
Chapter 100

[Ken P.O.V.]

I'm sitting at the top of the huge mountain with Sabo and Ace standing behind me. We saw 21 guys walking towards us who are all wearing the same outfits.

Yesterday I asked the people of this island if they would like to join me since I'm in need of manpower. 3000 of the 50 thousand signed up. Which is more than I expected. But it also isn't really that unexpected. A lot of people on this island live in poverty, and seeing as how I'm one of the big shots in the sea, they want to join me to earn money. It's the sad truth of every world you're in. People start committing crimes to get food on the table because they have no other choice.

I gave them the challenge to climb this mountain, and if they could, I would let them join. This mountain is 1km/0,62miles high. There are also ferocious beasts lurking around. That is why No one goes to the mountain.

"You guys have done well. Once my buddy comes back from his journey, he'll check if you guys are trustworthy and do a couple more tests. After that, you can officially join us."

A guy who is as big as Kuma and whose face is filled with scars walked forward.

"What is this for bullshit. We came all the way here, and you say that we have to do more tests."

"The test is just to evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses. Since you made it all the way over here, shouldn't it be easy to complete them?"

"Tsk, whatever."




I looked behind them and saw a frail-looking guy with blue hair running towards us. He seemed like he could fall over at any second by a light breeze.

"You idiots! I thought that you sent everyone away!" screamed the big guy

"We did, boss, but he must have somehow slipped through."

'So these guys are probably part of some gang, and it sounds like they've tried to meddle with the others. I don't see why they would do that since we said that there are unlimited spots, but whatever. If they can't get past these guys, I don't even need them under me.'

The frail-looking guy started slowing down, thinking he finally made it, but the big guy then suddenly pointed a gun at him.




He shot at him, but all of them missed. The frail-looking guy started to speed up again.

"Shit! Stay still, you little squirt!"

He kept shooting at him, but the guy just kept charging forward. A couple of bullets scraped the guy, but he didn't flinch. When he made it over the white line that I created as the finish line, he tripped and fell down.

"Kekeke, now I've got you!"




The big guy fell dead with a bullet in his head. His men glared at me.

"Why did you do that, you bastard!"

"The guy made it over the finish line, so that means that he is under my protection."

"You bastard! Don't think that you can do what you want because you have a high bounty!"

All 20 of them pointed their guns at me.

"What a waste of time this was. Ace."

"Satan's Grasp!"

He created a massive hand of fire and grabbed the 20 guys. They were being burned alive till nothing but ashes were left. I walked over to the guy that fell down and helped him stand up.

"Good job in getting here. I was kinda surprised that you charged forward without fearing the bullets."

"Hahaha, thank you. It's only because I've heard that that guy has never hit his target with a gun."


I just noticed that his eyes are closed.

"You must have noticed my eyes and wondering why they are closed."

He opened his eyes, and they are entirely white. He closed them again.

'So he is blind, huh, well whatever. It's not like you need your eyes when you have Haki. There is a high chance that he will have powerful Kenbunshoku Haki if he was born this way.'

I looked behind him and sensed 7 other people running towards us. I suddenly sensed him becoming sad. I looked at him.

"I understand. I'm sorry to waste your time."

'He must have taken me not responding as something bad.'

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to take the other tests?"

"Wait, I can still join you even though I'm blind?"

"Not being able to see doesn't mean that you have no potential. If you follow me, I can teach you how to see without using your eyes. It will also make you much stronger."

He looked extremely happy and bowed down.

"Thank you so much! This is the first time that someone other than my mom is willing to give me a chance!"

"I'm glad that I was able to make you happy."

3 people suddenly finished at the same time.

"Hahaha, I won!" said one of them

"No, I was first!" said the other one

"Shut up, you idiots! I was clearly first!" said another one

They started glaring at each other.

'Sigh, why did it have to be triplets.'

"Shut up, you three. It was a tie. The three of you got over the finish line at exactly the same time. Now sit your asses down, and let's wait till the rest gets here."

They wanted to refute me, but unlike the other guys, these three knew that you don't get a bounty like mine if you're weak. A couple of minutes later, the last four made it.

"To think that only 8 out of the 3000 made it here, how disappointing." said Ace

"It was only to be expected. 99% of them were weak people living in poverty that wanted to make money by joining us. And it's better to have quality over quantity." said Sabo

I looked at the 8 people that made it.

"You guys look really promising. But before we can go any further, let's get to know each other first. I'll begin. My name is Ken, 18 years old, I like freedom, I dislike bad parents, and my dream is to become the man with the most freedom."

"I'll go next, I guess. My name is Ace, 18 years old, I like my brothers, I dislike Ken's orders, and my dream is to become greater than my father."

"It's my turn. My name is Sabo, 18 years old, I like hitting Ken, I dislike getting hit by Ken, and my dream is to find the One Piece with my brothers."

I pointed at the frail-looking guy. He has blue hair, looks to be around 2 meters tall, and I can see all of his bones.

"You're next."

"My name is Tani Yuichi, 21 years old; I like talking with my mother; I dislike people who act arrogant because they have more money or power, and my dream is to make my mother better and find a wife, so she doesn't have to worry about me anymore."

"It's nice to meet you, Tani Yuichi. Next, you."

I pointed to one of the triplets.

He has red hair, is around the same height as me, and looks to have some good muscles.

"My name is Nyorai Yamada, 17 years old and the oldest of the three. I like women, I dislike my annoying siblings, and my dream is to once and for all show everyone that I'm better than my siblings."


I pointed to one of his siblings. He has orange hair, but apart from that, he looks exactly the same as the other two.

"My name is Nusaki Yamada, 17 years old and the second oldest of the three. I like women, I dislike my annoying siblings, and my dream is to once and for all show everyone that I'm better than my siblings."


I pointed at the last of the three. He also looks exactly the same, except for the yellow hair.

"My name is Numera Yamada, 17 years old, and the youngest of the three. I like women, I dislike my annoying siblings, and my dream is to once and for all show everyone that I'm better than my siblings."

"So what I'm getting from this is that all of you are exactly the same except for your hair and name."

"We aren't the same!" x3

"Thank you for proving my point. You're next."

I pointed to a girl with purple hair.


[Shit! I'm running out of ideas for these characters. So If you guys have any good ideas, let me know :) ]

(Ey, since this is the 100th chapter, how about you guys donate me all your power stones, pretty please.)

Anime Quotes:

"I don't see what you're so upset about. This is how we progress. Human experimentation is a necessary step. I would think a scientist should understand--"

- Shou Tucker (Fuuuull Metaaal Alchemiest Broederhoed)

"It turns me on, thinking about fighting the boss."

- Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)

"You see, in our society, the phenomenon that you call emotion is considered a mental disorder."

- Kyuubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

"So warm! Cute little hands and fingers. The warmth of a child. Cute little lips. Big, round, innocent eyes. She's so cute. She's so cute. That's right. There's something I've been wanting her to do for me. Um. Will you do me a favor please? Will you kiss my boo-boo and make it go away?"

- Taiyō Mitsuboshi (Happy Sugar Life)

(I'm sorry for doing this to you guys, but since I had to read it, so do all of you.