
One Piece: The Rising Tide

No Harem, No System, No Op Protagonist Caspian Maverick lived his entire life bound to a wheelchair, but he didn’t let that stop him from sailing the world, or from getting a masters degree in engineering. He never resented his lot in life and did his best to make the most of his circumstances. After dying in a violent storm while at sea he was lucky enough to be granted an audience with an Elder God. This is where Caspian was given the opportunity of a lifetime; a second chance at life in another world. Not only was he given his legs back, but he was given abilities beyond his wildest dreams and the chance to explore a world 10 times the size of earth. With his knowledge of the future and the gifts he was bestowed, Caspian may just take the world of One Piece by Storm. The MC will grow to be quite powerful as the story progresses, but he’ll never be able to one shot an Emperor, or curb stomp an Admiral. This isn’t that kind of story. His power may give him an edge against most Devil Fruit users, but it’s not like he can strait up cancel their abilities. And as stated recently in the One Piece Manga by Kaido, powers alone can’t help one conquer the sea. In other words, I’ll do my best to make his abilities fit into the world of One Piece without messing up the power balance. He also won’t be following Luffy, Ace or Sabo. He will form his own crew and be an adventurer. I do not own the cover photo. I found it at Http://amarevia.deviant art.com If the creator would like me to take it down I will.

Professor_Zzyzx · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

First kill

Continuing our fight, I sent a condensed water blast to his stomach, followed a second to his neck and a third to his balls, just to keep up my barrage.

He barely held his ground against the first one. The second forced him to his knees and the third put him flat on his back. He flopped and rolled to try and stand up again. But I didn't let him, sending a fourth and fifth water blast his way. Regathering the water before it dispersed after each strike so as to continue my barrage.

"Dammit! You stupid brat! Fight me like a man you coward!" Porchemy bellowed as he tried and failed to defend himself. Unable to even stand up under the continuous assault. He was battered around like a mouse caught between the paws of a cat.

"Says the man who was just beating a defenceless child." I retorted while lashing out and sweeping his legs out from under him with the another water whip once he had finally managed to regained his footing.

He toppled over and fell face first into the ground once more. This time he didn't try to get up right away. His body was too tired, too broken, to move as he wanted it to.

I leapt on his back and pushed his face further into the dirt, driving my knee between his shoulder blades. When I finally got off his back he spat and sputtered, coughing up a mixture of blood and dirt.

"I will admit, this is getting pretty boring… so maybe I'll humour you, if that's what you really want, who am I to ignore your request?" I asked with a mocking smile while gripping his hair and lifting his face out of the mud, forcing him to look into my eyes. Then I let him go and stepped back.

"Get up. I'm not done with you yet." My voice was as cold as the deepest parts of the sea and my eyes were just as devoid of light. Porchemy shivered as fear built in his chest.

He struggled to stand, his arms hardly held his weight and his legs wobbled fiercely under the strain, but with adrenaline coursing t through his veins, he was able to push beyond his limits, keeping him alive. When he finally stood the pain had dulled and the fear was forgotten, replaced instead by a raging inferno of pure unbridled anger.

I sprinted forward to meet him head on, I even planted my pipe firmly into the ground to even the playing field.

Porchemy smiled confidently, showing his chipped, blood covered teeth. He really believes has the upper hand in close combat. I'm here to prove him wrong.

The experience pirate used all his remaining strength and struck out with a well timed right, putting all his weight behind that blow, intending to crush my skull and finish it in a single devastating punch.

'Foolish kid, you'll die due to your overconfidence!' Porchemy thought to himself as he pictured turning the battle around in this one moment. But reality is often different from imagination.

As Porchemy's fist neared my head I didn't even try to avoid it, instead I replied with a fist of my own. The metal spikes connected to his gloves made his fists imposing as hell, but I didn't back down for a second as I met his right fist mid air with my own.

Porchemy's face widened in shock and horror as the iron spikes covering his hand bent inwards, before shattering completely when they met my dense Atlantean skin. As our fists collided I must have shattered every bone in his right hand, forcing him back several feet and causing him to scream out in pain.

