
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

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24 Chs

Ch 6 Syrup Village and Usopp, the Liar!

Two boats float through the ocean waves, Alex, Luffy, and Zoro in the smaller rowboat, with Alex rowing. Nami in the slightly bigger sailboat. Nami had managed to patch up both Luffy's hat and Alex's trench coat and shirt.

Nami: " If we want to make it to the Grand Line, we're going to need a ship."

Alex: " You're right, the Grand Line is no joke. Hmm, we could always steal a marine vessel."

Nami: " I don't think that's a good idea, it'd attract to much unwanted attention."

Alex: " There should be a village nearby. We could look for a ship there."

Luffy: " Yeah! An island means food!"

Nami: " That's not why we're going Luffy!"

Alex: " We could still grab a bite to eat."

Zoro: " Sounds good to me."

The four set course for Syrup Village.


The two ships dock on the shore of Syrup Village. The four disembark and start walking up the shore.

A man with a long nose walks onto the shore towards the three.

???: " I am the dreaded pirate, Usopp! Leave now or you'll face the power of my crew, 80 million men strong!" Several flags with jolly rogers on them pop up out of the bushes atop the nearby cliff.

Nami: " Seriously? I highly doubt there's that many people on the cliff."

Alex: " You're right. This guy's making it up."

Three children stand up from the bushes on the cliff and run off yelling 'They saw through us!'.

Usopp: " Uhhh, no matter! I'll take you on myself!" He takes out a slingshot, puts a pinball in it and pulls back, aiming at Luffy.

Usopp: " I'm warning you; this slingshot is stronger than any pistol."

Luffy and Usopp stare each other down.

Luffy: " We're both real pirates, you should bet your life on it."

Usopp: " Wow that's intimidating. I surrender." He stops pointing his slingshot at Luffy.

Luffy: " They're not my words, I learned them from a guy named Shanks."

Usopp: " Shanks? You know Shanks?"

Luffy: " Yeah, come to think of it there was a guy on his crew named Yasopp. He was an amazing sniper."

The two continue chatting, and Usopp leads them into town.


Usopp takes the four to a local restaurant, were Usopp and Luffy continue talking about Yasopp.

Usopp: " So, how's my dad doing?"

Luffy: " Last I saw him he was doing great."

Usopp: " That's great."

Nami: " Is there any way to get a ship in this village?"

Usopp: " No. There's only a sick girl there."

Zoro: " What about that mansion?" He states, pointing out the window at a mansion a top a local hill.

Usopp: " Uh...uhhh.....uhhhh..... It's time to go!" He runs out the front doors and disappears down the road.

Alex: " Well, that guy was weird."

Nami: " You're telling me."

The four continue eating until the front door bursts open and three children rush into the restaurant. Their names are Ninjin, Piiman, and Tamanegi.

Tamenegi: " Usopp's pirates are here!"

Luffy: " Huh?"

Alex: " Who are these kids?"

Zoro: " Beats me."

Ninjin: " Hey! Where's the captain?!"

Tamenegi: " Could they have finished him off already?!"

Ninjin: " Hey, you pirates!"

Piiman: " What'd you do with our captain?!"

Tamenegi: " Give him back!"

Nami: " Uhhh..."

Luffy: " Ahhh, that meat was delicious!" He states, patting his stomach.

Ninjin: " M-meat!?"

Tamenegi: " The captain!? He couldn't have....!"

Zoro: " If you're looking for your captain..."

Alex: " He just got gobbled up!"

Ninjin, Tamenegi, and Piiman: " Gyaaaa!!! Ogress!!" They yell, looking at Nami.

Nami: " Why are you looking at me?!"

Zoro: " Hahahahaha!!"

Nami: " It's not funny!" She yells, slamming her hand on the table.


Tamenegi: " Time to go?"

Alex: " That's what he said when he left."

Piiman: " It was probably time for him to go to the mansion."

Luffy: " Why would he go there?"

Piiman: " To tell lies!"

Luffy: " That's not very nice."

Ninjin: " Yes it is! It's very nice! Right?"

Tamenegi: " Yeah it's great!"

Luffy: " Huh?"

Alex: " What do you mean by that?"

The three children explain to the four how Usopp tells Kaya lies to cheer her up, because she's very sick.

Luffy: " Hey! He is a nice guy!"

Nami: " He makes up stories to cheer her up? And he's been doing it for the past year?"

Piiman: " That's right."

Ninjin: " That's what I like about the captain. He's a meddler!"

Piiman: " I like the captain because he's so bossy!"

