
One Piece: Reborn as Law

Man from our world, gets sucked into a worm hole and find himself in the body of Trafalgar D. Water Law. Follow him on his journey as he strives to become Pirate King. I do not own anything One Piece related or any other material I may use. FYI this is a small Harem Mc will not get with every girl on his crew. The pairing is Mc/Robin/Shyarly.

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20 Chs

Chapter 15: Ungrateful 

After gathering all the loot, we walked through the village each of us carrying bags 3 times our size. With Snow dragging the largest bag by far.

Every villager had witnessed the complete destruction of the giant castle. How it floated in the sky and fell back down smashing everything in its way.

Once we reached the middle of the town, the villagers all gathered around us. With different weapons in their hands. From sticks to simple rocks.

" You monsters! How could you destroy our only hopes at living a good life!" One of the villagers shouted.

" Yeah!" "Kill them!" "Let's burn them on the stakes!" The villagers kept shouting clearly angry at having their false hope crushed.

Hanzo tried explaining our actions to the townspeople but no one would listen.

Seeing as this method wasn't leading to anything, I slowly unsheathed my sword and readied myself for a direct confrontation.

The rest of my crew followed with Hanzo loading an arrow on his bow.

Mikoto getting fired up and cracking his knuckles and Bepo covering his fists in a small amount of electricity.

Just as the town's people were about to engage us.

" STOP!" Mika shouted as she came limping through the crowd of angry citizens.

" They did this for me! For us!" She shouted.

" Kill the Pirates!" Someone shouted from the crowd. Relighting the flames in the villagers hearts.

" Well, we have everything we need. Bye everyone!" I said with a smile.


[Shambles] x 5

I quickly teleported us onto our ship. Taking every bag with us except the largest one that was filled with unneeded supplies, the bag Snow dragged to the village.

The villagers didn't understand what happened as they started looking for us.

" Let's set sail everyone! Direction Fianna the island of giant creatures!" I exclaimed.

" Hai!" x3

The crew immediately got to work and started unanchoring the ship.

As the ship started sailing away from the island, a small voice could be heard coming from the port.

" ARIGATO MINA!" Mika shouted as she stood at the port while waving at our retreating ship. (Thanks everyone in Japanese)

We all turned around and started waving at her with bright smiles on our faces as we got farther and farther away from Hindenbeck kingdom.


" Ah, this is so boring! I was expecting a welcoming party but instead, we got kicked out of the island!" Mikoto complained

" HAHAHA, what did you expect we are pirates!" I said while laughing.

"But that doesn't mean we can't party on our own! Hanzo get the booze, let's party till we drop!" I exclaimed.

"Hai Captain!" Hanzo said and ran into the kitchen bringing a barrel of booze in his arms.

I was soon joined by the cheers of my crewmates as we celebrated our victory for 2 days straight.

Everyone was currently passed out drunk on the deck except Snow who didn't drink. Even Bepo who was still young was allowed to drink, after all, if you're old enough to kill you're definitely old enough to drink.


(3rd person POV)


The Polar tang was suddenly stopped forcefully as it crashed into something at its front.

The sleep bubble coming out of Bepo's nose suddenly popped as he was shaken awake by the disturbance.

"Huh? Why did the ship stop?" Bepo asked out loud.

Walking to the ship's front Bepo released a shriek of utter fear as he quickly ran back to the sleeping crew and started shaking them awake.


Mikoto, Hanzo and I were forcefully shaken awake by a fidgeting Bepo.

" Ugh, my head?" I groaned as I felt the hangover caused by the alcohol.


I created a small room around me, and quickly pushed the alcohol out of my system feeling instant relief as it fell out of my body.

" What's up Bepo?" I asked.

"G..Gh..Ghost ship!" Bepo shouted.

" Ghost ship? Where?" I asked while looking at my surroundings.

Bepo kept fidgeting as he pointed to the front of our ship, just as he did the unusual fog dispersed and we could finally see. A ship that was 10 times bigger than ours, it's body was filled with holes. It's sails were destroyed by the time, and looked like rag dolls. On top of its mast, a pirate flag could be seen.

The flag consisted of a white cross with two praying hands on each side.

"Any of you recognize that flag?" I asked.

Mikoto walked up next to me, and gave a good look at it. "It's the Priest Pirates." He said.

" The priest Pirates?" I never heard of them, Hanzo said.

" We'll it's normal you haven't, they've completely disappeared for unknown reasons for the past 25 years. No one could figure out where they were. This ship explains it all." Mikoto said.

