
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

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24 Chs

Ch 7 Klahadore

Everyone stares in shock, after Usopp had punched the butler Klahadore.

Tamenegi: " Captain!"

Klahadore: " A pirate, a 'Brave warrior of the sea'? That's a deceitful way to twist the truth."

Klahadore: " Nonetheless, your behavior is indisputable proof of your ruffian heritage."

Usopp: " ...!!"

Klahadore: " Lie all you want..... But faced with difficulty, your first recourse is violence!"

Klahadore: " And I know you are only kind to miss Kaya because you're after her."

Usopp: " What!? I...."

Klahadore: " I'm onto you scheme, you scalawag! You're trash, like your pirate father!"

Klahadore: " !!" He grabs Klahadore by his collar and reels back his fist.

Alex: " Hey! That's enough! You're causing a scene!"

Kaya: " Stop, Usopp! Please, no more violence!" She yells, Usopp's fist tremble and he looks back at Kaya.

Kaya: " Klahadore's not a bad person..... He takes care of me!"

Kaya: " He only wants what's best for me. He just.... went too far."

Klahadore: " Leave the gounds...." He slaps Usopp's hand away.

Alex: " Everyone just needs to calm down. Before someone does something they'll regret."

Klahadore: " This is no place for a ruffian like you! Never come near this estate again!"

Kaya: " ....!!"

Usopp: " Fine, have it your way.... I'm leaving."

Usopp: " And I'm never coming back!" He yells, walking away, leaving the estate.

Ninjin: " Captain....."

Kaya: " Usopp...."

Ninjin: " Stupid smelly Butt-ler!!! The captain's a great guy!!"

Piiman: " Yeah, fool!"

Tamenegi: " Dumb bell!!"

Luffy: " Knuckle head!!"

Alex: " Shut up, Luffy." He states, smacking him over the back of the head.

Luffy: " C'mon and fight!" He tries charging at Klahadore, but Zoro grabs him.

Zoro: " Easy, Luffy!"

Klahadore: " Get off this property at once!"

Everyone heads towards the main gate to leave, as Alex walks past Klahadore he whispers into his ear.

Alex: " I know who you are...."

Klahadore: " ...!!!" He narrows his eyes at Alex's retreating form.


Alex, Zoro, and Nami sit alongside a fence. With them is Tamenegi, Ninjin, and Piiman.

Alex: ' How the hell is he here, I thought the marines killed him.'

Alex: ' Could it be someone else? No, I'm sure it's him. Then, what is he up to?'

Zoro: " Hey, you alright Alex?"

Alex: " Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."

Alex: ' I don't think I should tell anyone else yet, it's better to wait until I find out what Klahadore is up to.'

Alex: " So, where did Luffy go?"

Zoro: " Who knows? Maybe he went after the " Captain".

Ninjin: " We know where the captain went!"

Piiman: " Yeah! To the beach! Whenever something happens, that's where he goes!"

Ninjin: " Wanna see?"

Zoro: " No thanks..."

Alex: " Yeah, I'm sure Luffy's fine."

Nami: " Hey, aren't you missing someone?"

Piiman: " Yeah, Tamenegi!"

Piiman: " He always disappears....."

Ninjin: " And then he comes running back screaming."

Tamenegi: " Waaaaahhhh!!! It's horrible!! A backwards man!!" He comes running down the road towards the group.

Ninjin: " Tamenegi!"

Tamenegi: " It's horrible!! A backwards man!!" He runs up to the other two children.

Tamenegi: " There's a strange man headed this way walking backwards."

Ninjin: " Liar!"

Tamenegi: " It's true! Look!!" He points down the road, at a man walking backwards, wearing a hat.

Alex: " He's right. But why the hell is that guy walking backwards?"

Zoro: " Beats me."

The man walks backwards towards them and turns around to face the group. Alex gets a good look at him and immediately recognizes him.

Alex: ' Django? I knew Klahadore was up to something. I just need to figure out what.'

Django: " Hey! Who just called me strange? I'm not strange!"

Nami: " You're a little strange."

Django: " Don't be silly. I'm just you typical traveling hypnotist."

Tamenegi: " Wow, a hypnotist!"

Piiman: " Show us a trick!"

Ninjin: " Yeah! Show us!"

Django: " What?"

Django: " Don't be silly. I don't even know you."

Django: " Why should I perform for someone I've only just met?"

Alex: ' Captain Kuro and his first mate Django on the same island? The hell are they up to?'

