
One Piece: A New Whitebeard

Reincarnated into the formidable Whitebeard, one of the most feared pirates in the Grand Line, our hero faces a world in turmoil. The dreaded Blackbeard incident has unfolded, resulting in the capture of Ace, Whitebeard's beloved "son" and one of the most powerful pirates in the world. As the countdown to Ace's impending execution begins, the newly reborn Whitebeard finds himself thrust into a high-stakes battle that will test his mettle like never before. With only six days remaining before the scheduled execution, Whitebeard must assemble his crew, the fearsome Whitebeard Pirates, and rally his allies in a race against time to rescue Ace from the clutches of the Marines. The odds are stacked against them, as the world's most powerful forces converge on Marineford for what promises to be an epic showdown. As Whitebeard faces insurmountable challenges and old rivalries rekindle, he must not only protect his pirate family but also confront the very essence of his legacy as a pirate captain. Will he be able to defy the might of the World Government and the Marines to save Ace, or will the clock run out on their daring rescue mission? In a battle that will shake the world to its core, the fate of Ace and the balance of power in the Grand Line hang in the balance. Get ready for a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of pirates as Whitebeard leads his crew on a race against time to rewrite destiny itself.

Galaxy_Wonder · Filme
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89 Chs


In the midst of the vast expanse of the New World's sea, tranquility was disrupted by the gentle ripples of approaching warships. Countless dark specks dotted the horizon, gradually materializing into a fleet of Marine vessels. The sight was rare, a spectacle unseen for a decade in these treacherous waters.

Amidst the fifty-strong armada, an aura of significance lingered, hinting at the gravity of their mission. Within the confines of the flagship, formidable figures convened. Fleet Admiral Sengoku, flanked by the Three Admirals, numerous Vice Admirals, and select Cipher Pol agents, presided over a pivotal gathering.

"Our intelligence reports confirm the live broadcasts of the clash between Whitebeard and Bullet in Sabaody Archipelago and beyond," declared Sengoku, known as 'The Buddha', his voice resonating with authority.

The cryptic summons received days prior had prompted Sengoku to consult with his former superior, World Government Commander-In-Chief 'The Steel Bone' Kong. Together, they strategized to unite with the World Government in a concerted effort to quash the threat posed by Whitebeard.

"The time to act has come," Sengoku continued, his tone resolute. "With the recent developments, we seize the opportunity to encircle Whitebeard."

The prospect of a renewed conflict elicited mixed reactions among the assembly. Kizaru, lounging leisurely, injected a note of mock fear into the discourse. "Oh dear, another bout with Whitebeard? Dreadful indeed," he quipped.

In contrast, the one-armed Admiral Akainu exuded unwavering determination. "We shall proceed with caution," he asserted, his voice cutting through the casual banter. Aware of Whitebeard's formidable prowess, Akainu advocated for a meticulous approach, mindful of the risks inherent in confronting the legendary pirate.

With consensus elusive, dissent emerged. "We cannot resort to such drastic measures," interjected a dissenting voice, challenging the prevailing militaristic resolve.

Aokiji's countenance darkened as he interjected with gravity, "The island harbors not only Whitebeard and his cohorts but also formidable factions from the New World. A hasty Buster Call risks pushing them into an alliance with Whitebeard."

He emphasized the significance of the Pirates Festival, highlighting the meticulous surveillance efforts preceding the event. Cipher Pol operatives had infiltrated the island, providing invaluable intelligence on the gathering's attendees. Among the notable figures present were Doflamingo, Hawkeye, Jack, Byrnndi World, Charlotte Katakuri, and a mysterious individual cloaked in purple.

The prospect of indiscriminate destruction weighed heavily on Aokiji's mind. Initiating a Buster Call would ensnare not only the targeted pirates but also collateral innocents, potentially escalating into a cataclysmic conflict reminiscent of Marineford.

Akainu's fervent advocacy for absolute justice clashed with Aokiji's pragmatism. Scarred by Whitebeard's past actions, Akainu's thirst for retribution against all pirates fueled his insistence on immediate and decisive action.

"We lack the capacity to eradicate all pirates!" Aokiji countered, his voice strained with urgency.

As the debate escalated, Vice Admirals observed in tense silence, wary of intervening in the volatile exchange.

Sengoku, burdened by internal conflicts and external pressures, intervened with a decisive decree, seeking a compromise between the opposing viewpoints. Vice Admiral Tsuru echoed sentiments of pragmatism, proposing a phased approach that balanced aggression with caution.

Acknowledging the gravity of the impending confrontation, Sengoku asserted the imperative of victory, affirming the necessity of Buster Call as a last resort.

With consensus reached, preparations commenced with unwavering resolve. The joint forces of the Marines and World Government embarked on a mission to quell the rise of the second era of piracy, their collective determination unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

As the armada surged toward the Festival island, anticipation mingled with apprehension. With the fate of the New World hanging in the balance, the stage was set for a clash of titanic proportions.


Festival Island bore witness to an unrelenting clash of titans. Despite the relentless assault, Whitebeard emerged unscathed, his indomitable strength a testament to his legendary status.

As the dust settled, the shattered remnants of Bullet's mechanical colossus littered the battleground. Yet, undeterred by the setback, Bullet's fervor remained undiminished. "Your might is unparalleled, Whitebeard. Only by besting you can I truly claim the title of the world's strongest," he declared, his resolve unyielding.

With a surge of determination, Bullet tapped into the depths of his Devil Fruit abilities, unlocking newfound potential. The very fabric of reality seemed to bend to his will as he unleashed his awakened power. Manifesting as swirling tendrils of violet energy, his influence extended beyond mere self-enhancement.

The ground trembled as the purplish matter spread like a living tide, merging seamlessly with the island's terrain. This was the culmination of his awakened prowess, enabling him to assimilate with his surroundings, transcending mortal limitations.

With unwavering conviction, Bullet proclaimed his intent to vanquish Whitebeard with his newfound might, setting the stage for a climactic showdown.



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