
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 : Trouble on the trial test and two member coming


The Six-Faced World



The next two day, Kuro who is currently sleeping in the inn like a log got woken up when the sun hit his eyes. When he open his eye he then leaves his bed to stretches his body and readying himself to go to Ranoa Magic University.

He then leaves the inn when he goes outside there is some snow around the building because it's winter right now but to and he still wearing his clothes two month when he got to this world. And the cold doesn't even bother him.

When he reach the Magic Academy he has to say it pretty big so he head inside saw many student carrying book to study 

He then notify the Academy staff that he want to enroll to the Magic Academy. Then the staff told him to wait in the Receptionist room. He then wait for about 5 minute until someone entered the room.

And the person that enter is man that has short gray hair that frames his face. He is also always seen wearing a dark coat with a white collar that is covered by a blue robe with the Ranoa Magic Academy emblem at the left chest. the man is named Jenius Halfas.

"Thank you for waiting, my name is Jenius, I am the teacher here" (Jenius)

He greeted Kuro and Kuro greeted him back.

"I'm Murasaki Kuro, you can call me Kuro. and please to meet you"(Kuro)

He then take a seat that is in front of kuro.

"Kuro-san you want to enroll into the Academy right" (Jenius)

"that's right" (Kuro)

"I see we were about to send you an invitation to our Academy but we didn't think that you would be coming here yourself" (Jenius)

"the Invitation?" (Kuro)

Kuro was surprised because letter of invitation from Ranoa Magic Academy mean you are an renowned individual and are invited Magic Academy they can refused if they wanted to.

"that's right, you might not know Kuro-san but you are a renowned individuals because many people have known you as Kuro the Railgun" (Jenius)

"Kuro the Railgun?" (Kuro)

Kuro didn't know that he was called like that because he really doesn't care what people called him. And Jenius said.

"That right it's because Kuro-san always Railgun after defeating the monster and from what the people says you can use Lightning and Voiceless incantation, right?" (Jenius)

"That's right" (Kuro)

"I see, Than if you don't mind could we conduct a trial test?" (Jenius)

"a trial test?" (Kuro)

Kuro than think for a bit and agreed to the trial test

They then leave the room to go to building where we would do a trial test and he saw some student. And Jenius shouted someone name.

"Rudeus-kun can you come here for a moment"(Jenius)

The person that he call is Rudeus Greyrat,

Rudeus who is with Sylphiette heard Jenius that is calling him go to where he is and then he saw man that is bigger than him and he has black hair and blue sky. When he saw him, he immediately knows that is Murasaki Kuro because of what Ruijerd said last on the last two days.

"umm, Jenius -san what are you calling me for?"(Rudeus)

Rudeus ask Jenius on why he called him and jenius said.

"because a we want to conduct a trial test for the new student and who would be better than you Rudeus-kun" (Jenius)

"I see, and is he the new student"

Rudeus pointed at Kuro.

"that's right, this man is Murasaki Kuro" (Jenius)

"I see, nice to meet you I'm Rudeus Greyrat" (Rudeus)

Kuro who saw this greeted him back.

"nice to meet you too" (Kuro)

With that Jenius ask Kuro and Rudeus to stand inside the magic circle when they were inside the magic circle when they were about to start. They suddenly heard a woman voice in the building.

"I've finally found you Murasaki Kuro" (Nyarlathotep)

When Kuro who heard this he immediately know who that is and he sigh because it's the person that he definitely don't want to meet when he was strolling around the world but to think that she already found where he is.

"hahh, what do you want Nyarlathotep and what are you doing here." (Kuro)

He said witout moving his head and Nyarlathotep who is currently hiding showed her from the ground and everyone who seeing this got shocked and Rudeus on the other hand was even more shocked because he heard what Kuro said.

'Nyarlathotep?! AS IN the Outer God from H.P. Lovecraft?!' (Rudeus)

He was sweating because if that's true than he will die just like when he meet Orsted no it's not gonna be like Orsted because he will be erased from existance and Sylphiette who is on the side worried if Rudeus will be fine because of this woman that appear from the ground because she saw Rudeus has face full of despair.

