
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · Anime und Comics
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118 Chs

73. The Debut Of The New Crew Members, Tough Buster Call!

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A bright white light suddenly flashed before Al's eyes.

Two small figures materialized in front of him, moving at a leisurely pace.

"Relax, Captain," one of them said.

Al observed a mouse adorned in yellow and black stripes, sporting a green hat atop its head and holding a dark brown suitcase. The mouse and Al exchanged glances.

At first glance, one could sense a potent aura of confidence and authority emanating from them.

Next to him stood another mouse, bearing a striking resemblance yet distinct in appearance.

This mouse donned a black cloak, a black top hat, and wielded a magic wand, exuding an air of mystique.

With a gentlemanly demeanor, it bowed deeply to Al and spoke, "Pleasure to meet you, esteemed Captain."

Al couldn't help but feel a compelling presence emanating from him, akin to that of a sage.

While Al patiently awaited the last 1% of the progress bar, his mind wandered through various character combinations that could form couples.

Naturally, the two small figures before him were also included.

But when they were truly manifested!

Despite him being mentally prepared, the profound shock lingered for quite some time!

Jerry's elder cousin - Muscles!

And Jerry's second cousin, the Magician - Merlin!

Though these two seldom appeared in "Tom and Jerry".


Their combat prowess stood at the pinnacle within "Tom and Jerry"!

In that moment, besides feeling surprised, Al also harbored anticipation for the strength of the two figures.

His anticipation stemmed from experiencing Mr. Droopy's abilities earlier.

Though Mr. Droopy wasn't summoned this time, his elder cousin, Muscles, boasted a reputation as impressive as Mr. Droopy .

If Droopy typically symbolized the law of space, then Muscles, epitomized the law of strength.

In Al's recollection, there was a particular instance in "Muscles."

After a series of maneuvers, Jerry and Tom managed to board their respective vessels and engaged in fierce combat!

Eventually, responding to Jerry's plea for assistance, the eldest cousin, Muscles, stepped in to mediate the confrontation.

In a matter of seconds, Tom was effortlessly subdued!

This demonstrated that the strength of the elder cousin had reached the pinnacle of the mouse world.

As for the other cousin, Merlin, he was a magician.

Despite referring to himself as such, he wasn't as renowned as his elder cousin, Muscles.

But he also represented one of the pinnacles of that world!

"Muscles, Merlin, welcome aboard the Al Pirates," Al greeted warmly.

Squatting down, he extended his right hand for a high five.

Muscles and Merlin exchanged surprised glances for a moment before simultaneously extending their tiny paws.

Jumping up, they slapped Al's hand enthusiastically, erupting into hearty laughter.

"Captain, no need for such formality, just call me Muscles," Muscles insisted with a grin.

"Same here, just Merlin will do."

Meanwhile, aboard a boat along the coast...

Vivi paced back and forth on the deck, a sense of foreboding weighing heavily on her heart.

"When will Nami and Captain Al return?" she fretted aloud.

As if in response to her question, petals suddenly cascaded from the sky, followed by the appearance of a figure.

"Nico Robin?"

Upon seeing the approaching figure, Vivi hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts.

Robin strode forward and placed his hands on Vivi's shoulders, her expression filled with urgency.

"Where's Captain Al?"

"They haven't returned yet. What's wrong?" Vivi responded, noting Robin's anxious demeanor.

Witnessing Robin's distress only heightened Vivi's sense of foreboding.

After a tense moment of silence, Robin sank to the ground as if struck by lightning, wordless.

"What happened, Nico Robin? Please, tell me!" Vivi demanded, her heart sinking further at Robin's reaction.

Dos Fleur (Two Flower)

Instead of answering Vivi's query directly, Robin opted to utilize his Devil Fruit ability to search for Al's footprints amidst the bustling crowd.

With only ten minutes remaining before the commencement of the Buster Call, the urgency intensified.

However, Robin's frantic actions only served to escalate Vivi's anxiety.

Despite her growing unease, Vivi refrained from disturbing Robin, opting instead to sit nearby, nervously biting her lower lip as she silently prayed for Al's safety.

As each minute ticked by, the passage of time felt excruciatingly slow, with every second stretching out like an eternity of agony for both Robin and Vivi.

Just as Vivi reached her breaking point and was about to inquire about the situation, Nami's voice unexpectedly echoed from beneath the boat.

"Vivi, come lend a hand. We've acquired quite a haul this time," Nami called out.

Upon hearing Nami's voice, the fog of worry clouding Vivi's heart dissipated.

"Where's Captain Al?" Robin inquired.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Nami and Carina exchanged looks, revealing that they hadn't seen Al or Tom.

"Didn't Captain Al go to buy some wood? They should be back soon, judging by the time." 

