
Chapter 45

"W… wait, please don't kill me!"

"Conis, Pagaya, you should look the other way."

"Wait, Ken. don't shoot!" screamed Conis

"Why shouldn't I?"

"He may act like a bad guy, but he is just doing it to protect us."

"But why should I care about that? He is threatening us, so why should I care if he is doing it for someone?"

Ace grabbed my gun, and Sabo grabbed my shoulder.

"It's nothing serious, so just let it go. It's not like they could do anything to us anyway." said Sabo

"You really shouldn't take this too seriously." said Ace


I put my gun back.

"Fine, I'll let you live, but there won't be a next time."

"Thank you, sir!"

He and his soldiers ran away.

"Don't come too me when he brings us more problems."

"Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it." said Sabo

I looked at Conis.

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

She looked down.

"No, it's okay. I understand why you wanted to do it. There is no reason for you to care about us."

I patted her head, and she looked up.

I smiled at her.

"I never said that I didn't care about the two of you. We are friends, so if you need help, we're here for the two of you."

She smiled back.

"Thank you."

I turned around and went back to the ship.

"I'm going to finish my breakfast."

I entered the kitchen and saw that Urouge was still eating.

"You have quite a big appetite."

"I'm sorry for eating so much."

"Nah, it's okay. We have enough."

"Thank you. So what happened with the police guys."

"They ran away."

"That's going to be a big problem for you. He works under Enel after all."

"I'll be counting on your help then."

"Of course!"

I started eating what was left on my plate.

[3 hours later]

I walked out onto the deck and saw everyone relaxing there.


"Ey guys, where are Zala and Van Augur."

"Zala went shopping inside the island, and Van Augur said that he wanted to tour the island." said Robin

'Why do I have a bad feeling?'

I closed my eyes and focused on my Kenbunshoku Haki.

'Just as I thought.'

"Sigh. Ace, Sabo, come here for a moment."

They came to me.

"What is it?" asked Ace



"What was that for!" screamed Sabo

"They've taken Zala and Van Augur."

"What!" said Mikita

"This is what you get for showing mercy on the enemy."

"We'll take care of it. Where are they?" said Ace

"You won't be able to take them back with just the two of you. They are at Upper Yard, so everyone, get this ship there immediately."

Everyone quickly got up, and after a little bit, the ship was on its way to Upper Yard.

'I knew those bastards would come after us, but I didn't expect them to use this cowardly move.'

A couple of minutes later, we appeared at Upper Yard.

"What should we do, Captain?" asked Laffite

"We'll just go in and beat our way through this place."

"That's a plan I can get behind." said Ace

Urouge suddenly came out of the ship.

"I didn't expect you guys to come here so quickly."

"Are your injuries healed?"

He flexed his muscles, and all the bandage ripped off.

"I'll take that as a yes. Do you have any information that we should know?"

"Do you see that huge plant?"

"What about it?"

"At the top is Enel's home."

'I'm starting to forget things like this.'

"Hm, that's good information. I did sense that Van Augur is really high up, so he must be there."

"And where is Zala?" asked Mikita

"She is also somewhere high, but not as high as Van Augur. Alright, I'll go and bring back van Augur, and you guy can go find Zala."

"But you don't know how to get up there." said Urouge


I started going into the air.

"Hahaha, you're something else."

"I'll see you guys back at the ship."


I disappeared.

I started using Geppo to get higher and higher. I passed a lot of ruins until I finally made it to the top.

I saw Enel sitting on his throne with an unconscious Van Auger chained up behind him.


I appeared a couple of meters in front of Enel.

He had a smug smile like he was expecting me.

"It was a mistake for you to come all the way here alone. Now your crewmates will all be killed."

I smirked.

"If you really think that those weaklings will be able to touch my crew, you must be a bigger idiot than I thought."

He looked pissed.

<Hardend Tekkai>

I encased my body with Haki and Tekkai.


A lightning strike descended on me.


I ran passed him completely unharmed and, in a second, unlocked the chains on Van Augur with the keys I stole from Enel.

I took Van Augur's gun and disappeared.


I appeared far from Enel.

I slapped Van Augur awake.

"Ken? What are you doing here?"

I let him go, and he fell on the ground,

"I came to save your weak ass."

"This must be fate that sent you here to save me."

He stood up, and I gave him his gun.

I grabbed him by his collar.

"I can't fight with you here, so if fate is with you, you will survive this."



I thew him over the edge sending him towards my crew.

'I hope that someone down there knows how to catch.'

"You're a cruel guy for just throwing him down like that."

"He'll survive."

"But, you won't!"

He suddenly appeared in front of me and tried to grab my head.

"You fool."

<Busoshoku Haki: Hardening>

I slapped his hand away and grabbed his head instead.

He looked like he saw a ghost.

"Thinking that you became invincible after eating one fruit is stupid."



I hit him straight on his nose.


I didn't let him go and hit him again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


I let him go, and he fell on his back.

<Special Technique: Stomp>


I stomped on his head with full power.

The other people here looked terrified.


Another one.


And another one.


I kicked him into his palace.

I started walking towards his palace, and everyone in my way quickly ran away. No one went to help him.

I arrived at where I kicked his body.

"Why do you still have that arrogant look on your face?"

"Yahahaha, I'm god! There is no way that a mere mortal can defeat me!"

He stood up.

"I will show you the difference between a mere mortal and a god!" screamed Enel



I hit him in his gut, making him fall on his knees in front of me.

He looked at me with a shocked look.

"H… how are you this strong."

"Because I am your GOD!"


[Yes, I know Enel is stronger than this, but he is just too shocked about Ken being able to hit him like it's nothing. He needs a little time to get his head in the right space.

But who cares about their battle. I need some help with that whole Ordeal stuff. It's been A while since I've read or seen the Skypiea arc.]

One Piece Quotes:

"People don't fear God, fear itself is God."

– Enel

The weak don't get to decide anything, not even how they die.

– Trafalgar D. Law

Stop counting only those things you have lost! What is gone is gone! So ask yourself this. What is there… that still remains to you!?

– Jinbe