"what? Is it wrong to look for you in this world?." (Nyarlathotep)

Kuro who heard what she said and he immediately activate his power. And Nyarlathotep who feel him activating his power returned it in kind by releasing her power too.

Everyone who is watching this immediately try evacuate but when they open the door there was nothing. It's they were not in the Academy again

"ah, you human shouldn't leave yet" (Nyarlathotep)

She said to them and Rudeus run to where everyone is try to calm them down. But they suddenly heard Kuro.

"Let them leave, Nyarlathotep! if you don't then don't blame for killing your avatar" (Kuro)

They heard what he said and Nyarlathotep who heard it smile maniacally and said.

"then, TRY IT IF YOU CAN MURASAKI KUROO!!!" (Nyarlathotep)

Kuro than moved so fast that he immediately appear in front of Nyarlanthotep, when he is in front of her he cocked his hand and then launched it toward her face when it hit her face everything then went white.

And When the light died down, everyone that is in the building was teleported to safety. When they were came to they immediately had pale faces and Rudeus on the other hand was so afraid that he thought he would die again Sylphiette who is next to him asked.

"R-Rudy who was that just now?"(Sylphiette)

"Sylphie" (Rudeus)

Rudeus who heard her want to tell her who that was but if she learn who that was. but She will probably get targeted by the Outer God and he can't do anything against him. Sylphiette who saw this she immediately said

"Rudy, if don't want to tell me who that was, than it's fine" (Sylphiette)

"Sylphie" (Rudeus)

Rudeus who hear this he than steeled himself to tell her who that was.

"Sylphie, that woman that we saw is a God" (Rudeus)

Sylphie who heard this was very shocked and everyone who is still there heard what Rudeus said Jenius ask Rudeus.

"A God? What kind of God is this are you talking about Rudeus-kun?" (Jenius)

"It's called the Outer Gods. That woman is named Nyarlathotep. she is a God of Chaos and from what we heard that woman is probably just an Avatar and if we are talking about how she is then she could murder everyone from the Great Power" (Rudeus)

When they this, their face became very pale but they immediately forgot about Kuro.

"Wait, what about Murasaki Kuro then? the fact that he know this Nyarlathotep than is he one of the Outer God?"

"about that I don't know but we can only say that he's the one that teleported us to the Academy" (Rudeus)

After Rudeus said it they than to about it because they were in the Academy again because if he didn't teleport them here then they will be massacared by Nyarlathotep, after that they are now disperse themselves.


Kuro's Dimension 


After teleporting everyone to the academy he immediately look at Nyarlathotep with a cold look ready to kill her at any moment. They are currently in Kuro dimension because if they fight in That place than the world will be destroyed in a matter of second.

"hmmm, I truly love that look Murasaki Kuro" (Nyarlathotep)

The look that Kuro giving is something that would kill anyone with it.


"oh not gonna say anything now that's hurtful" (Nyarlathotep)

Nyarlathotep said it with a sad face and a tear in her eyes. But to Kuro doesn't buy it even one bit because she has been aftering him for the 100 Decillion year. 

For a minute they stare each other Kuro take the initiative to move against her. He suddenly appear in front of her but Nyarlathotep anticipated him coming from the front so she send out her tentacle that is from behind her to attack him but it didn't hit anything but she suddenly got punch the side and throw her body so far that Kuro couldn't see her again.

But he wasn't done yet he chased after her and then he sent out a punch that is coated with space quake, when it hit her everything went white again.

When the light died down he look at the place where Nyarlathotep was. But he found nothing until heard.

"heh, I knew you wouldn't die just like that" (Kuro)

"of course Murasaki Kuro even though this body is just an avatar that doesn't mean I'm weaker than you who is currently sealing his power in mortal world, so why not release your power this is your dimension you can finally let loose"

"then don't blame for killing your avatar alright" (Kuro)

After saying that Kuro release his seal and Nyarlathotep who is seeing this smiled so wide and said. Because the power his radiating Is lot more powerful when they were fighting the first time

"yes, yes that what I want to see!! NOW COME TO ME MURASAKI KURO!!!"(Nyarlathotep)

With that he created a spear made out of Gamma Ray Burst and stab her on the chest but he wasn't done yet he created a million spear and fired it where and some hit Nyarlathotep while other missed and he didn't let Nyarlathotep speak by making the every spear that he created explode. Lighting his Dimension again.