" Let's plunder it!" I exclaimed, " Who wants to come with me?"

An eerie silence followed, looking behind me I found a scared looking Bepo hiding behind Snow.

" We shouldn't dishonor the dead, Law-sama." Hanzo said.

" *tsk* bunch of cowards I'll go with you." Mikoto said.

" Let's go then!"


[Shambles] x 2

I quickly teleported us aboard the giant vessel.

" *whistle* it's pretty big. Let's split up to search more efficiently, I'll take the left you take the right. Let's meet up at the front of the ship." I ordered.

" Sure." Mikoto replied as he started exploring the right side of the ship.

Leaving me with the left.

I kept walking through the ship, opening each of the different rooms.

Every room was spooky, with destroyed curtains. Smelly beds and some traces of splattered blood on the wooden ground.

I kept looking through every room, and didn't find a single valuable thing. 'Was this ship already robbed?'

Opening another room, I arrived at what looked like a kitchen. Looking through it, I found the first skeleton on the floor.

The room had a foul smell of dead corpses, making me gag as soon as I opened the door.

Pulling my shirt up my nose, I thoroughly searched the kitchen from the ground up but found nothing unusual other than a skeleton laying on the ground.

I only had a single storage closet to look through before clearing the room. So I walked towards said closet and opened it. The closet door creaked open, making a spooky sound.


I quickly backed away from the door, as 4 human skeletons fell on the floor.

" What the fuck?" I exclaimed loudly while looking inside the closet.

The closet was filled to the brim, with what looked like hundreds of skeletons.

Quickly getting out of there, I kept looking through the few remaining rooms. Finding nothing of interest.

" Damn what a waste of time, the ship is completely empty." I exclaimed while walking to the front of the ship.

At the front of the ship, I spotted a skeleton who was in a sitting position next to the figurehead. He sported a captain pirate hat, and a cross as a pendant.

Approaching the skeleton I realized he was holding something in his hands.

The closer I got the clearer I could see till I recognized the item. A sword, with white crosses all over its scabbard. A red string wrapped around its sheath to allow easy transport. The blade's crossguard is enveloped in some sort of white fur and its grip is light purple in color with a white bandage wrapped around it to allow a better grip.

Kikoku, the Nodachi Trafalgar Law used in the anime.

Walking toward the skeleton holding the blade in his arms, I forcefully pulled the blade out of his hands. Making them break in the process.

Before unsheathing the sword, as soon as I did. I felt an overwhelming amount of bloodlust coming from it, like all the sandai kitetsus, Kikoku was a cursed blade. A blade demanding blood from its wielder, that would go as far as taking her user's life if left unused.

I could hear some approaching steps from the right side of the ship. Looking behind me, I spotted Mikoto who was walking at a leisurely pace towards me.

" Did you find anything?" I asked.

His reply was throwing some type of book in my direction.

" It's the ship's log book." He said.

Looking through it I quickly realized what had happened to the crew.

Apparently their ship's rudder was broken in a storm. Without a way to direct the ship, it kept sailing aimlessly till it eventually entered the calm belt. Where it stopped moving completely for months, the crew's provision grew scarce. So they turned to the only thing to survive, cannibalism. They would eat any of their falling comrades thus explaining the numerous skeletons in the kitchen. Until one person was left, Lacroix, their pirate captain. A renowned swordsman who had managed to kill an Oni with the nodachi in my hands. Giving it a great grade meito rank and a famous name associated with it Kikoku (Oni's wail).

(A/N I know Kikoku is not a meito in canon but it is in my fanfic. Great grade sword is the same as shusui.)

"*sigh* what a sad ending." I said.


[Shambles] x2

I quickly teleported us back to our ship, making Bepo shout in fear at our sudden appearance.

" Calm down Bepo, it's just an empty ship." I said.

" I'm sorry…" Bepo said in his usual depressed voice.

I quickly summarized what I read in the log book to both Bepo and Hanzo.

"Let's give them a proper burial." I said.

We all lined up in front of the giant ship, and made a quick prayer to the deceased Pirates.

"Hanzo." I ordered.

Hanzo quickly took an arrow and *thunk* shot it toward the giant vessel.

[Flaming Arrow]

The arrow caught on fire in the middle of the air and eventually hit its target spreading the fire on the ghost ship.

" Lift the sails! We'll continue our journey underwater." I ordered.

" Hai!" The crew quickly got to work and we were soon all inside our ship, effectively turning it into a submarine.

The propellers on each side of our ship started rotating and we quickly sank into the sea.