Fear filled his eyes and for the first time and he took a step back, barely suppressing a pained grunt before he struck out desperately with his left hand.

But I decided not to dodge it. I didn't need to. This time it hardly has any strength behind it. I merely turned my head to the side and let the punch land. Tanking it like it was nothing. Once more the metallic spikes crunched inward, as his fist crumbled like he had struck an iron wall.

A single drop of blood slid down the right side of my face, but it wasn't mine.

"All that and not even a drop of blood." I said cynically, quoting the mad titan and mocking him as I wiped his blood from my face.

"What-what the hell are you?" Porchemy asked with a tremble in his voice as he backed away in equal parts fear and pain. Both his arms were left dangling at his sides.

"I'm the guy you don't fuck with." I stated coldly. Walking slowly forward as Porchemy backed away, I smiled widely. "I'm going to enjoy this."

In his fear and panic the lumbering oaf slipped in the mud and fell face first at my feet. Lifting my bare foot I pressed it against his face and kicked him onto his back. Straddling him like a professional UFC fighter I proceeded to unleash hell on one of the most infamous pirates in all of Dawn Island. Tremors of impact shook my arms. Warm blood splashed my face. And still I continued. Until his face was nothing but a bloody mess with no resemblance to its original appearance.

"I was planning to give you one hit for every time you struck Luffy, but I wasn't there to keep count so I think I'll just round up to 100." I added as the punching bag beneath me sobbed desperately before coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"67, 68, 69… 81, 82… 98, 99…" Pausing here I held my hand into the air staring down at the pathetic excuse for a pirate. A warm trickle of his blood slid down my extended arm.

The tears in Porchemy's eyes mixed with his blood and snot, making him look even more disgusting. I had to specifically hold back just to keep his skull intact as I hit him again and again. Otherwise he have been dead long ago.

Without wasting anymore time I stood up and walked away, but I didn't leave. Instead I gained some distance before raising myself into the air with a flap of my vestigial wings. I still have one more punch to deliver after all. Flying just high enough to see the forest over the piles of trash, I dove back down towards the earth, kicking off the air at break neck speed.

Rocketing toward his prone from I didn't hesitate for a second even as I heard him cry out for mercy. A thunderous impact rocket the Grey Terminal as I buried Porchemy in a crater twice the size of his body. Standing over his broken from I took out a torn rag to scrub the blood from my fist while looking back at Porchemy, who was buried chest deep in the rubble. The slight rise and fall of the rocks on his stomach were the only indication that he was still alive. A pity.

"If you can still hear me know this; I could have finished you in a less than a minute by trapping your head in a sphere of water and drowning you without ever touching you. But drowning is too peaceful for a piece of shit like you. I wanted the pleasure of beating you into the ground myself, doing it with with my bare hands was just your idea." As I spoke, I gathered a small amount of water into a thin stream hanging mid air, forming it into a sharp trident that loomed over him.

I closed my eyes and focused. Taking a deep breath I exhaled slowly as the air around me dropped in temperature causing the suspend water to gradually freeze. Forming a long, thick icicle shaped like a trident as I siphoned off the heat and lowered the waters internal temperature. It took me a while to learn how to do that.

I hesitated for a moment as the ice-trident hung above his head.

Do I really want to kill him? Do I need to kill him? The icicle wavered slightlyas my resolve shook. Thats when the image of Luffy hanging from the rafters, tied up and covered in his own blood, flitted across my mind.

I steeled my mind. The spear fell, sinking deep into Porchemy's back, quickly severing his spine. Ending the the fight alongside his life.

Walking away with a cold look in my eyes I took a deep breath to steady my beating heart. My legs wobbled slightly as I tried to compose myself. I just killed a man. I. Just. Killed. Someone.

Did he deserve it? Definitely. Did I need to toy with him and pick him apart the way I did? No. No I didn't. But I wanted to… I really wanted to.

This is just the type of world I'm living in now. I can either adapt to it, or be consumed by it. But… I wonder, when I die and Pontus takes me to see my mom again, will I still be the same person?

Double chapter today

Also, I have my college exams coming up over the next couple weeks

So wish me luck

Professor_Zzyzxcreators' thoughts