
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

74. Tom Actually Taught Muscles How To Do Things?

"Breaking news!"

"After two decades, another Buster Call is underway, targeting the Water 7!"

Suddenly, word of the impending Buster Call in the Water 7 spreads worldwide.

The World Government initiated the Buster Call, and the Cowboy Pirates, who recently defeated Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, are the target!

As soon as this sensational news broke, it ignited a frenzy worldwide!

A rookie pirate crew, who managed to topple one of the Shichibukai shortly after setting sail, had already captured the sea's attention some time ago.

Yet, the fervor from that event had yet to die down.

Now, even more shocking news has emerged!

The World Government, in its bid to eliminate this rookie pirate group, is prepared to unleash the devastating power of the Buster Call without hesitation!

At the expense of sacrificing a city that holds significant sway throughout the world—the Water 7.

To combat a novice pirate crew, they're resorting to such extreme measures?

This absurd notion is met with strong opposition worldwide!

After all, its just a pirate crew with a collective bounty not even reaching 500 million.

The only threat maybe The Devil Child, Nico Robin.

But taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians in a city with them—isn't that just nonsense?!

Yet, beyond the absurdity of it all, most people are simply shocked!

Consider this: when those monsters in the New World—the Yonko—first set sail, they didn't face such drastic measures!

Even Roger, who has become the King of the Pirates, didn't stir up such a frenzy!

Rumors about the Cowboy Pirates spread like wildfire across the seas.

Among these controversies, besides Tom and Spike, perhaps the most debated is Al's bounty of 100.

The captain of the Cowboy Pirates, Al, only carries a bounty of 100?

This is unheard of in the entire pirate world!

But such discussions...

For civilians worldwide, as well as some pirates, it's only fit for post-dinner jesting.

Can they possibly survive the Marines' Buster Call?

The answer is undoubtedly no!

In their eyes, a Buster Call ordered by the Supreme Command.

Once initiated, that island will vanish from the world map—how could anyone possibly survive it?

Marine Headquarters.

Upon learning of the leak regarding the Buster Call, Sengoku sat in his chair with a grim expression, silent.

He truly couldn't grasp the World Government's intentions. Why would they choose to publicize this scandal?

Isn't this a blatant attempt to humiliate the Marines?

"Marshal Sengoku, what's the deal with the World Government !"

As Akainu barged into Sengoku's office, brandishing a newspaper in his hand, his anger was palpable.

It seemed Akainu wasn't interested in hearing Sengoku's explanations. He slammed the newspaper onto the table and spoke furiously:

"Do those World Government nobels even consider the pride of our Marines?"

"Deploying a Buster Call against a mere rookie pirate crew is a disgrace in itself!"

"And yet, those World Government lackeys not only failed to conceal the news but also broadcasted it to the entire world. What could possibly be their motive behind this?"

Sengoku himself was deeply disheartened, and when Akainu posed these questions with such aggression, it was akin to an eruption!

He witnessed Sengoku slam the table vehemently, pointing at the newspaper with a look of utter disdain, and he uttered two words:

"Sakazuki, if you have any grievances, take them up with the World Government. Please, don't stir up trouble with me!"


Akainu snorted, showing no signs of backing down. Instead, he defiantly dialed the World Government's number right in front of Sengoku, his demeanor unyielding.

Clearly, he had no intentions of letting this matter, which tarnished the reputation of the Marines, go unchecked!

However, when he contacted the Five Elders, he was scolded before he could even utter a word!

"Sakazuki, what right do you have to speak?"

This single sentence rendered Akainu speechless!

Just as Akainu was about to disconnect the Den Den Mushi and unleash his fury elsewhere, another authoritative voice emanated from the device.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, please instruct the Marine executives to assemble in the conference room. I will arrange for a live broadcast through the camera Den Den Mushi."

"At that time, I will explain the rationale behind my decision to initiate this Buster Call!"

After the statement, the Den Den Mushi was disconnected.

This prompted Akainu to storm out, clearly unwilling to witness what he deemed a disgraceful spectacle in the conference room.

Sengoku's expression soured as well. Despite his internal resistance, he was compelled to comply with the order.

Simultaneously, Sengoku harbored a desire to uncover the World Government's motives.

Following Sengoku's directive, apart from Akainu and a handful of individuals engaged in executing the Buster Call, the rest of the Marine executives were conspicuously absent from the assembly.

"That's the situation. Please refrain from further complaints."

