
One Piece: Kaido Reborn

Posting on: Monday-Wednesday-Friday No time travel, no system, no aura, not a cool article, be careful! As the strongest creature on land, sea, and air, sit-ups are not too much, right? Restart the decisive battle on Onigashima and show what the world's best combat power is! It’s not Kaido’s personal biography, it’s the beast version of the One Piece universe! This article is a slow read, the plot is all original, so you need some patience! Translating MTL: Original Name: One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

DMan099999 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


Onigashima, Skull Roof.

As the colossal dragon, measuring a hundred meters in length, plummeted from the sky, it gradually shrank back into Kaido's scarred humanoid form, collapsing lifelessly into the earth below. Alongside him, Straw Hat Luffy, exhausted from his victorious duel with Kaido, emerged from his fifth awakening form, emitting copious amounts of steam as he descended towards the surface of Onigashima.


Yamato, with sharp eyes and quick reflexes, skillfully caught the unconscious Luffy. Glancing between the fallen pirate and the massive dragon "Momonosuke" now settled on Onigashima, a hint of understanding and admiration crossed Yamato's face.

"You've done something truly incredible!"


Yet, amidst the jubilation on Onigashima, a violent earthquake rocked the entirety of Wanokuni. Underground, drastic changes unfolded within the magma pool where Kaido and Big Mom had previously fallen.

Wanokuni, Rabbit Bowl, Convict Quarry.

"There's an earthquake!"

Panic gripped the Beasts Pirates, oblivious to the events on Onigashima. From afar, a jailer peered through a telescope, spotting a surge of mist and steam rising from the sea near Tuwan. Rushing to report to Lord Babanuki, the warden draped in bandages, the jailer exclaimed, "Something unusual is happening on the sea!"


Babanuki and his cohorts were bewildered as the offshore sea erupted, sending a colossal pillar of magma and fire skyward, shrouding the entire Onigashima sky in billowing black smoke.


Onigashima, Jiuli, on a certain beach.

The recently arrived Big Mom Pirates witnessed the ominous spectacle overhead. Amidst the shock, Dafu, third son of the Charlotte family, pondered aloud, "Is this the work of Mom? Or perhaps Kaido?"

Swiftly, Smoothie, one of the "Three Dessert Generals," rallied her crewmates, urging, "Mom and Brother Peros need our support. There's no time to waste here!"

Agreeing, Armande nodded, "Let's go help Mom!"

As they prepared to set foot on Onigashima, a massive object crashed onto the beach, dousing everyone in sand and seawater. Surprised yet relieved, they gathered around the fallen figure—it was their captain, Big Mom, battered and unconscious from her ordeal.

Shocked by their formidable captain's dire state, questions swirled among the crew, grappling to comprehend her defeat.

Determined to avenge their mother, Dafu and others seethed with anger, demanding retribution against those responsible. Smoothie, however, intervened, silencing the chaos with a commanding shout.

After a moment of contemplation, Smoothie proposed a plan to investigate and retaliate against the perpetrators, emphasizing the need for caution given their current predicament.

Acknowledging their vulnerability on enemy territory and Big Mom's incapacitation, Smoothie outlined a strategy focused on rescuing Perospero and their mother before plotting their comeback.

With roles assigned and plans in motion, the Big Mom Pirates mobilized, with Smoothie and Dafu leading the charge to rescue their comrades while Armande remained to safeguard their captain.

As the crew prepared to face the uncertain dangers ahead, Armande, maintaining a calm demeanor, reassured her worried comrade, Flampe, urging trust in Smoothie's leadership.

Contemplating the possibility of encountering Kaido, Armande acknowledged the grim reality—they might have to prioritize their captain's safety over their comrades' rescue.

With resolve and uncertainty intertwining, the Big Mom Pirates braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, trusting in their unity and determination to overcome adversity.

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In Wanokuni, the anti-Kaido alliance swiftly began addressing the aftermath.

Momonosuke led the Akasaka retainers to the Flower Capital, aiming to announce the end of the Beasts Pirates and Orochi's rule, seeking to calm the populace.

Yamato carried the unconscious Luffy back to the Straw Hat Pirates for treatment, aiding the pirates and samurai in subduing the beast soldiers.

"Hey, those dark clouds look peculiar!" remarked a warrior, gazing skyward.

His companion shrugged, "Probably just an undersea volcano erupting. Let's focus on celebrating!"

But the vigilant warrior remained fixated on the sky, muttering, "There's something in those clouds..."

Amidst the festivities, thick, snake-shaped thunderbolts suddenly struck the crowd, shattering the ground and sending people flying.

The sudden onslaught shocked everyone, prompting frantic attempts to evade the thunder and wind blades.

"What's happening? Didn't we win?" cried out bewildered voices.

"It's like a natural disaster!"

Kid and Law, recognizing the attacks, grimaced, eyeing the ominous black clouds above.

Kid barked at the fur tribe's doctor, "Hey, that sheep! Got that medicine you used on the pirate hunter?"

The doctor hesitated, "Yes, but..."

"Quit yapping and use it!" Kid urged, desperation evident.

"C'mon, Captain, what's going on?" puzzled crewmates inquired.

Law, struggling to stand, demanded, "Give me one too! Side effects be damned! We'll all perish if we delay!"



Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Pirates sprang into action.

Sanji utilized his Moonwalk technique to kick away thunderbolts, urging Franky, Brook, and Usopp to assist Chopper in evacuating the wounded.

"Jinbei, cover them! We can't stay here!" he ordered.

With Luffy and Zoro incapacitated, the crew followed Sanji's lead.

Franky hollered, "Leave it to me!"

Brook instructed Nami and Robin, "Quick, evacuate!"

Usopp summoned Simras, a giant tree attracting lightning away from the crowd.

Impressed, Chopper commended, "Amazing, Usopp!"

With Luffy on his back, Usopp urged, "Simras won't hold forever! Let's move, everyone!"

The Straw Hats and the fur tribe raced to evacuate the injured.

Meanwhile, Yamato fiercely defended the evacuation efforts, dispersing lightning with her black staff. However, her expression shifted dramatically as she gazed up at the black clouds.

"Could it be...?"

Suddenly, a chilling laughter echoed throughout Wanokuni.

"Oh cluck!~"

A colossal dragon head emerged from the clouds, unleashing thunderbolts and wind blades upon the island.

"Kaido? Didn't he lose to the Straw Hats?"

"Is he indestructible?"

Despair gripped the crowd once more.

Kaido's menacing voice reverberated, "Do you think you can challenge me? You're clueless about the forces you're up against!"


In the Flower Capital, panic gripped the residents.

Momonosuke, flanked by retainers, observed the ominous sky above Onigashima.

Kin'emon, drawing his weapon, pledged to protect his lord.

Momonosuke, resolute, declared, "I won't flee! Regardless of the outcome, I'll remain here!"

His sister Hiyori affirmed, "I'll stand by you, through life and death!"


Above Ghost Island, Kaido continued his onslaught, unleashing flames and wind upon the populace.

Yamato transformed into her beast form, summoning icy blasts to counter Kaido's fire.

The clash resulted in a massive explosion, but Yamato was swiftly overwhelmed.

Kaido's fiery breath engulfed the island, incinerating everything in its path.

Amidst the chaos, even some Beasts Pirates begged for mercy.

Kaido, unperturbed, sneered, "Don't stand in my way!"

The devastation continued as the people of Onigashima faced the wrath of the indomitable dragon.

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