
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 : First day on school and new trouble is coming




Nyarlathotep True form who is currently floating in the seemingly endless void suddenly twitches. She than sense that her Avatar has been killed Kuro she than said. With a maniacaly

"he he he, I see that you killed my Avatar Murasaki Kuro, but don't think that killing my Avatar would stop me from going to where you are."

She than started making another Avatar for to descent to The Six-Faced World but she got a telephatic message from someone. When she heard what that telephatic message she stop making her avatar and said.

"hmph, you're very luck Murasaki Kuro. because for now I will give up on descending to that world, but the moment you go to a world that has my avatar than be prepared"

With that Nyarlathotep who was stop by someone decide to just go watch over him. But suddenly she got an idea and send a telephatic message to someone and send her there to the world that Kuro currently on. and she Look at the current situation with a glee on her face.

"now what are going to do now Murasaki Kuro?"


The Six-Faced World

Ranoa Magic Academy 


Kuro, Ai, and Utaha are currently walking through the spiral stairway to reach the Special Student Classroom because the Class is on the top floor of a tower. They're currently wearing Ranoa magic Academy Uniform that they school give out.

"I can't believe that they give out uniform to Student and what more this uniform is just like Japanese school uniform"(Utaha)

"is that right? Because I've never gone to school before so I don't know"(Ai)

"eh Ai-san you haven't gone to school yet?"(Utaha)

"well, considering her circumstances so it's not that surprising"(Kuro)

"hmm, What kind of circumstances that she has that doesn't go to school?"(Utaha)

Utaha ask because she doesn't know Ai that well because it's only been two in her world that she join the Group Chat, the only thing that she knows is that she has a kid and an idol a very young one when she look at her appearance., But she ask.

"Ai-san, I wanna ask how old are you?"(Utaha)

"hmm, I'm currently 20 right now"(Ai)

"hmm, I see so you're older than me."(Utaha)

They then reach the Classroom, they then see multiple people in the Special Student Classroom.

"so, are you guys the new student this right now?"(???)

The person that said that is woman who has has short, grey hair with a pair of cat ears and a tail of the same color. The woman Is currently acting arrogant toward the three of them. 

"yes that's right, and who are you?"(Utaha)

"I'm Linia Dedoldia, a sixth year nya"(Linia)

"I see, my is Utaha Kasumigaoka. Nice to meet you Linia-san"(Utaha)

"my name is Ai Hoshino. Nice to meet you too, Linia-san"(Ai)

"and I'm Murasaki Kuro, nice to meet you"

After the three of them introduce themselves an incredibly tall man with with 6 muscular arms violet hair and a jet black skin and he is currently wearing a Academy Uniform that is very tight that . Suddenly approach scaring the Ai and Utaha. he than look Kuro with a frowned look and ask. 

"you, who ar- No, What are you? "(???)

Everyone in the room suddenly look at the man because the man is known as Demon Lord of Immortality and for him to ask this new student and ask him what he is. Rudeus than come forward to ask the man what he mean.

"umm, Badigadi-san what do you mean what he is?"(Rudeus)

The man called Badigadi look at Rudeus and answer Rudeus question.

"it's because of the presence this man emitting"(Badigadi)

"what do you mean by the presence that he's emitting?"(Rudeus)

But before Badigadi answer Rudeus question a teacher than enter the room and everyone quickly takes a seat and Kuro, Ai, Utaha sit together. 

After sometime the teacher finish the lesson and when the three of them want to go to the courtyard but they were stop by Badigadi. He then ask Kuro to come with him to a seclude place. While the two girls were ask by Rudeus to come with him to meet someone.

When they were now Badigadi than ask the same question this morning.

"so, what are you?"(Badigadi)

"I see, you are sharp as I expected from the Demon Lord of Immortality, but if you want to know what I am than you can say that I'm something like those guys from the Great Power and my title is called 'Outer God'."(Kuro)

"one of the Great Power? But I've never heard of you once"(Badigadi

Badigadi commented because he has lived very long but he hasn't even heard of his name or his achievement and Kuro just answered him with.

"that's because I was in a seclusion and if you don't believe me than you just think of it some human rambling"(Kuro)

Badigadi than frowned because the presence he's emitting is still there but he want's push him to tell him what he is but suddenly that presence just disappear. He than tried to sense it again but the presence is gone.

