
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime und Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 07 - Testing and Improving Pt 2

This sudden discovery opens up a lot of possibilities for the future me, who knows I might just be able to create devastating attacks with this knowledge.

Now many may be wondering how something as simple as this can lead to creating a dangerous attack, and the answer to that is quite simple, the human body.

More specifically how the human body actually works, and even more specifically for my case: the brain.

The brain is one of the most amazing and complicated organs to ever exist, it controls everything from memories, emotions, thoughts, to the body itself, and all of these amazing functions comes with great risks as well, that is, if something damages the brain even slightly, then there's a high risk of permanent brain damage, which most times than not ruins that person's life.

What I'm trying to say with this is that if I can directly influence the brain of my opponents with this new method, then I might just have a foundation for an attack.

An example of what I believe can happen to oneself if I use this new method directly is that after 30 seconds of cutting off the brain from the body not only will my targets likely be knocked unconscious out due to lack of direct oxygen to the brain, but if the effects last longer then this can lead to permanent brain injury and even death.

This might seem dangerous, which it is, but i'm considering this method of attack for a few reasons, firstly this is a dangerous world, and secondly this is currently the only method I have to defend myself. Lastly, I believe that 3 minutes is not actually enough to directly permanently injure someone nor is it enough to kill.

As I think this, I came to a quick way of implementing my new method for an attack: a pattern design that, if aimed properly, can not only immobilize my targets, but if done in a slightly different manner could also cause internal damage at some point.

Afterall all that this is, is basically cutting off your body into separate sections and waiting to see the end results, the only difference from dismemberment is that after 3 minutes pass everything will go back to normal…if that is even possible, after all nerves and many other things are very sensitive to this sort of thing so…

Once I finished with my thoughts, I quickly came up with a simple pattern that I can use, which is the basic star formation.

It would have to be aimed at the torso for the intended use, this should be able to not only separate the brain from the body, but also immobilize a person quite nicely.

As I think this, I again raise my right hand into the air but this time instead of going with the spider-man pose I go with a clawing motion and think of the pattern that I want to use, it should be composed of five large disks that intersect each other in the middle. -- >(*)

And just as I predicted, it worked!

My main attacks are clearly still disks, but instead of going outward to form an expanding cone, they are directed inwards to create a star shape.

I fire it off and the results are quite pleasing, everything in a large area in front of my is frozen in a strange star shape

And just as I predicted, the effects were much more severe as everything hit is almost completely frozen solid in time, and it even lasts 3 minutes. (Let me just say that it's not frozen frozen, just slowed down to the point where it seems to be frozen, in the end it's still a slowing effect).

After seeing this I gain a huge smile because now I have a simple ranged attack that I can use to defend myself from hostile people in this world (if they are weak enough).

As I repeat this attack a few more times to get comfortable in performing it I once again start to brainstorm on how to further improve my use of this devil fruit in the future.

All that I can currently say is that it appears that my control of the devil fruit is still in its infancy so I cannot control the length of the plates as of yet, nor can I create overly complicated shapes either.

The only thing that I can think of to try to advance the use of this fruit even further is trying to use this energy internally, as inside of my body.

Afterall all of this energy originates from inside me, so if I can consciously use it internally, I wonder what would happen and what effects it would have.

As I think of the results, I remember a comparison that was made in the anime, this devil fruit was compared by Luffy to Hancock's powerful Love-Love fruit.

And I can see why he thought this, she similarly shoots out beams that are heart shaped as her main attack, and she can even control her powers in order to create arrows, bullets, and even have the same effects with her kicks, which means I should be able to as well.

"I also remember that foxy guy also being able to make a whip out of this energy so I should be able to do that as well in the near future," I think out loud.

"Well, that's for the later me, I've been playing with these devil fruit powers for long enough and it's best to go find that village that Porche pointed out to me before the sun sets, after all I really don't want to sleep in the jungle, and I also want to find out where the heck I am and what year it is."

With that I turn around, find the original direction that's meant to lead to a village, and start trotting my way along.


Authors Message:

All of this complexity when it comes to creating an attack is actually necessary for now since he just got the devil fruit and it hasn't integrated fully with him yet, nor does he know how to manipulate it like he would like either, in the future he will.

ALSO if it was so easy to make different attacks for this fruit, say a bullet or a thin laser, then Foxy would have done so in canon, and since he only had like 2 attack's in total (slow-slow beam and the slow-slow whip thing), then that obviously means that its not the easiest fruit to manipulate.