Tamenegi: " I like captain because he's so boastful!"

Zoro: " Hmmm.... He's sure got a lot of good qualities."

Alex: " Yeah....."

Luffy: " Then the girl's spirits must not be too low."

Ninjin: " That's right! Thanks to the captain!"

Luffy: " Well, that settles it! Let's go ask her to give us a ship!"

Nami: " But we already decided against that idea!"

Alex: " Well, not really. Usopp just told us no and ran off."


The four stand outside the mansion's gate, along with the three children.

Luffy: " Hey you! Give us a ship!"

Alex: " The hell Luffy? That's not how you ask for a ship."

Luffy: " Okay, let's go in." He states, stretching his leg over the fence and climbing over.

Nami: " There's no stopping him now."

Zoro: " I guess we'll have to go with him."

Alex: Sigh " Luffy! Help us over!"

Luffy stretches his arms back over and grabs Zoro and Nami, bringing them over the gate.

Alex: " What about me?"

Luffy: " Can't you just launch yourself over?"

Alex: " Not if I don't want to destroy something by mistake."

Luffy: " Oh. Alright." He stretches his arm over, grabbing Alex and brings him to the other side with the others. Luffy also grabs the three children, bringing them over as well.

The four run up to Usopp, who is leaning up against a tree, talking to a girl, who is leaning out a window. The children follow after them.

Tamenegi: " Captain!"

Usopp: " That's right, they called me...."

Usopp looks over, noticing the others approach.

Usopp: " What are you guys doing here?"

Ninjin: " We brought these guys with us!" He points towards Luffy, Alex, Nami, and Zoro.

Kaya: " Who are they?"

Luffy: " You must be the mistress of this place!"

Usopp: " Oh, they heard of my reputation from afar, and came to seek me out. They're the newest members of my crew!" He puts his arm around Luffy's shoulder.

Luffy: " Yeah! Hey, that's not right!"

Alex: " We actually need to ask you a favor."

Kaya: " A favor? To ask of me?"

Luffy: " Yeah! We want a big, sturdy ship!"

Alex: " Luffy, we need to discuss how you ask someone a favor."

???: " What is the meaning of this?!"

Everyone turns around to see a man in a suit, wearing a pair of glasses.

???: " You realize you're trespassing?!"

Kaya: " Klahadore..."

Luffy: " What's his problem?"

Alex: " I mean, we are trespassing."

Kaya: " You see, these people, they're...."

Klahadore: " Save your excuses for later."

Klahadore: " You must all go immediately. Or do you all have some business here?"

Luffy: " I want a big sturdy ship!"

Alex: Sigh " I give up."

Klahadore: " I can't help you."

Both Zoro and Alex smack Luffy in the back of the head.

Klahadore: " You. You're Usopp aren't you." He looks over at him.

Klahadore: " Your reputation proceeds you. You're the talk of the village."

Usopp: " Uhh.... Thanks! Call me captain Usopp, if you please!"

Usopp: " But really, there's no need for flattery."

Klahadore: " The guards.... They've reported seeing you lurking around the estate. Do you have any business being here?"

Usopp: " Well... yes I do. I saw a legendary mole enter this estate. I'm trying to capture him."

Klahadore: " Hmph, you have a gift for deceit. I've also heard stories of your father."

Usopp: " What?!"

Klahadore: " You're the son of a filthy pirate. I wouldn't put anything past you. Stay away from mistress Kaya."

Usopp: " A... filthy pirate?"

Klahadore: " You and mistress Kaya are from completely different worlds. Is it money you're after, how much do you want?"

Kaya: " You've gone too far Klahadore! You owe Usopp and apology!"

Klahadore: " Mistress Kaya, why should I apologize to this trash? I'm only speaking the truth."

Klahadore: " But I do feel sorry for you. Your treasure-crazed idiot father abandoned you."

Kaya: " Klahadore!"

Usopp: " Stop bad mouthing my father!"

Klahadore: " What are you getting so worked up about? Why not just fabricate some of your out-rageous lies about your father. Just say he's really a merchant, or he's not really your father, or perhaps...."

Usopp: " Shut up!!!" He slams his fist into Klahadore's face, knocking him to the ground.

Klahadore: " See how he is? His first instinct is violence! He's an animal, just like his father!"

Usopp: " Shut up!! I'm proud that my father is a pirate! I'm proud that he's a brave warrior of the sea!"

Usopp: " You're right, I do make up stories!"

Usopp: " But there's one thing I'll never lie about! I'll never lie about my pirate heritage! I'm the son of a pirate!!"

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