Django: " Oh, well.... Look at the ring...." He pulls a ring attached to a chain out of his pocket.

Zoro: " Then you are going to perform?"

Django: " When I say, " One, two, Django" you'll fall sound asleep." He holds the ring in front of the children and begins swinging it back and forth.

Django: " Ready? One....two....Django!" He suddenly falls over asleep.

Zoro: " Now that's strange!"

Alex: " I don't think the hypnotist is supposed to fall asleep."


The hypnotist, Django had woken up and left, and not long later Usopp comes running by, a distraught look on his face.

Tamenegi: " Captain!"

Zoro: " Hmm, I thought Luffy would be with him."

Alex: " Yeah, could something have happened?"

Nami: " Is he still upset about what the butler said about his father?"

Zoro: " Who knows...."

Alex: " I highly doubt that's it."

Ninjin: " No! Did you see his face?"

Piiman: " Something must've happened at the beach!!"

Tamenegi: " He was pale as a sheet!!"

Zoro: " How do I get to the beach?"

Alex: " We have to get to the beach, Luffy's in trouble. Follow me Zoro!"

Alex and Zoro run off in the direction of the beach, followed by Nami and the children.


The group finds Luffy at the bottom of a cliff, Alex manages to wake him up and he tells them of Klahadore's plan to destroy the village and kill Kaya, so he can take her fortune, and that he is actually Kuro.

Alex: " I knew it!"

Zoro: " What do you mean?"

Alex: " I knew I recognized him as Captain Kuro, I just wasn't 100 percent sure."

Nami: " So that's what your captain was doing... That's why he was running toward the village like his pants were on fire."

Nami: " It'll be alright. The villagers have plenty of warning. They can just hide out in the hills. Pirates are generally pretty dumb!"

Alex: " I feel like I should be offended by that."

Ninjin, Piiman, and Tamenegi run off into the village, shouting how they need to grab their valuables and hide.

Luffy: " Oh no!"

Zoro: " What's wrong?"

Luffy: " I've got to go buy some meat! Before the butcher leaves town!"

Alex: " That is not a priority Luffy." He states his hand on his face in exasperation.

The group run back into the village.


The group encounter Usopp along the way, his arm bleeding.

Usopp: " Hey, you guys!" He sees Luffy, and gasps in shock.

Usopp: " You're alive!?"

Luffy: " Alive? Yeah, I must've dozed off."

Piiman: " He took a long nap."

Piiman: " Captain! We heard what's going on!" We've got to hurry and warn everyone about the pirates!"

Usopp: " ...Warn.....everyone....."

Usopp: " Hahahahahahah!!"

Usopp: " I just made it all up, as usual!"

Usopp: " Got so mad at that butler, I made up a lie about him being a pirate!"

Luffy: " Huh?"

Alex: " Well, that's bullshit."

Everyone stares at him, looks of disbelief on their faces.

Usopp: " What!? It's a lie!?"

Ninjin: " Shucks, I thought something exciting was going to happen!"

Tamenegi: " The captain even fooled the straw hat guy."

Luffy: " Huh?"

Ninjin: " I can't believe the captain would do that."

Piiman: " Yeah, me neither!"

Tamenegi: " Or me! I don't like that butler, but I never thought the captain would lie to hurt someone!"

The three children leave, heading home.


Later, at the beach.

Usopp: " It's 'cause I'm a liar. No one'll believe me! I should've known!"

Nami: " But the facts are still the facts. Pirates really are coming, aren't they?"

Usopp: " They're coming, alright. But no one will believe me! They all think tomorrow will be just another peaceful day."

Usopp: " So it's up to me to meet those pirates and fight them off! Then I'll have a real tall tale to tell!"

Usopp: " I may be liar, but this time my tale will come true!"

Usopp: " They can shoot me in the arm, and they can chase me with brooms, but this village is my home."

Usopp: " I love this village!! I've got to protect my neighbors!!"

Usopp: " There's not much time to plan, but I refuse to let everyone get murdered!"

Zoro: " You've got a noble heart! You sent your crew away so you could face the danger alone."

Luffy: " Well, then we're going to help you."

Alex: " Yeah, I'm not just going to sit back and watch a whole village be slaughtered. But we need to be careful, the Black Cat Pirates are no joke."

Nami: " I'm telling you now, the treasure's all mine!"

Alex: " Priorities Nami! I have a hard enough time trying to get that through to Luffy."

Usopp: " Huh?"

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