
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

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24 Chs

Ch 8 Black Cat Pirates

The group consisting of Alex, Zoro, Nami, Luffy, and Usopp sit on the beach.

Usopp: " You guys..... Are willing to fight beside me? Why?"

Luffy: " You're hopelessly outnumbered. Right?"

Zoro: " You look pretty scared."

Alex: " Trust me. We should all be scared."

Usopp: " Me? Scared? Ha! Th-that's a l-laugh! Outnumbered or not, I'll be f-fine!! I'm captain Usopp, brave warrior of the sea!!" He states, while shaking violently.

Alex: " You're shaking like leaf. You're not fooling anyone."

Usopp: " D-darn....Darn! Darn it!"

Usopp: " What are you looking at? I'm going up against Captain Kuro's pirates! Of course, I'm scared! So, what!?"

Usopp: " I don't want your pity! You guys can stop laughing! Leave!"

Alex: " Who's laughing?"

Zoro: " We're not laughing at you. We're impressed, that's why we're going to help you."

Luffy: " Who'd risk their life out of pity!!"

Usopp: " Y-you guys!!"


Later, further up the beach, at the path leading into the village.

Usopp: " They'll attack from this beach."

Zoro: " And this is the route to the village."

Usopp: " They'll have to come up this pass. Everywhere else, there's just sheer cliffs."

Usopp: " So if we can defend this path, the village will be safe!"

Luffy: " Wow! Piece of cake!"

Alex: " Easier said than done."

Usopp: " Yeah, we'll have to fight like an army. So, what can you guys do?"

Zoro: " I cut."

Luffy: " I stretch."

Nami: " I steal."

Alex: " I blow things up."

Usopp: " I run and hide."

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami: " You've gotta fight!!" They all yell, while Alex just face palms, letting out a long sigh.

Alex: " Actually, I know some Haki."

Luffy: " What's Haki?"

Alex: " To put it simply, it's the manifestation of one's spirit and will."

Luffy: " Oooohhhh... Cool!"

Usopp: " Let's get to work!"


Later, the group had oiled the path.

Usopp: " It's perfect! There's no way they'll make it up this pass, not with all the oil we poured down it!"

Usopp: " Now here's the plan: we attack 'em while they're slipping and sliding."

Nami: " I just hope we don't end up slipping and sliding ourselves. It'd be pretty dumb to get caught in our own trap."

Alex: " You're not wrong there. But, knowing Luffy....."

Luffy: " You sure did come up with a slick plan!"

Usopp: " Naturally!! When it comes to daring ideas and this slingshot, I have absolute confidence!!"

Alex: " Well, we'd better be ready. It's dawn."


A few minutes later.

Luffy: " Where are they? It's already dawn." He states, kicking the ground in boredom.

Alex: " Hmm, I'm not sure."

Zoro: " Maybe they overslept?"

The sound of yelling echoes in the distance.

Nami: " Maybe it's just me, but I think I hear someone yelling "yarrr" to the north of us."

Alex: " No, I hear it to."

Usopp: " North!?"

Nami: " I definitely hear something!"

Zoro: " Hey! What is it?" He asks Usopp.

Alex: " Is there another way into the village?"

Usopp: " Er... There's another landing on the north beach!!"

Luffy: " You mean we're on the wrong beach!?"

Usopp: " But the pirates had their secret meeting here! I just assumed...."

Luffy: " We've gotta get to them before they attack the village! Which way should we go?"

Usopp: " If we run straight north, we should get there in about three minutes. There's another pass there almost exactly like this one, we can stop them there!!"

Nami: " Oh no!! Our ships are at the north beach!! They'll take our treasure!!"

Luffy: " I'll be there in 20 seconds!!" He runs off in a direction that is not north.

Alex: " Luffy!! That's the wrong way!! Damnit, I don't have time for this!! Luffy will figure it out himself!!" He runs off North, followed by Usopp.

Usopp: " Darn!! My great oil slick plan was for nothing!!"

Nami: " Hurry!" She loses her footing and starts slipping on the oil.

Zoro: " Nami!? What're you doing?"

Nami: " Help! I'm slipping!!" She reaches out, grabbing onto Zoro's shirt.

Zoro: " Huh?!"

Nami pulls Zoro down and climbs over him, sending him sliding down the oil slick.

Nami: " Thanks, Zoro!!" She runs off to the north.

Zoro: " Someday, I'm going to kill that girl!!"


Usopp and Alex arrive on the north beach, as the pirates are running up the path. Usopp shoots a combusting pellet at the ground in front of the group of pirates, knocking a lot of them down.

Pirate 1: " Someone's at the top of the hill!!"

Django: " You!!"

Usopp: " My name is Captain Usopp!!! I've been waiting for you scoundrels!!!"

Usopp: " We're fully prepared for battle!! Turn back now, if you value your lives!!"

Alex: " Couldn't have said it better myself."

Usopp: ' Wh-what?! We're the first ones here?! That guy was way ahead of us!?'

Alex: " I really hope Luffy figures out he went the wrong way."

Usopp: " What!? He went the wrong way!!"

Alex: " Yeah..... But we should be fine."

Usopp: " I-if you say so....."

