
One piece : Celestial Rose

Celestial Dragon Mark Rose has a secret, he is from another world. A world where this world was considered fiction. But Mark is not your average joe, through a whole lot of pride and a flexible mind, he will make something of himself, rise above existence, become what Celestial Dragon always claim to be. A true God. One piece belongs to it's respective owners.

ImagineMaker · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs


Time passed and minutes felt like hours, just when Mark's forehead had veins popping up from all the pressure, Saturn abruptly stopped.

He casually took his hand back and turned towards Charles.

This made all the stress inside Mark's head go away, letting him breath a sigh of relief.

Saturn didn't look at Mark after that and simply spoke to Charles.

"Mark Rose isn't sick, but his body is changing, he needs a lot of food to let this transformation happen."

"This kind of thing happens once while, it's a very rare phenomenon but it's something that does happen."

Looking towards Luna he sharpened his eyes and spoke further.

"The latest occurrence of such a phenomenon was with one of the pirate emperors Charlotte Linlin, also called Big Mom."

"She was born normal, but changed after turing a few years old."

"Although Mark's change isn't at the level of Charlotte Linlin, his body is also changing."

Pausing for a second to think of someone he can compare Mark to, someone that Luna might know, Saturn said.

"After his transformation is over, Mark's body will be comparable to the Marine Hero Garp's well trained body."

"While Garp gained his strength bit by bit throughout the years, Mark on the other hand will reach his maximum potential naturally."

The Elder saw that both Luna and Charles understood what he was talking about so he stopped explaining.

He then looked towards Mark with a smile.

"You are in no danger as long as you keep up your food intake."

"The constant hunger will go away when your transformation is over."

Tapping his cane on the floor, Saturn said gently but firmly.

"Visit me when you feel better, you are reaching your maximum potential without any time to adjust to your growing power."

"You won't be familiar with your strength nor will you know how to use it effectively."

"This can cause a lot of problems, we need to get this under control as soon as possible."

"I will help you with that."

Looking towards Mark's parents, Saturn said one last thing.

"It is the eternal pride of celestial dragon's that Mark can undergo this transformation."

"You can come to castle Pangaea and claim the symbol of glory for Rose family."

Luna and Charles Rose puffed their chests with pride, now that they knew Mark was going to be fine, they were happy that their Rose family will have one more honour added to them.

"That is all."

"Be sure to tell me when you're better."

"And remember, the process of controlling your strength might be painful."

A magic circle opened beneath him once more and Saint Saturn vanished soon after, only his last words were still echoing in the room.

"But you already know that, your drive for strength is clearly there."

As soon as Saturn left Mark's room and reappeared in his own room, his eyes sharpened.

'A body transformation pushing him to the peak of his potential, his strong observation haki, he also was able to look me in the eye under such pressure.'

'There is a high chance that Mark Rose will awaken conqueror's haki, he either has it now or he will gain it later.'

Saint Saturn had come to the Rose estate in hopes of visiting Mark, multiple doctors had visited the Rose family since Luna's scream this morning.

He had questioned those doctors and found out that Mark was feeling abnormally hungry.

The Elders had unanimously decided this was worth looking into, Mark was a future Elder after all.

But Saturn didn't think he would find something so amazing after his visit.

'We need to tell Im sama about this.'

Saint Saturn thought while walking towards the rest of the Elders, they will hold a discussion now, and if they felt the need to, they will let Im know about this.

A mutated body with possible King's haki isn't something to take lightly, especially when Mark isn't as stupid as the rest of their descendants.

They need to put Mark on the right path, he was a celestial dragon and strong men like him were rare amongst his group.


Walking through brilliantly lit hallways, Saturn made his way towards the Elder's room.

He had slow and steady pace, only the tapping of his cane was sounding in the empty hallway.

It took him a minute to reach the room his fellow Elders were sitting in.



"It's me."

Saint Saturn knocked on the door and opened it right after.

Closing the door behind him, Saturn made his way to his exclusive seat, his fellow Elder's were already in their given positions.

"What happened?"

Saint Mars asked after Saturn took his seat.

"Mark Rose is undergoing a transformation, there is a possibility that he has King's haki."

Because this was a talk between Elders, Saturn didn't have to explain what he meant by transformation or why he knew Mark had King's Haki.

The Elders were working with each other for such a long time that they didn't need any explanations to understand each other.

"A transformation? How strong is he?"

Saint Peter questioned from the side, Saturn thought about it for a while before saying.

"Physical fitness is around Garp's level, if he learns Haki he should be able to match him in his prime."

Every Elder became silent and thought about this for a few minutes.

"A strong body, will of the king and a desire for strength."

"He might be hard to control."

Said Saint Ethan while holding his sword tighter.

But Saint Topman Valcurie had a different opinion.

"He is born and raised here, he will understand his position."

Ethan thought about this a while before nodding in agreement with Valcurie.

"Indeed, his attitude is positive towards his status."

"He should understand his position."

The Elders become silent once more, they mostly agreed to Valcurie's idea and wanted to bring Mark to their side.

But they couldn't make a direct decision without consulting their one and only overlord.

"Before we bring him over to our side, we should tell the great Im about his situation."

Saint Mars said the thing which was on everyone's mind.





Every Elder agreed to this opinion one by one, they had unanimously decided to ask Im's opinion on the matter before making their decision.

After all, Im's decision was their command, it was upto Im if a natural King like Mark was elegible to be an Elder.