
One Piece: I Will Wipe Out The Tenryubito!

Never again. I will never again allow myself to be subjugated. I will never again become a slave. In their arrogance and folly, the Tenryubito fed me a Devil Fruit. Now, I will dismantle their reign, piece by piece. I will eliminate them all. Not a single Tenryubito will remain. [No system, no golden finger, just exploiting the Devil Fruit and training in physical combat and Haki.]

FFAddict · Anime und Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 1: A Hellish Beginning

Early chapters here and unreleased novels here: pa.treon.com/FFAddict

In 1506, within the Holy Land of Mariejois, a young boy lay on the cold stone floor of the slave cell, jolted awake by the hard slabs beneath him. He reached out to rub his eyes, only to find himself shackled in a pair of handcuffs that seemed straight out of an ancient film. The boy was stunned, incredulous as he stared at the cuffs locked around his wrists.

"What is... going on?" he wondered.

Looking around, the boy saw several children - boys and girls, not much older than twelve or thirteen - sitting quietly. They were either sitting or lying down, eerily still, as if they had lost the vibrancy of their age. The commonality between them? Chains adorned their hands and feet.

As he continued to observe his surroundings, he noticed that they were in a prison made of stone. Outside the cell, guards in black suits and masks patrolled. However, their attire left the boy bewildered. The children's dress and shackles seemed to belong to an ancient time, but the guards' suits suggested a modern era. The contrast gave him a feeling of temporal confusion.

Suddenly, it felt as though something infiltrated his mind, transmitting various bits of information. The influx of information was so immense that it seemed his brain might explode.

"Ah--" he cried out in agony.

Most of the children in the cell simply glanced coldly at him, distancing themselves further from him before losing interest. Only three girls watched him continue to struggle on the ground, crying out in pain. They seemed to want to help, yet hesitated.

Among the three girls, a petite one with braids on either side of her face, dressed in red and a white cloak, appeared distressed. Finally, she decided to check on the boy.

The two older girls behind her held her back, shaking their heads. The younger girl responded to them: "Sisters, it's okay. He's just like us, a pitiful soul captured by slave traders. He won't hurt me! Besides, we just got here, and we know nothing. By helping him, we can understand our current situation, and maybe even turn him into our ally."

Overwhelmed by fear in this new environment, the sisters listened to their older sister, considering the possibility that this boy could help them. Therefore, they decided not to stop her any longer.

Despite her brave words, the younger girl was a bit scared. She slowly moved closer to the boy. Seeing no signs of aggression from him, she cautiously asked, "Are...are you okay?"

The boy gradually ceased his struggle, lying on the floor and gasping for breath.

The influx of information that had flooded his brain was actually memories of his previous life and the life of the body he now inhabited.

Despite the massive headache from the flood of memories, the boy began to understand what had happened and why he was here.

He was a transmigrator from another world, previously known as Wang Li, a man trapped in a soul-crushing 9-to-9 job whose only hobby was anime. After his company made him work overtime for a month straight, he suddenly passed away and found himself in this world — a world full of youthful passion and adventure, the world of One Piece.

However, as he delved into the memories of his new body, he realized that this world wasn't as wonderful as he had imagined.

His current body was named Hiro, a thirteen-year-old boy who was captured and sold to the Celestial Dragons as a slave due to his beautiful appearance. He became their plaything.

After becoming the Celestial Dragon's toy, he endured constant abuse. The most painful experience was when they branded the "Hoof of the Flying Dragon" mark onto his chest, causing him to pass out from the intense pain.

He suffered more atrocities at the hands of the Celestial Dragons, who saw him as less than human. The original owner of this body succumbed to such torture, which then allowed him to inhabit it.

He looked up at the pure-looking girl who asked him a question, waved weakly at her, indicating he was okay. As the influx of too much information still caused his head to throb, he decided not to pay her any more attention.

The girl, seeing his gesture, instinctively recoiled. After realizing he wasn't going to attack her, she continued, "My name is Boa Hancock. I was also captured by slave traders. Don't worry, I just want to take care of you. What happened to you earlier? Do you need my help?"

Boa Hancock?

Wait, THE Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress?

He quickly looked up at Hancock, finding that the girl in front of him looked nothing like the stunningly beautiful Hancock from the future. Could be a coincidence?

He then looked at the two girls behind Hancock, one with green hair and the other with yellow, and noticed they looked strikingly similar to the characters in the manga. It was then that he realized the girl standing before him was indeed the future tsundere Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock.

"My name is... Hiro. I was suffering from a severe headache because my head was previously injured by the Celestial Dragons, but I'm fine now." He was about to reveal his past identity when a surge of rage and resentment welled up within him - emotions originating from his former self. However, this resentment was not directed at himself, but towards the Celestial Dragons who had abused his past self.

This rage and resentment seemed as if his former self was ceaselessly shouting at him, "Help me kill the Celestial Dragons, help me get my revenge!" Having merged with the memories of his former self, Hiro could truly empathize with his past self's experiences, feeling as if they had happened to him.

Silently, Hiro reassured himself, "Don't worry, I will continue living in your name, avenge you, and annihilate the Celestial Dragons." At this moment, Hancock's worried voice reached Hiro's ears, "Hiro...are you alright?"

Hancock looked at Hiro apprehensively, frightened by the rage and resentment that had flared up in his eyes. Hiro closed his eyes, took a moment to calm himself, and thanked Hancock, "I appreciate your concern, I'm okay now..."

Just as Hiro was about to chat with Hancock, the door of the cage swung open, and a man in a suit and an owl mask walked in. He spoke indifferently, "Everyone follow me, we're going to Charlos' palace." Upon hearing this, Hiro's face darkened instantly. Seeing his pallor, Hancock quickly whispered to him, "Your face turned awful all of a sudden. Is it terrifying to go to this 'Charlos's' palace?" Pale-faced, Hiro replied, "Extremely. We... might die there."