"It's also possible that Tom and Spike, those mischievous rascals, roped Captain Al into some playful antics."

Nami and Carina exchanged glances, not dwelling on the matter too much. They chuckled and called for Vivi to join them in their tasks.

Observing the carefree demeanor of Nami and Carina, Robin's expression grew increasingly solemn.

"Vivi, is something amiss?"

Sensing Robin's unusual demeanor, Nami couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern.

Vivi shook her head, indicating that she didn't know what had occurred and had refrained from sharing with Robin when asked.

The few individuals who sensed that something significant might be unfolding hastily abandoned their tasks, gathering around Robin with anxious expressions, eager to learn what had transpired.

Robin clenched his lower lip tightly, visibly struggling before finally revealing fragments about the Buster Call.

"It's my fault. If I hadn't boarded the boat, perhaps you wouldn't have either..." she confessed, her voice heavy with guilt.

Nami and the others were momentarily stunned, clearly unfamiliar with the term "Buster Call."

"But didn't you mention Marine Admirals?" Nami inquired, seeking clarification.

Nami and the others couldn't help but feel a twinge of panic creeping into their hearts.

"Marine Admiral? That doesn't sound good!" 

"Who's stronger, a Marine Admiral or Crocodile?"

"You're an idiot, Nami! Obviously, a Marine Admiral is formidable. They represent the highest combat power of the Marines!" Carina replied without hesitation, dismissing Nami's question.

Since the battle at Arabasta with Crocodile, Carina has been feeling inadequate in terms of her abilities to navigate the Grand Line.

Seeking to gain more insight into the challenges of the Grand Line, she embarked on a quest for knowledge.

"Who's stronger, a Marine Admiral or Captain Al?" Nami posed another crucial question, but this time, none of them had an answer.

They had never encountered a Marine Admiral, let alone understood their strength.

Their knowledge of Marine Admirals was limited to hearsay and anecdotes, painting them as formidable adversaries.

Faced with Nami's question, Robin, being the only one among them who had encountered Aokiji, one of the Marine Admirals, remained silent, lost in thought.

While unsure of the extent of a Marine Admiral's strength, Al's prowess displayed during the Arabasta conflict was undeniable to all.

Even Crocodile, a Shichibukai, had been compelled to acknowledge Al's terrifying strength by calling him a "Monster!"

Observing the silence that followed, Nami flashed a grin, giving Robin a reassuring pat on the shoulder before speaking:

"It's just a Buster Call. Though we may not fully understand it, with Captain Al and everyone here, we'll be fine," Nami reassured with a confident smile. "Relax!"

Upon hearing Nami's words, Robin froze, a sense of unease creeping over him.

Carina remained unfazed, knowing full well that Captain Al and Tom were extraordinary beings beyond ordinary comprehension.

Observing the assured smiles on Nami and Carina's faces, Vivi couldn't help but feel reassured. With Captain Al by their side, everything seemed manageable.

Just as Nami and Carina were about to return to the cabin to retrieve the hastily discarded ingredients...

Realizing something was amiss, Robin hurriedly halted a few individuals and began to explain the severity of the Buster Call once again.

This time, Robin delved into great detail, recounting everything she knew, even divulging her childhood experiences and the strength of the Marine Admiral she had encountered.

"What? Are you serious?!"

"The Marines have gone mad! This isn't about arresting us; no, no, no, this is outright insanity!" 

"Are they really planning to obliterate the entire island?!"

"Unbelievable... just unbelievable!" 

After grasping the full horror of the Buster Call, Nami and the others realized the extent of the Marines' determination to eliminate them.

The thought of an entire island, along with tens of millions of civilians, being annihilated simply because they were present sent shivers down their spines.

Observing the flustered expressions of Nami and the others, Robin felt a sense of calm wash over her. She understood that such a reaction was entirely warranted given the gravity of the situation.

"Wait, why do I feel... somewhat relieved?" Robin pondered aloud, gazing at the panicked group with a peculiar expression as a warm sensation enveloped her heart.

With a gentle smile, Robin spoke softly, "We still have time to flee, but..."

"But what?" Nami interjected eagerly, her eyes lighting up at the mention of a chance to escape.

However, her hope was quickly dashed when Robin mentioned that there were only ten minutes left, extinguishing the flicker of optimism that had just ignited within her heart.

"What a ridiculous notion! Captain Al and the others haven't returned yet, and there's only a mere dozen minutes left; how could they possibly escape?" Nami exclaimed in frustration.

"What are we going to do, what are we going to do?!" Carina echoed, her anxiety palpable.

Meanwhile, in a certain river in the Water 7...

Tom lounged on the water, sporting sunglasses and red beach shorts, leisurely munching on fruit while casually perusing the newspaper.