"And Garp, don't give me those stern looks. As Marines, it is our solemn duty to follow orders!"

With all personnel assembled, the scene from the Water 7 played out on the large screen!

However, upon the screen's activation, an instant wave of unrest swept through the room!

They witnessed the once azure sky now engulfed in a vibrant crimson hue!

Under the command of the second-in-command, Merlin, tens of thousands of small red fireworks descended from the sky like raindrops, pelting the warships on the sea directly!

"Damn it, how did they pull this off?"

"Have those blasted pirates become this formidable in just a matter of days?"

Observing the large screen, ten thousand Marines aboard a dozen warships scattered and fled as they were bombarded by firecrackers raining down from the sky.

The atmosphere in the meeting room plummeted instantly!

After all, these seemingly innocuous firecrackers were part of Merlin's arsenal and proved to be highly potent!

This scene seemed to transport them back to the harrowing spectacle they witnessed in Arabasta just a few days prior!

At this moment, nobody considers the idea of launching a Buster Call against the Cowboy Pirates absurd anymore!

On the contrary, there's a fervent hope that these individuals can be swiftly eradicated!

If allowed to persist and grow, the repercussions could be catastrophic!

[Received 99 EP from Sengoku]

[Received 99 EP from Borsalino]


As he observed the EP reminder flashing in his mind.

Al was aware that there must be another Marine operative secretly recording their actions nearby.

However, Al had no intention of seeking them out.

With the EP snugly tucked into his pocket, can he really refuse?

The answer is, of course, no!

Not only can he not refuse, but Al also wants to escalate the situation further at this moment. No matter what, he can't disappoint the audience!

Accepting the chicken legs and coke from Tom's hand, Al deliberately glanced around.

Finally, the perspective was fixed on a building not far from them.

"It's very well concealed," Al remarked, a slight smirk gracing his lips. He refrained from making any overt moves and instead calmly indulged in eating and drinking, all the while appreciating Merlin's performance.

"Captain Al, this new crew member is incredible!" exclaimed Nami, Carina, and Vivi as they gathered around Merlin, their eyes sparkling like stars.

Robin also showed a keen interest in Muscles and Merlin, though she didn't express her emotions as overtly as Vivi and the others.

Merlin bowed to everyone in a gentlemanly manner, introducing himself and his cousin Muscles.

Observing Nami and the others' curious gazes, Muscles flexed his biceps cooperatively, seemingly emphasizing his focus on strength rather than magic.

However, Tom perceived Muscles's actions differently. He approached Muscles, shaking his head in disapproval, and then gently nudged him aside.

His confident demeanor seemed to convey:

"Boy, go play in the mud and watch how it's done."

After nudging Muscles aside, Tom promptly initiated his performance.

They witnessed Tom execute a graceful turn, don a red beach suit, and then take a deep breath.

As he inhaled, Tom's body began to grow at a visible rate.

Before long, the devilish muscle man Tom took center stage, commencing his muscle show!

Spike, unable to bear it any longer, stuck out his tongue in disdain. However, in contrast to Tom's cautious approach towards Muscles, Spike was more ruthless and sent Tom flying into the air.

Their scuffle escalated until Tom was left deflated, crashing into a tree and collapsing into a pile of building blocks.

Without missing a beat, Spike took Tom's place, proudly displaying his own muscular physique.

But just as Spike settled into Tom's spot, there was a loud "bang" as Tom swiftly reconstituted himself, producing an air pump from behind and frantically reinflating his body!

Just as Spike was reveling in displaying his physique, a shadow silently enveloped the ground.


The sound of swallowing saliva echoed.

Spike suddenly felt a chill creeping up his spine from behind and turned his head stiffly, almost mechanically.

He witnessed a three-meter-tall, muscular devilish Tom glaring at him with disdain.

Spike nervously gave a thumbs up, gesturing towards Tom, and said with an embarrassed smile, "Look at that, what a big Tom."

Before Spike could even think of escaping, Tom snatched him up like a chicken.

Immediately afterward, Tom flicked Spike away with a casual gesture.

Unfortunately, Spike's trajectory landed him right on top of the unsuspecting Muscles!

Realizing his mistake, Tom vigorously shook his head, preparing to make a quick getaway.

But before he could take more than a few steps, Muscles grabbed hold of his tail!

As shells rained down on them once more, Muscles, with one hand gripping Tom's tail, soared into the air, carrying both Tom and Spike with him.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Tom and Spike careened through the sky, detonating hundreds of shells in their wake.

