
One Piece: The Rising Tide

No Harem, No System, No Op Protagonist Caspian Maverick lived his entire life bound to a wheelchair, but he didn’t let that stop him from sailing the world, or from getting a masters degree in engineering. He never resented his lot in life and did his best to make the most of his circumstances. After dying in a violent storm while at sea he was lucky enough to be granted an audience with an Elder God. This is where Caspian was given the opportunity of a lifetime; a second chance at life in another world. Not only was he given his legs back, but he was given abilities beyond his wildest dreams and the chance to explore a world 10 times the size of earth. With his knowledge of the future and the gifts he was bestowed, Caspian may just take the world of One Piece by Storm. The MC will grow to be quite powerful as the story progresses, but he’ll never be able to one shot an Emperor, or curb stomp an Admiral. This isn’t that kind of story. His power may give him an edge against most Devil Fruit users, but it’s not like he can strait up cancel their abilities. And as stated recently in the One Piece Manga by Kaido, powers alone can’t help one conquer the sea. In other words, I’ll do my best to make his abilities fit into the world of One Piece without messing up the power balance. He also won’t be following Luffy, Ace or Sabo. He will form his own crew and be an adventurer. I do not own the cover photo. I found it at Http://amarevia.deviant art.com If the creator would like me to take it down I will.

Professor_Zzyzx · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

A Noble Annoyance

With that said, we all moved together, as if on cue. Leaping forwards, we fought off the grunts with ease, making our way to the head honcho. My trident got a real test drive as I spun it through the air, stabbing out and picking off the pirates henchmen. Deflecting blows, stabbing out and striking everyone who came in my way.

'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.' I thought while lashing out with piercing the abdomen of one of Bluejam's men.

Bluejam curled his lip disdainfully as we crushed his crew, but he didn't make a move until we neared him. With a smug grin he pulled out a flintlock, not one to mess around, he shot at us immediately the moment we were in range. I jumped in the way of the bullet to protect Ace and Sabo. Taking the shot head on with only mild discomfort. Three more shots rang out, each one stir,in me in the chest or stomach.

'Hm? So that's what getting shot feels like… It kinda felt like getting hit with a paintball.' I thought while looking up at Bluejam's face. He still hadn't realized his weapon was useless.

"Ha, foolish kid. Now you'll watch your friends di-" just before he finished speaking I cocked my foot back and swung it upwards, flapping my vestigial wings for good measure, kicking him square in the nuts. The force caused the newly 9 foot, 300lbs man to lift clean off the ground and buckle over, writhing in pain.

Ace, Luffy and Sabo didn't miss the opportunity and leapt in from behind me. Luffy knocked the gun from the hand of the Pirate Captain just as Sabo swept his legs from beneath him. At the same time, Ace jumped forward and struck him across the face with a powerful drop kick, knocking Bluejam to the ground and pinning him there.

But just as I was about to finish the fight, I heard something that forced me to stop and take a long, steadying breath. Clicking the button on the handle I collapsed the trident back to its pocket size and slid it into my belt.

"Tch." Bluejam's cavalry has arrived.

Marching towards us not twenty feet away is a contingent of soldiers from the capital. Each of the three dozen men are wearing gas masks and stab proof vests, carrying rifles on their shoulders and sabres on their belts. At the head of the pack is Sabo's father, walking tall in front of them like the leader of some messed up parade. The pompous prick is even holding a cloth over his mouth and nose as if the air here is too foul for him to breathe.

I took a deep and long breath to steady my nerves. I knew this was coming. I just need to relax and let it play out.

'Shit, even if I wanted to fight I wouldn't be able to. Not with that many rifles pointed at us. I'd survive, but Ace would become a pincushion and Luffy would be easily overpowered by that many soldiers. And I don't even know why they're wearing gas masks. Do they have some kind of poison weapon? Knock out gas maybe? Dammit! Even after all my training, I'm still too weak!'