Django: " Hmph!! It's you, you're the little barnacle that overheard our plan. What's the idea?"

Usopp: " This is your final warning!!! Leave now, while you still can!! I have 10 million fighting men ready to crush you dogs!!"

Pirate 6: " ..... That's the worst lie I've heard all morning."

Alex: " I told you it wasn't going to work."

Django: " 10 million? Really?"

Pirate 4: " C'mon cap'n! He be lying!!"

Pirate 7: " Does he think we're fools?"

Usopp: " They saw through me!!"

Pirate 4: " Does he really think we're that stupid?"

Alex: " Don't worry Usopp. I got this."

Usopp: " Huh? Are you sure?"

Alex: " Yeah, it's an open environment with nothing to destroy, so I don't have to hold back." He states, explosions coming from his palms.

Django: " Why, you! You'll pay for your deceit..."

Pirate 2: " Captain Django! It's amazing!!"

Django: " What!? Is it trouble!?"

Pirate 2: " Not trouble! Treasure!!"

Pirate: " We found treasure on those suspicious ships!! It's a king's ransom! Maybe 4 or 5 million berries!!"

Django: " What!?"

Usopp: " F-five....."

Usopp: " Five million berries!? Why would you guys have so much treasure on your ship!?"

Alex: " It's Nami's.... I kinda feel bad for those guys, Nami's going to kill them when she finds out they took her treasure."

Usopp: " That's my treasure!!! But I'll let you have it all!!!"

Pirate 3: " Huh?! You're going to give us the treasure!?"

Usopp: " Yes, I will!! I'll give you that treasure, if you leave immediately!!"

Pirate 2: " What!? He's trying to pay us off!!"

Pirate 6: " Why, that scum!!"

Django: " ... Are you daft?"

Django: " Of course we'll take the treasure, but why should we leave?"

Alex: " Saw that one coming..."

Usopp: " Yeah, he's got a point."

Django pulls out his ring and starts swinging it back and forth.

Django: " Now, when I say " One, two, Django," you'll fall asleep."

Django: " One...two..."

Usopp: " Yikes! It's some strange projectile weapon!!"

Django: " Djan..." Before he can finish his thought, Nami charges over to Usopp and smacks him upside the head with her staff.

Nami: " Don't say foolish things, buster!!"

Alex: " See, I told you not to mess with Nami's money, she tried to drown Luffy once."

Pirate 2: " Who's that woman!?"

Pirate 4: " Captain, this ain't no time for parlor tricks!!"

Nami: " The treasure on that ship is mine!!" She states, pointing at the pirates.

Nami: " And I'm not giving up one berry of it!! Hang on to it for me, because I'm coming for it!!"

Nami: " What's the big idea!? Giving away my treasure!!" She yells at Usopp.

Alex: " Wasn't my idea....."

Usopp: " Ouch! That hurt! Why'd you hit me!?"

Nami: " You fool! I just saved your skin!!"

Usopp: " What!?"

Nami: " I forgot to tell you, but don't look at that guy's ring when he starts counting. He's a hypnotist!"

Usopp: " A what no tist?"

Alex: " Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks' Nami."

Nami: " No problem."

Nami: " By the way, where's Luffy? He charged off before any of us!!"

Alex: " I'm pretty sure he went east. He should've realized he went the wrong way by now."

Usopp: " Okay, go attack them! I'll back you guys up!!"

Nami: " What!? I get Alex, but why me!?"

Nami: " What can I do against an army of ruthless cut-throats? I'm only a girl!!"

Usopp: " You don't expect me to do it, just because I'm a man? Look how scared I am, my knees are shaking!" He states his legs trembling.

Usopp: " See?!"

Alex: " Just stop fucking bickering!! I'll take them all out!!"

Django: " We've no time for their foolishness. Just charge over them and head for the village, you sea devils!!" He yells and the army of pirates charges up the hill, towards the three.

Nami: " Here they come!!"

Alex blasts himself forward with his explosions towards the charging pirates. He slams his fist into one of the pirates, knocking him out in one punch.

Alex slams both his fists into the ground and creates an enormous explosion that engulfs a good portion of the pirates, sending them flying in random directions. Once the smoke clears, Alex smirks at the remaining pirates.

Alex: " Anyone else want some, cause I'm itching to blow something up."

A man with a hammer tries to run past Alex, but he grabs the hammer man by the throat and slams him into the ground, with enough force to crack the ground, his arm slowly turning black.

Alex: " Where do you think you're going? No one gets past us."

More pirates charge forward, and try to get past Alex, but they are taken out by three sword slashes, as standing next to Alex, Usopp, and Nami is Zoro and Luffy.

Pirates: " What's this, captain Django!?"

Pirates: " You never told us we'd be facing demons on this job!!"

Zoro: " Not much of a challenge, what was that?!"

Alex: " You're telling me, as soon as I started fighting, they just went down like flies."

Luffy: " How could I know? I'm in a bad mood!!"

Zoro: " Nami! You marooned me in that muck!!"

Luffy: " Darn you Usopp!! Why didn't you tell me which way was north!?"

Django: " Are they crazy!?"

Alex: " Honestly, sometimes, yeah, yeah we are."