"I see, than I'm sorry for buying your time"(Badigadi)

Badigadi than left Kuro feeling very confused. The reason why he can't sense it again is because Kuro hide that precense he's emitting. Kuro thought that the presence that's his emitting will not be notice by someone of this world but this was proven wrong by Badigadi.

Kuro than also left the place decide to wander around the school ground until he stumbled upon a girl with has long blonde hair with blue eyes and a very attractive face. And behind her was a tall man well-built and extremely good looking. He has brown hair and wears it in a combed back style. The two of them are currently wearing Academy Uniform.

"my, now this is a coincidence."(???)

Said the girl with a smile. She than started to introduce herself.

"my name is Ariel Anemoi Asura, pleased to meet you. Murasaki Kuro, right?"(Ariel)


On the other hand the girls and Rudeus are currently walking through the hallway. while walking Rudeus ask the two girls about something.

"say you two are Japanese right?"(Rudeus)

"yes, that right. Why do you ask that?"(Utaha)

Utaha ask Rudeus because the people of this world shouldn't know what Japanese mean unless someone who is either reincarnated or summoned. Utaha than than ask Rudeus.

"umm, Greyrat-san are you a reincarnated person?"

When he heard it stop walking for a moment and continue walking without looking back and answer Utaha.

"yes, I am reincarnated person. we are currently walking to meet someone the same as us a Japanese."

"eh, there is another japanese here?"(Utaha)

Utaha and Ai was surprised because there's another Japanese in this world. Rudeus than answered Utaha question.

"yes, there is and this person has been trying to make summoning circle so that she could go back her world."(Rudeus)

"I see."(Utaha)

After sometime they finally arrived in a room. Rudeus than open there is a person that is currently diagram of a summoning circle the girl in question is a teenage girl with long black hair, and she's wearing something like a white mask.

"hmm, Rudeus what's wrong?"(???)

"ah, Nanahoshi-san you need to see this"(Rudeus)

After Rudeus saying that Nanahoshi look at what he said. When she look at Rudeus she than saw two people who has black hair well one of them while the other has purplish color hair.

"a-a-are you two a Japanese?"(Nanahoshi)

The girl name Nanahoshi ask the two of them and Utaha answered her question.

"yes, the two of us are Japanese. Actually there another Japanese here but currently he's with someone right now. And he's the reason why we're here."(Utaha)

When Nanahoshi heard that she immediately grab Utaha both of her shoulder and ask Utaha.

"w-what do you mean by that?! And what do you mean he's the reason you two are her?! Is he also the reason why I'm here?!"(Nanahoshi)

Nanahoshi ask Utaha with feverishly question with a look that could kill but Utaha was startled by Nanahoshi outburst and Rudeus tried to separate Utaha and Nanahoshi because it seems that Nanahoshi think that Murasaki Kuro is the reason why she's here.

"calm down Nanahoshi-san. Can't you see that Kasumigaoka-san was startled by your sudden outburst."(Rudeus)

Nanahoshi who heard what Rudeus said than quickly regained her composure because it seems that her wanting to know why she's here is getting to her.

"I-I'm sorry for my sudden outburst"(Nanahoshi)

She bowed down to her and apologize for her sudden outburst.

"no no, it's alright."(Utaha)

Nanahoshi than stand up started to introduce herself.

"sorry for the late introduction my name is Nanahoshi Shizuka, and you two are?"(Nanahoshi)

"ah, I'm Utaha Kasumigaoka. and this is."(Utaha)

"I'm Ai Hoshino."(Ai)

"I see, may I call you two Ai-san and Utaha-san"(Nanahoshi)

"yes, that fine by me you too. right Ai-san."(Utaha)


After they introduce them self Nanahoshi then started asking them some question.

"Utaha-san, you said that you two are here by someone. may I ask who this someone is?."(Nanahoshi)

"yes, that's right and the reason why we're here is because in this world we can train our power that we got from him"(Utaha)

Utaha lied about Kuro gave them skill to hide the existence of the Group Chat. unknown to them that Kuro could actually gave them the Herrscher core and Ultimate Skill.

"you say him who is this 'him' you're talking about"(Nanahoshi)

"the him that you're talking about Nanahoshi-san are probably Murasaki-san, is that right you two?."(Rudeus)

Rudeus answered Nanahoshi question

"that's right, and he also the one who bring us here."(Utaha)

Nanahoshi than suddenly ask Utaha something.