In an instant, magnificent fireworks burst in the air as the two figures soared past!

Nami and the others watched in awe, their voices rising in unison.

"This... this is incredible!"

"But wait, the direction Tom and the others are heading... Huh!!!"

"Captain Al, Tom and Spike are heading straight for the Marines!"

Al hummed softly, rising to his feet leisurely, stretching his limbs, and remarked with a smile, "It appears there are no other ambushes nearby."

"Let's move.

Now, it's our turn to take action!"

In the conference room of Marine Headquarters,

Sengoku observed the unfolding events on the large screen and spoke icily,

"Where is Kuzan?"

The Marine Vice Admirals beside him swallowed nervously in unison, evidently still reeling from the shock.

"Report, Fleet Admiral Sengoku," a subordinate began, "Admiral Kuzan initially informed us that he has some pressing matter to attend to."

"Contact him immediately," Sengoku ordered sternly, "if the Buster Call fails to eradicate the Cowboy Pirates, instruct him to handle it personally!"

"Yes, sir!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Aokiji retrieved the Den Den Mushi from his pocket and engaged in a brief conversation.

Aokiji gazed deeply at the explosions in the sky. However, he seemed unconcerned, barely sparing them a glance before dismissing them entirely.

Behind him, a road of ice extended over the sea, leading towards the nearest island, Cheyenne. On the bridge stood refugees from the Water 7.

"Yeah, what a bothersome fellow..." Aokiji muttered, exhaling a warm breath that melted the ice and snow on his glasses. He then placed his hand on the sea once more, executing the gentle justice within his heart.

Meanwhile, on the frontline battlefield, Tom and Spike collided with a warship like cannonballs.

As they climbed up from the large hole on the deck, Tom and Spike were met with the sight of thousands of marines brandishing weapons, all staring at them.

Overwhelmed by shock, Tom and Spike instinctively embraced each other, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

Just as the marines were preparing to pull the trigger and eliminate the intruders, Muscles, the big cousin, descended upon the warship like a Shinigami.

"You foolish cat, foolish dog, I'm seething with anger!" Muscles' voice rang out, causing Tom and Spike to tremble even more violently.

Tom swiftly retrieved a white flag from behind and then struck Spike's head with a large bag.

Immediately afterward, he draped the white flag over the bag covering Spike's head, and produced an angel's halo from behind, placing it atop the bag.

Spike lay peacefully on the deck, clutching a white rose in his hand.

Seeing Tom in this serene state, all the anger in Spike's heart dissipated instantly.

Observing Spike's reaction, Tom reciprocated by placing a bag on Spike's head in a similar fashion, hanging the white flag over it.

He then mimicked Spike's posture, lying peacefully on the deck, quietly awaiting the arrival of the beautiful angel to whisk him away.

Witnessing the scene, all the marines turned their guns toward Muscles as he effortlessly tore through their encirclement.

"Get out of here, you bastards!"

Muscles puffed out his chest defiantly, then with a casual wave of his hand, he caught all the bullets fired at him and returned them with terrifying force!

"Report to Vice Admiral Yamakaji, we have a warship captured by Al's group. What should we do?" a subordinate asked urgently.

Frowning and gritting his teeth, Vice Admiral Yamakaji responded, "Notify the entire fleet, aim the cannons and obliterate them!"


As the sailor hesitated, appearing to want to voice an objection, Yamakaji cut him off with a booming shout.

"This is an order!"

"Yes, sir!"

Following the command to unleash firepower.

On the remaining warships, the Marine Vice Admirals' expressions betrayed a mix of complex emotions.

"Aim... Fire!"

Vice Admiral Strawberry closed his eyes, his seemingly callous words tinged with a palpable sense of helplessness.

As more than a dozen warships unleashed a barrage of fire into the sky simultaneously, a tremor ran through the hearts of all Marine soldiers.

"Is this the Buster Call? How ironic," Al remarked in a languid tone, laced with sarcasm.

This cold-blooded and ruthless directive truly epitomized the intentions of the World Government, the lackeys of the Celestial Dragons.

As they gazed at Al's group, Vice Admiral Strawberry and the other four Vice Admirals in the air, their eyes turned cold, flames of anger igniting within their hearts.

Without any hesitation, the five Marine Vice Admirals simultaneously unleashed their attacks, engaging in mid-air combat against the members of the Cowboy Pirates.


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