all of which was loot from Hephaestus forge, "no a problem."

The campers looked at the weapons with slacked jaws, Chiron's mouth however was the widest, "h-how?!"

"Long story."

The campers rushed at the weapons as they quickly warmed themselves. Percy also threw out all the shield he got from looting the skeletons at Nancy academy and even some helmets. Soon the campers were armed and ready.

"Alright here is the plan, Aphrodite cabin stay here and protect the Big House. We will send the injured here pretty soon, you will need to defend them when the reach here in case a monster is lurking around for a quick and easy meal."

The usually lazy children of Aphrodite nodded enthusiastically, they wanted vengeance on the monsters just like everyone else.

"Demetre cabin," Percy turned to the few children of Demetre there, "can you guys control nature like Satyr's?" They nodded, "good then you will be our support. When the main fighting force is attacking, you guys use the plants to make sure we don't get stabbed in the back by making a wall of plants around us, understand?" They nodded again.

Percy then turned to the largest cabin there, Hermes,. He looked around and saw the Stool brothers there, they were still alive, thank the gods, no wait. Fuck the gods. "Hermes cabin, we are the main attacking force. We go in there and reinforce the people stuck in the Arena, got it?!"

The Hermes shouted all at once, "got it!"

Percy nodded as he turned to Chiron, "Chiron contact the useless wine god and make sure he gets he ass over here."

Chiron nodded, "will do Percy."

Percy nodded and just then;


You have unlocked a title!

Leader- allows the user to control his troops easily giving a +10 to all stats for all subordinates.

Percy immediately attached the title onto his status and immediately all of the campers he was leading felt a boost of power.






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