"you said that he bring you two here, than can he bring me back to my world?."(Nanahoshi) 

Nanahoshi ask because if this Murasaki Kuro can bring them here than ha can bring her back to right.

"umm, I don't know about that but considering of what his identity is than he could actually bring you back to your world."(Utaha)

When Nanahoshi heard she just got hope knowing that's someone able to teleport her back to her own world but she the caught a word that Utaha mention.

"Utaha-san what do you mean by what he is?."(Nanahoshi)

Nanahoshi ask because Utaha said that. When Utaha heard that she got startled. Because she doesn't know if him being known as an Outer God will upset him or not.

But if the chance that the masses know that he's an Outer God he will still not care about anything as long they don't cross path with or irritate him. 

But he will first warn that person to not cross path with him again and if that person still doesn't listen to his warning then he will naturally erase that said person that cross his path again. Even an Outer God isn't spared from this he will target anyone

Because to Outer God everyone are just an ant that can be crushed at anytime.

"umm, I… hah look I want to tell you about his identity but I don't if he would allow me to say about it."(Utaha)

 "I see so you're saying is that his identity very sensitive, right?."(Nanahoshi)

"That's right."(Utaha)

Utaha answered. Ai and Rudeus on the side are currently listening to their conversation. Rudeus than ask Ai about something other than like what Utaha and Nanahoshi are talking about.

"umm, Hoshino-san you said that Murasaki-san give you power, but what kind of power did he give you?."(Rudeus)

"hmm, he give me something called Herrscher Core of the Void while Utaha-san is something called Ultimate Skill : Lord of Wisdom, Raphael if I'm right?"(Ai)

Rudeus who heard what she said continue asking what the Herrscher Core and Ultimate Skill do.

"umm, from what I know is that the Herrscher Core let me control Space time Manipulation while the Ultimate Skill I don't know. Utaha do you know what you're Ultimate Skill do?."(Ai)

Ai ask Utaha because she doesn't what the Ultimate Skill : Raphael do except from what Kuro tell them in the Group Chat.

"umm, it something like an A.I in the form of a skill that can analyse anything and I can interact with the skill anytime I want."(Utaha)

Rudeus and Nanahoshi who heard that was very shocked because one of them can manipulate space and time and the other have an A.I that can analyse anything. A.I than continue saying.

"that's why we are here to train our power to their fullest potential."(Utaha)

"I see."(Nanahoshi)

They than started to continue talking to each other.


On the other hand with Kuro who was currently walking has stumbled upon Princess Ariel.

"my name is Ariel Anemoi Asura, pleased to meet you. Murasaki Kuro, right?"(Ariel)

Said Ariel and Kuro just answer.

"yes, that's right."(Kuro)

"I see, than may I have some of your time?"(Ariel)

Kuro thought about it for a second and he answered

"alright then, lead the way."(Kuro)

Ariel and the man behind her lead the way. They then stop by at what it seems a room and there word on top of the door says "Student Council Room". They than enter it Kuro than take sit at the chair. Ariel than started asking Kuro.

"Murasaki Kuro-san you are known as Kuro the Railgun, right?"(Ariel)

"That's right, I guess."(Kuro)

"than I won't beat around the bush than Kuro I want to make an ally with you!."(Ariel)

Ariel doesn't beat around the bushes because her intuition says that if she ally with Murasaki Kuro than in the future she would reach place so high unlike her current place right now.

And Kuro who heard this than thought about for a second and said.

"you could ally with me but what's in it for me right now?."(Kuro)

After hearing what he said Ariel than tried answering his question but Kuro immediately cut her off.

"if you want to say something like riches, and fame than it's useless. because I can money money whenever I want and about fame I trully don't need it. so what going to Ariel-san?."(Kuro)

Kuro saying that while crossing his leg and Ariel who heard this now started thinking while the man on the side was outrage by what he heard and point his sword at Kuro.

"you how dare you talk to Ariel-sama!!."(???)

Kuro who look at the man that pointing his sword at him with a calm face and Ariel quickly defused the situation by saying.

"Luke stand down!!."(Ariel

"but, Ariel-sama…"(Luke)

"please stand down."(Ariel)


the man who is name Luke heard what Ariel saying than put his sword back into his scarbard.Kuro who see this quickly said.