When the light died down again he can't sense Nyarlathotep presence again after thorough check again he still can't sense Nyarlathotep presence he confirmed Nyarlathotep avatar is dead. So he seals his power again to go back to The Six-Faced World but before he could Utaha ask some help in the Group Chat.

[Utako Kasumi has gone online]

[Utako Kasumi : Murasaki-san you about martial arts right]

[The End has gone online]

[The End : hmm yes I know them but why do you ask?]

Kuro who saw this is confused but after a second he finally got it why she ask that.

[The End : you want me to teach you martial arts right? So that you can use your sub skill called Future Attack Prediction to it's full use right?]

[Utako Kasumi : y-yeah that's… right]

[The End : well I could but why not go to the world that I'm currently right now]

[Utako Kasumi : eh, you could? But for how long will I'll be staying in that world because I'm student and I can't skip school]

Kuro who saw this want to know the timeframe The Six-Faced World so he ask 

[The End : Utaha how long you join the Group Chat]

[Utako Kasumi : eh about two days ago]

When Kuro saw this he immediately knew the time frame of his current world and the world Utaha was currently in.

[The End : I see, to me it's been two month since I've got the Group Chat and I can say that one day in your world is one month in the world I'm currently in]

[Utako Kasumi : I see so one day is one month in that world tha your currently on]

[The End : yes and about the school I can do something with that]

[Utako Kasumi : you do]

[The End : yeah]

When he was having conversation someone has online again.

[Star Idol has gone online]

[The End : oh Hoshino-san hello]

[Utako Kasumi : Ai-san hello]

[Star Idol : oh Murasaki-san, Utaha-san hello]

[Star Idol : so what are you two talking about right now]

[The End : oh it's about Kasumigaoka-san asking to teach her some martial arts and I ask her why not go to the world that I'm currently in]

[Star Idol : I see then can I come too?]

[The End : eh you want to come too? But don't you have your idol activity] 

[The End : well if you really want come as well then first tell me how long have join the Group Chat]

[Star Idol : It has been a week that I join the Group Chat]

[The End : I see it's different huh. Kasumigaoka-san have join the Group Chat for two days]

[Star Idol : ehhh, then how long have you join the Group Chat Murasaki-san]

[The End : it's been two month in the current world I'm in. but I don't about Zagan though because he hasn't go online]

[Star Idol : now that talk about it he hasn't go online yet]

[Utako Kasumi : yeah what is he doing for him to not go online in the Group Chat]

[The End : well the only thing I can say is that he's absorbing the knowledge from Void Archive because that thing Is a god damn library]


Zagan's Castle


Zagan who is currently writing book after book right now. Because the reward the Group Chat gave him is very good for who is a researcher is a very good synergy because he hasn't go out of his library. When he was about write another he suddenly got the urge to sneeze

"hah, hah, hah, hachooo"(Zagan)

He then wipe his snots and said

"is someone talking about me?"(Zagan)

He then continue writing his book because the Knowledge from the Void Archive is very valuable.


Kuro's Dimension


Kuro is currently still talking with the Group Chat

[The End : so what are you to gonna do? do you want to come the world that I'm or not. just to let you know the world that I'm in is in medieval era and there is monster roaming around]

[Star Idol : can I ask can I bring my children to that world]

[The End : well, you can. but you need to supervise them because slavery exist in that world]

[Star Idol : I-I see than I guess I won't bring my children then]

[The End : so, what is your answer you two.]

He then waited for their reply. After waiting for a about a minute they reply with.

[Utako Kasumi : please take to that world]

[Star Idol : yes me too]

[The End : than please wait a moment]

Kuro than uses he omniscience to find where they are. When he know where they are he than teleport them to his.

