
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 9 The Meowban Brothers

Several of the Black Cat pirates had been knocked down and defeated, thinning the herd.

Usopp: " I didn't realize you guys were so tough!!"

Luffy: " Yup!!"

Nami: " What took you guys so long? Stop for a manicure?"

Zoro: " You left me stranded in that quagmire!!" He glares at Nami.

Nami: " That was an accident! Besides, it was better that one of us got free than for both of us to be stuck."

Zoro: " Then you should have stayed stuck!!"

Luffy: " How was I to know which way was north and which way wasn't!?"

Usopp: " You ran off like you knew where you were going!"

Luffy: " I only had a rough idea! Very rough!"

Alex: " Maybe next time don't run off like an idiot."

Luffy: " Hey!"

Django: " Er, pardon me. Please tell me how those children bested the lot of you!?"

Pirates: " Yaarr..."

Alex: " Hey! I'm 25!!"

Luffy: " Hey, they're still alive!! They've got spunk!!"

Django: " Now listen! We don't have time to play around here! If our opponent is strong, we must be even stronger!!"

Django: " Everybody, look at this ring!! When I say " One, two, Django," you'll all become super humanly strong." He starts swinging his ring back and forth in front of his crew.

Django: " And all your wounds will heal instantly!! And you'll keep getting stronger and stronger!!"

Luffy: " What are those guys doing?"

Usopp: " Who knows?"

Alex: " Oh no, this isn't good. Django's using his hypnosis abilities to strengthen his crew!!"

Nami: " What!?"

Zoro: " What a load of bilgewater!"

Django: " One!! Two!! Django!!"

Pirates: " Yaaaaarrrrr!!!" They all yell, as they are strengthened.

Nami: " No way!! They were all exhausted a moment ago!!"

One of the pirates punches the side of the cliff and a large chunk breaks off.

Zoro: " He broke the cliff!! What power!!"

Alex: " No big deal. I could destroy the whole thing if I wanted to."

Nami: " Incredible!! His hypnosis actually works!!"

Usopp: " One of them can demolish a cliff. And there's a whole horde of them!!"

Django: " Now march!! And if anyone tries to stop you, destroy them!!!"

Pirates: " Arrrrgh!!!" They charge forward.

Zoro: " You two wait at the top of the hill!" He states to Usopp and Nami, who are already retreating.

Zoro: " Luffy, Alex, and I will deal with..." He looks over at Luffy, who is looking at the ground with a blank stare.

Zoro: " Luffy? Luffy!?"

Luffy: " Yaaaarrrr!!!!!!" He yells, having been hypnotized by Django as well.

Zoro: " He hypnotized you too!?" He yells at Luffy.

Alex: " Damnit Luffy!! Wait, this might actually be good!!"

Django: " Huh?"

Nami: " That feeble minded fool! The hypnosis wasn't even aims at him!"

Pirates: " Yaaaarrr!!!" They yell, continuing their charge.

Luffy: " Yaaaarrrr!!!" He yells, charging at the pirates.

Zoro: " Luffy!"

Alex: " Kick their asses, Luffy!"

Luffy: " Gum Gum Gattling Gun!!!" He yells, throwing rapid stretchy punches at the charging pirates, stopping them dead in their tracks and sending them all flying back.

Usopp: " His arms..."

Luffy: " Bluarggh!!"

Luffy continues running forward, he grabs the stempost of the Black Cat pirate ship, using all his strength, he tears it off. Before he can do anything else, Django uses his hypnosis to put Luffy to sleep and him and the stempost to fall over, the stempost knocks out the remaining pirate grunts.

Django: " Huff, huff. That brat! He's scupered us!! Now we can't carry out the plan!!"

Django: " If captain Kuro finds out, he'll shred these brats to shoestrings and us along with them!!"

Nami: " Luffy wiped most of them out."

Usopp: " But now he's smashed under the stempost!!"

Alex: " Don't worry about him. He'll be fine."

Zoro: " Just see to your own wounds."

Django: " Hey, Butchie! Get over here! The bow's broken!"

???: " The bow!? How'd that happen!?" A voice yells from inside the ship.

Pirate 4: " Hey it's the Meowban Brothers! The ship guards!"

Zoro: " Sounds like they've got more men on the ship."

Alex: " I've heard about them, they're pretty damn strong."

Django: " Aye, boy! They were still on the ship!!"

Zoro: " Who's on the ship?"

Pirates 4: " Heh, heh, heh... You guys are dead meat now!!"

Django: " Meowban Brothers!! Come on down!!"