Occasionally, he would emit a mocking chuckle.

Observing Tom's carefree demeanor, Spike couldn't help but feel perplexed. As he glanced at the newspaper out of the corner of his eye, a realization seemed to dawn upon him.

Upon witnessing Spike produce two sausages and place them on his lips, Tom let out a low whistle.

Observing Spike's antics, Tom quickly caught on that Spike was mocking him!

Confronted with Spike's mockery, Tom raised an eyebrow, visually assessing the distance between himself and Spike.

Without a moment's hesitation, a dotted line extended from Tom's eyes, the endpoint aimed directly at the top of Spike's head!

No need for words—Tom was ready to act.

As the dotted line reached the apex above Spike's head, Tom swiftly hurled the fruit directly at the target, simultaneously gripping the dotted line tightly with one hand.

In the blink of an eye...

The endpoint of the dotted line held by Tom transformed gradually into a hammer.

"Hey hey~"

With a mischievous grin adorning his face...

Tom released the hammer.

And with a resounding bang echoing through the air...

Underneath Tom's infectious and enchanting laughter, chaos ensued.

Spike teetered on the water's surface, swaying back and forth as if he had indulged in too much fake wine, before gradually submerging beneath the surface, a few bubbles popping up in his wake.

Meanwhile, on the water...

Several winged miniature versions of Tom circled around a large raised sack, emitting crow-like "kaw" sounds intermittently.

Without hesitation, Tom, having rendered Spike unconscious, promptly retrieved a wooden board identical to himself from behind.

Securing a lead weight to the back of the board, Tom swiftly disappeared into a nearby alley, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

At that moment, a voice, unmistakably familiar, echoed from behind.

"Tom, what in the world are you up to, you mischievous cat?" 

Tom froze in place, a sudden wave of realization washing over him, recalling some unpleasant memory that left him petrified, causing his fur to bristle with fear!

With ten sharp claws extended, Tom reacted as though confronted by a fearsome monster, swiftly scaling the wall in a panicked frenzy!

"Baah....." echoed the harsh sound of claws scraping against the wall.

But alas, Tom soon found himself sliding back down the wall, lacking any foothold to support his ascent.

"Ah hoo!" A light, fluttering sound rang out, startling Tom once more.

Spike emerged from the water, his expression livid. However, his anger dissipated into shock upon spotting the familiar figure beneath Tom's feet, causing him to recoil in disbelief.

"Yo, you're here too," the elder cousin remarked casually, his shin moving as if he intended to use Spike as a sandbag.

Terrified, Spike hastily dug a hole in the concrete floor, not only laying down in it but also filling it up thoughtfully, seeking refuge from the impending ordeal.

If it were any other circumstance, Tom would have mercilessly laughed at Spike's appearance. But in the presence of his elder cousin Muscles, such insolence was unthinkable!

Al spread his hands helplessly, feeling somewhat speechless at the unconventional encounter and greeting between the two.

"Alright, Tom, Spike, you two already know each other, so I won't go into much detail," Al remarked. "Let's go introduce these two new crew members to Nami and let them acquaint themselves."


Just as Al and the others were making their way back,

On a warship at sea,

Two minutes had elapsed since the order for the Buster Call had been issued.

After a brief exchange with the World Government, Aokiji pressed the golden Den Den Mushi in his hand with a grave expression.

A Buster Call capable of annihilation had been unleashed upon the Water 7!

"Nami, what do we do now?"

Carina pointed towards the Marine warships encircling the entire coastline at sea, her voice desperate and hoarse.

Nami's complexion turned ashen as she grappled with the overwhelming situation.

Robin, overcome with despair, sat alone, his face buried in his hands, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Suddenly, Vivi, who had been gazing in the direction of the Water Capital, shouted, "I see them! Captain Al is back!"

But her joy was short-lived...

"Why are Spike and Tom hiding behind Captain Al, trembling as if they're afraid of something?"

Nami and the others paid no heed to Spike and Tom's unusual behavior, rushing towards Al the moment they spotted him.

"Captain Al, Mar....Admi...Buster Call!" Nami gasped, pointing towards the imposing warships along the coastline, her words tumbling out incoherently.

Buster Call?

Al's surprise was palpable. The World Government's actions seemed incredibly extreme—was it truly worth risking the destruction of the Water 7 just to eliminate a handful of individuals?

But there was no time to dwell on such thoughts!

Hundreds of shells hurtled through the air towards them at incredible speed!

"Captain Al, allow me to handle this trifling matter," Merlin declared calmly.

With a wave of his wand, Merlin unleashed his power.

In an instant, to the shock of Nami and the others, the entire world seemed to be engulfed in a vibrant red hue, as if the end of the world had arrived.


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