
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

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Chapter 2 - The Island

The Sun is already up and the lovely sunshine is hitting my face.

Waking up 'I still can't believe I am in the world of One Piece. I somehow hoped yesterday that after I woke up, I am gonna be waking up in my bedroom beside my beautiful wife and playing with my kids the whole day, because I think it's Sunday on Earth. Sighing, 'Just thinking about them just makes me feel sad'

'I hope they are okay, but this is my reality now I gotta survive and stand at the top of this world.

'Now the first thing I need to do is find clues about where I am, look for food sources, and search for weapons to defend myself. Who knows how many dangers are lurking in this place?

'I'll walk along the shore first maybe I can find some swords or something then I'm gonna head to the forest'

After a while of searching.

'Finally! A sword. It's the only thing I can somehow use. I know I'm a police detective, but come on. We only use guns and our brains in the modern world.'

'I'll practice it first and I will head out in the afternoon'.

'I'm still amazed by this body strength, even though I am quite thin now. I think can kill a lion with a single punch. but I'm not gonna head out unprepared. Call me a coward, but I don't plan on dying anytime soon.'

Slashed the stone in half in front of me 'Guess it will be easier and that Golden Ball didn't lie to me when he gave me this body'.

Time to use the compass now

Opening the black compass and looking at a pointer that doesn't point to anything. If anyone tries to use this thing they will assume this compass is broken.

I close my eyes trying to concentrate and thinking of a town. When I open my eyes and it's not pointing to this island 'Shit! This means this is a deserted place.

I want to complain, but I can't, since I'm not an ungrateful fellow.

Alright, it's decided now. I'll go to the forest. Maybe the outskirts first.

The first thing I notice inside is there are a lot of snakes crawling in this place and they are massive. They are as thick as coconut trees out there on the beach.

I saw a white snake slithering in the ground heading my way 'This guy seems to be pretty hungry'.

It pounces very fast on me and I lean my body sideways to evade it and counter it with a down slash.

Blood spurt into my face.

'well that was an easy first encounter' I'm just glad I'm tall or I'll be easily swallowed whole by this guy.

I notice a book floating and covered with a transparent white bubble. I tried to control my cheat and the book disappeared and transferred into my inventory.

Trying to check it in my inventory the title reads

- Animal Kingdom (Snakes) -

'Cool, I'll fight some more'


After a couple of hours of fighting

The Sun is gonna set now and I don't want to sleep in this place I'll go back to the beach now

Let's see what I got, a couple of snake meat, sacs, and the knowledge bubbles.

Summoning the book in my hand. It basically tells how to be a snake, how to hunt, and function as a slithering predator. The more books I collect the more comprehensive the book it becomes and not every kill drops a knowledge bubble. It's useless to me now but, when the time comes and I get the technique that I am aiming for. I'm gonna be a monster for this world.


1 week has passed since I came to this world.

All I did was hunt, build a shelter, and train my body trying to bulk up.

Exploring this place I am now assuming that it's one of the prehistoric islands in the world of One Piece, one that is uncharted. How do I know this? because I killed some dinosaur-looking snakes the other day.

I wonder what year it is now in this world. I'm not one of those super fans of the anime but I have some knowledge. I just hope it's the timeline before Luffy starts his adventure.

I'm still thinking about what I'm gonna become in this world. Trying to survive alone is gonna be a difficult task, You have to need strong powers behind your back to live longer in these seas, That is why I'm leaning towards the Marines.

Anyway, that is probably in the far future and I will first focus on strengthening, and maybe read those books that I got.


After 3 months

A tall young man was sitting on a tree eating some fruit. He was shirtless, wearing some tattered black pants and soldiers' boots.

I was wearing a shirt when I woke up here, but my body kept bulking and getting ripped, so I decided to discard it.

I don't know what I look like now. There are no mirrors in this place. I probably look menacing I am 10 footer person with solid defined muscles.

After a couple of months of exploring the outer part of the forest, I decided to head more into the center. I noticed there are fewer snakes that I am encountering and I don't want to run out of target for my practice.

After a while of fighting in this place, I decided to ditch my sword. They were easily destroyed. The sword can't handle my strength now. Right now, I just punch holes through the snakes and I'm very surprised how easily my power improves with just a couple of intense exercises.

One surprising thing is the snakes here were eating each other. Probably cause there are no other animals besides them. Snakes are carnivorous by nature. That is why they must have set their eyes on their kind when they can't find other creatures.

Heading into the forest. I heard rustling in the woods and it's getting louder and louder and closer I got.

Seeing what is in front of me. I immediately hid behind a large tree.

What I saw was two gigantic snakes, They must have been hundreds of feet in length, and with their horns protruding on their heads, they are like the ones I killed in the outskirts of the forest. The 'Dino looking snakes.



Loud noises echoed through the forest

Both giants are battling it out rolling and constricting the enemy's body, bitting. I can see in their eyes that they are fighting for supremacy, both not backing up even an inch to the enemy.

I was so engrossed watching them that I didn't even notice it was already nighttime. The fight was still raging on. 'when they die, what kind of bubble are they gonna drop.'

I thought to myself, this is how I am gonna get stronger, let someone else fight while getting all the benefits. Gotta work smarter, not harder.

Feeling its end, someone is gonna win now, the moment I get that knowledge bubble, I will probably master the art of 'Aura Concealment'. That is the only thing I can practice from those books since I don't have a snake's body.

Contemplating what to do next 'I'm still too weak I can't even fight half the strength of those monsters, maybe it's time to look for the Curse of the Seas' a Devil Fruit'.
