
Chapter 46

[Just know that he won't always say when he is using Haki. He will only say it when he is using a technique or if it's necessary. The reason for that is that I'm lazy, and it's not like they say it in the anime or manga every time. But I guess this is different.]

He looked turned pissed.

"You dare call yourself a GOD in front of me!"

He suddenly disappeared into the ground.

'Behind me!'

I moved to the side, and he came out of the ground with a trident that he almost hit me with.

"You may be quick on your feet, but you aren't faster than lightning!"


"Why are you laughing?"

I took out a blindfold and put it over my eyes.

"What do you think you're doing!"



I took my two swords out of their sheaths.


I disappeared and appeared in front of Enel.



I slashed my sword at Enel, but he managed to block it with his trident. But I still had another sword left. I slashed my swords towards his head, but he disappeared into the ground.

'This will be great Kenbunshoku Haki training.'

"30 Million Volt Bari!"

I jumped to my left.



He managed to hit a little bit of my arm with a lightning strike.

'Lightning speed isn't something I should underestimate. It may not be the fastest someone can go in this world, but it definitely isn't slowest.'

"30 Million Volt Bari!"

I jumped back


I managed to dodge this one completely.

"30 Million Volt Bari! 30 Million Volt Bari! 30 Million Volt Bari! 30 Million Volt Bari! 30 Million Volt Bari!"






I started dodging all his lightning strikes.

He suddenly appeared in front of me.


I managed to dodge most of the trident, but he still managed to hit me on my side.

'I can sense that he is smirking.'

(An: You can sense emotions with Kenbunshoku Haki.)



I cut his trident in little pieces.

"Don't act arrogant because you got a lucky hit in."

"I don't need a weapon to defeat you."

He jumped back and started flying into the air.

"30,000,000 Volt Hino!"



I suddenly got hit.


I flew back and started rolling on the ground.


'What the hell was that!? It was faster than normal his other attacks!?'

"You look surprised. This is a bird made out of lightning. It is faster than my normal attacks. How about you have some more. 30,000,000 Volt Hino!"


I put Sandai Kitetsu back in its sheath and held Yubashiri in front of me.


I slashed in front of me, creating a sword slash that flew out.


It slashed the bird in half before it came close to me.

"Hahaha, I can feel that you're irritated."

"30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino! 30,000,000 Volt Hino!"

*WOOSH* x8

Eight lightning birds came at me from each direction.


I went into the air, expecting them to hit each other and explode, but they instead came after me.


I disappeared and appeared at the top of the giant plant.

I put Yubashiri back in its sheath.

'I might as well train my Busoshoku Haki while I'm at it.'

<Busoshoku Haki>

I enveloped my entire body in a layer of invisible Haki.

I jumped down towards the birds that came flying towards me.

"Yahahaha, you've recognized my power and want to end your life before I torture you to death!"


They all hit me and exploded.


'That hurt, but I'm not badly hurt.'

I kept going down, and I could feel that Enel was distressed.


I appeared above him.

<Busoshoku Haki: Hardening>

My arm turned black.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I screamed like a true shonen protagonist

He looked up with a shocked look.


I hit him straight in his face.


His head hit the ground, and a massive crater appeared under him.

I was about to hit him again when he suddenly put his hand up.

"E...El… Thor."


I suddenly got hit by a massive lightning bolt that was at least ten times stronger than all his earlier attacks.


I fell down on my back.




'Damn, I didn't expect that."



Enel suddenly appeared in front of me with a trident, and stabbed me in my gut, pinning me down to the ground.

"You may have destroyed my trident, but I can easily repair it. So what will you do now?"

'How can I be so stupid. Just because I have Haki doesn't mean that I'm suddenly superior to Logia users. I know what this guy is capable of, but I still acted arrogantly and let my guard down. I thought that just because I got trained by Garp, I'm suddenly better than everyone. Just because I'm technically stronger, I became arrogant and let my guard down.'

"Sigh. Thank you, Enel."

"Huh? Did your brain get fried or something?"

"Hahaha, no, that isn't it. You've taught me something important today, and I will repay you by… KILLING YOU!"

I grabbed his trident.


I took it out of me.

"Don't think that I'll let you get up!"

I kicked myself up.


I appeared in front of him and kicked him into the air.


I appeared above him.


I kicked him on his head with my heel, sending him back down.

I used Geppo to stay in the air.

I took off my blindfold and looked down at my injuries.

'It is worse than I thought. I don't have time to stop the bleeding, so I need to beat him quickly.'

"El Thor!"



I dodged his attack.

"90,000,000 Volt Hino!"

He sent another lightning bird after me, but this one is three times as big and powerful.

<Rankyaku: Gaicho>

I kicked towards the bird sending a Rankyaku in the form of a bird towards it.


The birds collided and exploded.


I appeared beside him and kicked the side of his face, sending him flying over the edge.

I appeared on him, making him fall down faster.


I shot him in his chest.

"AAAHHH. How can a weapon hurt me!"

"It's a Sea Stone Bullet. It will make you unable to use your powers."

We started falling down towards the sea close to my ship.

I took out Yubashiri and coated it in Haki.

"Any last words?"

"This is impossible! There is no way that a mere mortal can take down a god!"

"You know what they call mortals who slay gods? They call them Deicide!"

I jumped up and started going high into the air. When I was high enough, I stopped.

<Special One Sword Style Technique: Deicide>


A massive slash that is three times the size of my ship appeared and went down towards Enel.


It cut him in half, from head to head. It also cut up a portion of the island and the sea.


'I pushed myself too far.'

I started falling down, and my eyes started to slowly close.

'I can pass out into the sea!'

I bit on my lip, giving me a little bit of strength to use Geppo and safely land on the ship.


I fell on my back.

'I hope that they'll manage to get here fast enough.'

My eyes closed, and the darkness overtook me.


(It would be funny if I just killed him here and end the story.)

[Hahahahaha, from head to head! The things I come up with sometimes, hahaha!

I realize that I'm not using the other Rokushiki techniques enough. I will try to improve that in the future and maybe try to create my own techniques.]

One Piece Quotes:

"What do you know of death? Have you ever died? Do you think death will preserve your cause forever? Ridiculous! Death leaves nothing behind! Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones. If there is one thing I can't stand, it is a person with no respect for life."

– Brook

"If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn't have any in the first place."

– Fujitora

"I lost my mother when I was 8…and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above…are my "family", with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?"

– Doflamingo