
One Step at a Time.

A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story

FluffiestEmperor · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs


Kenichi had just finished his training with Sakaki, for some reason his sensei's training increased in brutality. He was about to head to the main dwelling when in the forest behind Ryōzanpaku he hears loud crashes, curious he wanted to take a glance.

Before he can reach the source of the sound, his food-stealing friend Tōchūmaru appears in front of him, telling him to be careful, and two follow him. Carefully, with Tōchūmaru leading the way Kenichi reaches the source of the sound.

There he sees Azuma, Miu's uncle doing…. something, he couldn't understand, it was some kind of hook kick, the result was what shocked Kenichi, the sound he heard before seems to be the broken trees around Azuma. Whenever the technique he was practicing impacted a tree, the tree around his leg would compress, breaking in half.

Kenichi heard Azuma murmur, "Nope, this will decapitate someone or break their necks, I need to be able to use it without killing, being able to adjust the powers at my leisure."

The boy got chills on his back, he hasn't know Azuma for a long time, the man he knows usually has a loving smile besides Shigure or Miu or is talking with any of his other masters with a calm face, especially with Akisame-sensei, seemingly enjoying his time. Kenichi was definitely not used to his current expression of seriousness or talk about decapitation and killings.

Tōchūmaru seeing it was safe to approach went to Azuma, jumping to his head Azuma only patted his small head, "My rodent friend, what can I do for you? Does it perhaps concern the boy hiding behind the bushes over there?"

Before Kenichi could even come out, he heard what Azuma had just said, wondering how he could know he was here. "It's alright Kenichi-kun, you can come out."

Once again hearing Azuma's voice before he could say anything, Kenichi sighed and walked out of the bushes, bowing in apology, "I'm sorry Azuma-san, I heard loud noises coming from the forest, and was curious."

With a smile on his face Azuma said, "No worries, Tōchūmaru knew I was training; besides, I knew you were here the moment you entered the forest. Tōchūmaru only felt the need to guide you, to prevent any airwave to come your way." Azuma gave the mouse a fist bump, which he reciprocated.

Now curious about the technique Kenichi asked Azuma, "What were you practicing Azuma-san?"

Azuma had a proud smile on his face, "A little technique I'm trying to master. As you can see it currently has one outcome."

"What martial arts do you practice Azuma-san?" Choosing to ignore the trees and the previous whisper, Kenichi asked him.

Azuma was intrigued at the boy's curiosity, choosing to satisfy it, "I practice taekwondo, but also jujitsu and Fūrinji style, the one Miu uses."

Kenichi was impressed, three different martial arts, his masters haven't explained to him the different levels of martial artists, but he assumed all Azuma's martial arts must be strong, if even Sakaki, admitted Azuma is stronger than him.

Seeing Kenichi was lost in thoughts Azuma intervened, "If that's all Kenichi-kun, let's go back before I receive a scolding from Shigure, Miu, and Shizuha."

Azuma started walking towards Ryōzanpaku, signaling with his hand for Kenichi to follow. In the walk, Kenichi asked him, "Is taekwondo stronger?"

Azuma could not believe the question, but then he remembered the boy beside him has just entered the world of martial arts not more than two months ago, with patience he responded to Kenichi, "There is no strongest martial art Kenichi-kun, every style for every martial art has the potential to become strong, it all depends on the practitioner, their conviction to keep moving forward, and their beliefs, for example, all of your masters, me being the exception follow-"

"I believe that's enough son, his masters and, will have that conversation with him at a later date." The voice of the elder was heard, it seems they don't want Kenichi to know about Katsujinken and Satsujinken just yet.

Sighing Azuma only said, "If that's what you want old man, I was just answering Kenichi-kun's question."

After his conversation with Azuma, Kenichi became interested in learning more about him, besides the fact he was Miu's uncle, and what he had just told him, Kenichi knew nothing about the man. Asking all of his masters about Azuma.

Sakaki responded with, "My rival, and a strong martial artist." Not commenting further.

Apachai with, "Apa? Azuma is Apachai's friend."

Kensei with, "Truthfully I don't know him much, he is caring toward his friends and family, and the rumors say that brutal towards his enemies. Besides that, the bastard burned my collection."

Next, came Akisame, "Azuma you ask? Hmmm…. what can I tell you, he is a good friend, much like his brother. Do not take his appearance or lack of musculature as a way to judge his strength, physically I would say he is the strongest after the Elder. He is usually calm, or silly, however, you do not want to see him angry. He might be your best ally or your worst enemy, thankfully it seems he doesn't have any enemies, at most he finds some people distasteful."

Shigure, the person that knows him the most, was the least useful, her answer only being, "Hubby, I love."

At her answer Kenichi facepalmed, asking her, "But you are not married are you?"

Without changing her expression Shigure continued, "Does not matter, he's…my husband."

Kenichi understood Shigure would not be giving her more information, so he just left. He would ask Miu but based on their interactions, Miu would only praise the man to the high heavens, not telling Kenichi anything, the Elder was his father and he intimidated Kenichi, so that was a no.

Next Shizuha, Kenichi does not want to approach Shizuha, he always felt nervous around the woman, an uncontrollable fear spreading on him when he saw her, there were no words to describe it, a feeling that if you make the wrong move, say the wrong thing, your head will end up in a spike.

Kenichi was still quite young, lacking experience, which is why he didn't realize that none of the masters actually gave him any information about Azuma, they told him, that he was strong, a good friend, a rival, not really telling him anything he didn't already know.

And not only for Azuma, but any of the masters would also have reacted the same had Kenichi asked about anyone, the privacy of the members was important, only when the person in question gives permission or tells him themselves would any of the masters tell.