Rage built in my chest and resolve burned in my eyes, I need to get stronger. I knew this was coming. I knew it would happen. But I never thought I would be so powerless when it did. I thought I could stop it anytime I pleased. But if I tried to stop it now, Ace and Luffy could be killed.

Gritting my teeth, I stared at the noble walking towards with indignation clear on my face. I have to reign in my anger. This is all because I'm too weak. If I was stronger I would have more of a choice in this situation.

Taking this chance while we're distracted the Bluejam pirates leapt on us. Pinning the four of us to the floor and putting swords to our throats.

"Damn it!" I yelled to keep up the charade of being captured as Bluejam got to his feet and dusted off his blue captains jacket. There was a fierce look in his eyes.

He knows he can't do anything in front of Sabo's father. Not if he wants to look less like some common thug. I remember his goal is to one day become a noble himself and leave the pirate life behind him. Still… I don't like how he's looking at me.

'Don't worry you ugly bastard. I'm not done with you yet.' I thought while staring daggers at the 8 foot tall criminal.

"It seems I made it just in time." Sabo's father stated. His clean appearance a stark contrast to the surrounding filth blanketing the area as far as the eye can see.

"Dad! Why are you here?!" Sabo yelled, clearly confused.

"As promised we didn't harm a hair on his head." Bluejam remarked with a crude attempt at a smile. The gaps from his missing teeth made it look even worse.

"Hey you three, let him go." Nodding his head to the men pinning Sabo to the ground Bluejam's mencautiously lifted him up, patted him off and brought him towards Bluejam and Sabo's father.

"Damn you!" Ace howled. He fought helplessly against the three grown men using their full weight to keep him in place. He fought even with a dagger to his throat and only let up when he saw the blade pointing at Luffy's as well. I have no doubt he would have broken free already if not for Luffy being in danger too.

"So… they are the ones who temped Sabo toward this evil path." Sabo's father said with barely hidden contempt.

"Ha! And you're the one who tried to raise him into a boot licking ass clown just like you." I retorted angrily with clear venom in my voice.

"What! H-how dare you insult me! You-you mongrel!" The noble sputtered out, clearly taken aback at being confronted like this.

"Give Sabo back!" Luffy's voice cut through the mans befuddled anger as the younger boy struggled in vain to free himself from the grip of the pirates pinning him in place.

"What do you mean give him back? Sabo is my son!" The pompous noble stated as if that gave him ownership rights or something.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make him your property!" I stated coldly.

"He is my blood!" Sabo's 'father' yelled. He was growing red in the face at this point and even stomped his foot in his impotent rage.

"Then why don't you take a good look at your son. Really look at him!" I said through gritted teeth, shifting my gaze to Sabo who was glaring feircly at his father and struggling against the men holding him.

"He obviously doesn't want to go with you! Why do you think he ran away in the first place? And why would he stay with us, in the Grey Terminal, if he didn't want to be here? Why don't you think about what your son wants for once in your pathetic life you phenomenal douchebag!"

"Why! I've never! In my whole life! Been insulted as such! You-you!"

"Nice comeback dipshit. Really shows your quick wit. And you better get used to hearing things like that. I've got plenty more where that came from you warthog faced buffoon." I spat out before a leather soled boot found its way to my face.

"Shut up!" Bluejam stomped down on me with all his might, attempting to force my head into the ground.

Even as I spat out a mouthful of dirt, I never stopped glaring up at Sabo's father. The man flinched back at the coldness in my gaze, but otherwise seemed to do his best to ignore me.

Turning my eyes to Bluejam I gave him a look that seemed to make him question his choices in messing with me. I can almost see his mind recalling the state I left Porchemy in.

Bluejam may have been the strongest fighter in the Grey Terminal, but that was before I arrived. His best attempt to harm me didn't amount to jack shit. If it wasn't for the squad of riflemen backing him up and my family being in the line of fire, he'd be dead by now.