???: " Hey, the captain's calling us!"

???: " What!? They're not at the village yet? How come they're still on the beach?"

???: " Look! Somebody beat them all up!!"

???: " Looks like trouble!! Shall we go?"

???: " Of course, we'll go!!" He yells, as the two jump off the ship and land behind Django.

Django: " Meowban Brothers, I need your help. Butchie and Siam."

Siam: " You called, captain Django?"

Butchie: " What is it?"

Nami: " What are they?"

Usopp: " Amazing, they jumped from that high deck!! Like cats!!"

Zoro: " ....!"

Alex: " Get ready, Zoro."

Zoro: " Hmph, I'm always ready."

Django: " Butchie, Siam..... We must get up that path! But, as you can see, there's somethings in our way. Get rid of them!!"

Siam: " W-we can't do that! Can we, Butchie?"

Butchie: " T-they look really mean!!"

Zoro: " Huh?"

Alex: ' What are they up to?'

Usopp: " I thought they were some kind of secret weapon!!"

Alex: " They should be...."

Nami: " They're scared to death!!"

Siam: " We're just the ship guard!"

Butchie: " Aye! We're not supposed to take part in any fights."

Django: " Siam!! Attack the man in the coat at once!!"

Siam: " Huh!? Me!?"

Django: " Get him!!"

Siam: " All right!! I'll go, I'll go." He states, tears falling from his eyes.

Nami: " He's starting to cry!! Why's he making someone like that fight!?"

Siam: " Ready or not, here I come!! I'll scratch your eyes out!!" He yells, charging at Alex.

Alex: " You can't fool me!!"

Siam: " Huh?"

Siam closes in on Alex, prepared to slash him, but Alex slams his hands together, creating an explosion that knocks Siam back.

Siam: " H-how? How did you see through our act!?"

Alex: " Easy, I'm not stupid."

Siam: " Huh?"

Alex: " I know who you are, and I know what you can do."

Siam: " It doesn't matter, I'll slash you to pieces either way!!"

Siam charges at Alex, and slashes both claws at him. Alex brings up his arms, blocking his attack, Alex's arms black when he does so.

Siam: " How is that possible!?"

Alex: " Haki, the form I'm using makes one's body as hard as steel."

Siam: " Haki?"

Alex: " You might find out one day, if your will is strong enough."

Siam: " What?"

Alex starts hopping up and down, while continuing to push back against Siam's claws.

Siam: " What are you doing?"

Alex: " You'll see, or you won't. Soru!" He shouts, reaching 10 hops, he then disappears and reappears behind Siam.

Siam: " Wh..."

Alex slams his fist into Siam's back, creating an explosion that throws Siam forward. He tumbles along the ground, but quickly recovers.

Siam: " That technique..... It's like Captain Kuro's...."

Alex: " Yes, it's similar. But I can see where I'm going."

Siam: " H-how did you know that about the captain's technique."

Alex: " Wouldn't you like to know...."

Alex launches himself forward with his explosions, Siam tries to avoid, but Alex quickly brings his arm forward, grabbing him by the neck. He then blasts an explosion from his elbow, propelling his arm forward and slamming Siam into the ground, cracking the ground beneath him.

Django: " Butchie!!"

Butchie: " Got it captain!!"

Butchie charges forward, he comes up behind Alex and attempts to take him by surprise. But his claw never reaches its mark, as Zoro appears between them, blocking Butchie's attack with one of his swords.

Alex: " Thanks Zoro."

Zoro: " No problem. I was itching to jump into the fight anyway."

Alex holds Siam up in the air and throws him back at Django, Siam lands by his feet, groaning in pain.

Butchie delivers a barrage of quick slashes to Zoro, but Zoro easily blocks them all with his three sword style. He then counters Butchie's attacks, slashing him across the chest with all three slashes.

Butchie stumbles back, Alex kicks Butchie in the gut, producing an explosion that sends him flying back at his captain.

Alex: " That was easy."

Zoro: " It wouldn't have been as easy if it was only one of us."

Alex notices all the Black Cat pirates looking in the same direction, Alex looks over and notices Captain Kuro, walking towards them all.

Django: " Aaahh!! Oh, uh, sir, we hit a few snags!!"

Usopp: " Hey...."

Butchie: " Gulp..."

Siam: " Mew..."

Pirates: " C-ca-captain.... Kuro!!!"

Pirates: " H-he'll kill us all!!"

Kuro: " It's long past dawn, but.... You seem to be having trouble following my plan."

Kuro: " What in Neptune's name is going on???!!"

Alex: " What a time for him to show up."