
Chapter 68

"Just give me the order, and I'll kill them immediately." said Van Augur


I disappeared and appeared in front of them.

"Ken!?" x2

"What is it, Ken?" asked Zala

'The audacity of this bitch.'

"Show me your tongues."

"What, why?" asked Mikita

"Because I say so."


A spike was suddenly coming for my head.

I moved my head to the side, making it miss me.

I grabbed Zala's head.

"Argh! Help me, Mikita!" screamed Zala

"I'm so sorry!"

Mikita ran away into the forest.

"Sigh. What did you expect her to even do?"


I put more on her head and forced open her mouth. I used my left hand to grab her tongue.



I pulled out her tongue from her mouth.

"So, this is the tongue that you've been telling me sweet little lies with."

I shoved it back into her mouth.

I glared at her.

"Swallow it."

(An: Guys, I swear that there is nothing going on except for a Captain punishing some traitors.)

She didn't want to, so I shoved it further into her mouth. After a little bit of struggling, she gave up.


I let her go.




"Did it taste good?"

"Dhduid ddiewho ouqeqgy owefiwbfw!"

I couldn't understand a word from her mouth, but I'm sure that's she is cursing my whole family tree.

I looked at my crew, who weren't showing any emotions, except for Laffitte, who is showing the biggest smile.


I took out Shusui.

"Left or right?"


"So, you've chosen right."




I cut off her right arm, right leg, and her right eye.


Blood sprayed all over me, but I didn't care.



"Make sure she doesn't die."

"Hahahahaha! I love you, Captain! I like your thinking so much! Not letting them die so they can suffer for as long as possible!" screamed Laffitte

I glared at him.

"This isn't funny, Laffitte. So shut up before you end up worse than her."

He smiled.

"Never thought that I'd fall in love with a guy." said Laffitte

Everyone got away from him.

(An: Don't worry, it isn't a yaoi fanfic. But Laffitte do be looking kinda fin- COUGH, COUGH, COUGH!)


'At least someone is in a good mood.'

"Robert, Paulie, Ace, help Brook with the funeral for his friends on this island. I heard that this was an island from the South Blue, so they will be on home soil here. Is that okay, Brook?"

"It's perfect! Thank you so much!"

I nodded.

"Deuce, get to work."

I started walking into the forest.

'Torturing her like that felt like I cut a part of my heart out. But the only one I can blame for this is myself. I was so naive to think that there would be no way that someone would betray me. I was so busy doing other stuff that I forgot to be a Captain. Even Luffy is a better Captain than me. People don't betray him like these two bitches did to me.'


"Let's just get this over with quickly."


I looked to my left and saw Perona with two suitcases in her hands.

She ran towards me and smiled.

"What are you doing here? If you're looking for something, I can help you out."

I looked at her.

'How am I supposed to know if that is a genuine smile or just a mask that she uses to get whatever she wants out of me.'



"What is your dream?"

"My dream? My dream is to create a kingdom where all the cute things in the world have been turned into zombie animals that obey only me."

"Then shouldn't you be looking for Moria? By following me, that dream will never come true."

It seems like she just realized her situation.

"Let me ask you this. Why do you want to join my crew?"

"Well, uhm."

"I don't have time for bullshit, so tell me the real reason why you want to join me."

"Protection. I won't be able to survive on my own, so I need someone that is strong enough to protect me."

'At least she is honest.'

"Protection, huh. And what will you contribute to deserve this protection?"

"My Devil Fruit is really useful. I can create hollows that I can use to spy with and create a projection to scare opponents. But if I want to enter a hollow, my body will become unconscious."

"So once somebody finds your body, you're done for."

She smiled.

"Why don't you ask me how far away I can be?"

"Sigh. What is the range of your Devil Fruit?"

"I don't know."

I balled up my fist.

"Wait, wait! I mean that it's so far that I couldn't find the range. I used it from one island to another once, and I was able to use it without problems."

"That's good, I guess. Is that all?"

She had a smug look on her face.

"That's just the beginning. Once my hollows go through someone's body, they become depressed and can't continue to fight."

'Someone with a strong enough spirit won't be affected, but it's not a bad ability.'

"My Devil Fruit can als-"

"Alright, I've heard enough. You can go to the ship."

"Aren't you coming?"

"I need to finish some business."

"What business."

"Ask the crew. And tell Deuce to come and find me with Zala."

She smiled.

"Alright, see ya later, Captain."

She went towards the ship.

'I hate this so much! One bad experience, and I'm starting to doubt everyone.'


'Let's just get this bitch and be done with this shit.'


I disappeared, and a little later, I appeared inside the castle in front of a door. I walked in, and it looked like a maids bedroom. I suddenly sensed something falling towards my head.

I caught it before it hit me.

'This pan is heavy. Mikita must have used that technique that I taught her to make it heavier.'


I cut the bed in half and saw Mikita hiding underneath it.

"How stupid can you be? You know about my abilities and still hide under a bed."

She stood up.

"Shut up!"

"Huh? Can you repeat that for me?"

"I said shut the F*ck up!"




I smashed her face with the pan, and I could hear her jaw break.

[Winner winner chicken dinner!]

"ARGH! You bastard!"

"I didn't even think you were capable of using so many bad words. I was really stupid to be fooled by you, two idiots."

She smirked.

"You sure are. Now die!"



The floor under me suddenly caved in.


I used Geppo to stay in the air. I looked down.

'Isn't that the freezer where Oars was being held?'


I looked at Mikita's panicked face.

"Did you really expect that to work? You can also use Geppo, so why did you even think that that would work? Sigh. Never mind."


I kicked her out of the mansion.


I appeared in front of her, and I took out and fed her her tongue just like I did to Zala.





I cut off her left arm, left leg, and left eye.



She fell down on the ground.

Deuce appeared beside me with Zala bandaged up.

"Damn, remind me to never betray you." said Deuce

"Hahaha, if you ever betray me, you'll end up a hundred times worse than these two."


"S… so, should I do the same with her?"

"I want you to stitch them together."

"What do you mean?"

"You really are stupid. Bitch 1 doesn't have a right side, and bitch 2 doesn't have a left side, so if you stitch them back together, you'll get one whole monster with two heads."

"Can't you tell someone else to do this shit?"


I disappeared.


[Did my f*cked up mind go too far, or did you guys find this acceptable and started laughing like Laffitte?]

Anime Quotes:

"Ha! These humans are definitely foolish creatures. Think as hard as those weak brains of yours can manage. Do you humans ever listen to the cries of mercy coming from pigs and cows you slaughter?"

– Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)

"Hearts, you say? You humans are always so quick to speak of such things. As though you carry your hearts in the very palms of your hands. But this eye of mine perceives all. There is nothing that it overlooks. If this eye cannot see a thing, then it does not exist. That is the assumption under which I have always fought. What is this 'heart?' If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?"

– Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach)

"In this world, there are very few people who actually trust each other."

– Light Yagami (Death Note)