The two of them who was suddenly got teleported look around to know where they are but what they saw was just empty black void there is nothing at all. Until they heard a man.

"Hey you two." (Kuro)

The two of them then saw a tall black hair man with a blue-sky eyes and Ai ask

"are you Murasaki Kuro-san? and where are we?" (Ai)

"yes, that right. And we're in my Dimension that I create because I have to fight Nyarlathotep avatar." (Kuro)

"wait, are you on bad term with it" (Utaha) 

"ah that is because …"(Kuro)

Kuro then explained to them what happened from when he was about to have the trial test to him killing Nyarlathotep Avatar. Utaha than said

"I see but why did you suddenly teleport us we still have thing to do in our world" (Utaha)

"well so that I could do this"(Kuro)

He snapped his finger and two people appear and they have the same appearance as Utaha and Ai to the point of being an identical twin.

"w-why is there me in front of me?" (Utaha)

"y-yeah why is there me too?" (Ai)

Kuro than answered them 

"This is your clone that will be you when you are not on own world. But currently they are just an empty husk and what I want for you two to them on the fore so that they could get some memories that they need to act as your clone." (Kuro)

When they heard that they followed his word and touch they're forehead after about a minute they're clone started to move and look around.

Kuro than teleported them to where they were at.

"hmm where are they" (Ai)

"oh I teleported to the last place where you are standing" (Kuro)

Kuro than open portal to let them see their clone were at and now they can see that the cloe interact with the people like the real.

"see, so how about we go to the world that I'm currently on right now" (Kuro)

He then teleported them to where he was before. but before that he turn back time to before Nyarlathotep.


The Six-Faced World



The of them then appeared inside the building where Kuro would conduct his trial test everyone on the other who was very confused because Kuro disappear and then he suddenly come back with to girl in tow, Jenius than ask.

"Kuro-kun, where were you and who are they?" (Jenius)

"ah, sorry about that something came up that I have teleported" (Kuro)

"Huh, wait Kuro-kun you can use Teleport?" (Jenius)

"hmm, of course I can" (Kuro)


Everyone from the academy were shocked because he can use Teleportation magic is something like a inherent magic that is magic race secret and the fact that he can use Teleport shows that he is renowed individuals.

"oh yeah if I pass the trial test can you give them special student. And don't worry they will become more powerfull than you think because I will train this two." (Kuro)

"I-I see, then it's fine. But first let's begin the trial test first is that okay with, Rudeus-kun?" (Jenius)

"eh, I-I'm okay with it too"(Rudeus)

Rudeus was too shocked to answer it very clearly. The two of them then ready themselves. While Ai and Utaha move to the side to watch the trial test.

"well then, Begin" (Jenius)

Rudeus want to fire his stone cannon but he can't use it because Kuro sealed his magic just got for little bit of time while Kuro flicked coin up in there and when the coin falling in front of him and Rudeus who saw this he immediately moves from his spot. 

And he did the right thing because the moment the coin made contact with his thumb the coin flew so fast that it leaves a laser like trail and thankfully Kuro reinforce the wall with his power because if tit did not then the coin would still ccontinue leaving nothing behind.

When Rudeus saw this he thought he was gonna die again. And he heard Kuro saying.

"ready to give up" (Kuro)

While saying that Kuro held another coin ready to fire when Rudeus saw that he raising his hand and immediately said.

"I give up"(Rudeus)

"good choice, so do I pass or not" (Kuro)

Kuro said turning his head to Jenius and he said.

"y-you pass Murasaki Kuro-kun and about the two girl that came with you" (Jenius)

Utaha and Ai move forward and quickly introduce themselves

"my name is Utaha Kasumigaoka, please to meet you."(Utaha)

"and my name is Ai Hoshino please to meet you too" (Ai)

Rudeus who heard were very surprise because the two of them are Japanese and Jenius said.

"I see then please to meet you, just like what Kuro-kun ask you two are to be placed in Special Student." (Jenius)

And with that the life of a student in Ranoa Magic Academy for them has begun.


Thank you for reading my fanfic.

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