"if you want a payment than how about the payment is you."(Kuro)

Kuro said while pointing his finger toward Ariel and Luke on the side was outrage again but he got stop by Ariel.

"you want me as payment right Murasaki Kuro-san?"(Ariel)

"that's right and you can call me Kuro if you want to and what I mean by you is what I truly mean I want all of you both in body, mind, soul, and even your heart."(Kuro)

Ariel who heard this was in her thought if she should sell herself to Kuro but her intuition is screaming to accept it. But Kuro who is waiting for her answer and has a very thin patiance decide to not pursue it and stand up from his chair.

"if you don't want to then you can forget about my proposal and this very conversation."(Kuro)

he than head to the door but before he leaves Ariel called ou to him.


Kuro than look at her with the same face one who is calm nad than he heard her saying.

"if that's the price for me to make you an ally and become the queen than so be it!."(Ariel)

Kuro who heard it was very impress by her tenacity and he than saw a past of himself when he was a human mirrored by Ariel's look that is reflected on her eyes. He than smile and said.

"a very good choice Ariel-san. Than from now on you have made an ally with me Murasaki Kuro."(Kuro)

Kuro than stretch out his hand to have a handshakes with Ariel. Ariel than also stretch out her hand and the two of them.


Kuro has already left the room leaving only Ariel and Luke. Ariel who is currently thinking if she made a good choice or not but her thought were broken out by Luke.

"Ariel-sama was that really necessary by agreeing yourself as a payment to him?"(Luke)

Luke said with worried face. And Ariel said.

"it's okay Luke and I don't know why but by becoming his maybe In the future I will become something much more than just a queen."(Ariel)

After Ariel said that she smile at the window and then she saw Kuro walking through the hallway and she unknowingly smile for some reason. Someone than entered the room.

"Ariel-sama sorry to keep you waiting"(Sylphiette)

The one who entered the room is Sylphiette. Sylphiette than saw Ariel smiling through the window and Sylphiette than go to where Luke is and ask.

"Luke, what happen to Ariel-sama?."(Sylphiette)

"well that is because she want to make an ally with Murasaki Kuro but what he want is not riches or fame but Ariel-sama. And Ariel-sama agreed to his demand and here we are."(Luke)

Sylphiette who heard was kind of surprised to make Ariel to agree to such an payment. Ariel than notice Sylphiette and said.

"ah, Sylphie you're here. You must have asked Luke of what happen when you are not here."(Ariel)

"yes, he said that you sold yourself to make an ally with Murasaki Kuro. Are you okay with that Ariel-sama."(Sylphiette)

Just like what happen with Luke, Sylphiette look at Ariel with a worried look. And Ariel said.

"it's okay Sylphie just like what I said with Luke I'm sure that by allying myself with Murasaki Kuro than in the future he will make me something much more than just a queen."(Ariel)

Sylphiette who heard was worried and relieved that Ariel is fine with it and worried that Murasaki Kuro would do something unthinkable to Ariel.

After that they than had the same discussion just like usual about how to approach making Ariel the queen.


The Six-Faced World



In the bustling city of Sharia someone is currently walking through the city the girl has Blue hair with a blue eyes on her head there is an golden ornament with a blue tear gem. she is currently wearing priestess with motif of blue and a white and she is wearing veil that covered her head.

currently she's walking through the city searching for someone.

"hahh, why did aunt Nyarlathotep ask me to do this. To find that Outer God."(???)

Said the girl because Nyarlathotep ask her to find Murasaki Kuro and watchover him if she doesn't go than Nyarlathotep is not afraid to kill her.

"hah, well I guess got to do what she ask huh. But why is aunt Nyarlathotep so obsessed with Murasaki Kuro."(???)

She sigh and decide to go find him because she got information from Nyarlathotep that he's currently playing school with the human. And she is confused why Nyarlathotep is very obsessed with Murasaki Kuro.

This is the first time that she will meet him because he's always a sleep or watching human in his own dimension. When she heard that Murasaki Kuro was once a human she was baffled because human was supposed to be weak but to think that someone from the human was able to reach the rank of the Outer God.

"well, I will soon find out why Aunt Nyarlathotep is very obsessed with this Murasaki Kuro."(???)

She than continued walking toward Ranoa Magic Academy to find Murasaki Kuro.


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