
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 1 - Waking Up

Somewhere in West Blue


The sun is scorching hot, the winds are blowing hard, and seagulls flying above the bright blue sky.

On the edge of an island on the sandy beach lays a teen around 12 to 14 years old, some little crabs crawling on his body and little waves brushing on his feet.

"Aghh" the teen grunts a bit and then he slowly opens his eyes adjusting to the brightness of the place."Oh my god, where am I?".

While trying to stand up he was confused and his body was very uncomfortable suddenly struck with a headache and flooded with memories. " So, my name ...my god!, this body's poor soul doesn't even have a proper name, They just call this person Slave number 30".

While standing up he finally notices how tall and skinny he is. Probably around 300 cm. " Damn!, I'm so tall." while looking down 'we'll that's a bonus'.

'So I drifted on this island when the ship I was riding was hit by a large storm and where I am supposed to be sold again'.

Somewhat adjusted to his new body he tried walking along the shore looking for people or something to tell where he was.

'I will look somewhere on this island where I can spend the night and organize my thoughts if this is the world where I thought I am.'


The moon hangs above and shines brightly on the clear night sky. Crackling of burning wood and specks of fire being blown near the sandy shore of the place.

A teen is sitting in front of a fire and grilling shellfish.

'I think I can adjust to the memories now, although a lot but it is somewhat a little too. I can't even remember where is the island I came from. Because all the memory of this kid is only from the time he was kidnapped, sold, and tortured. Every day he was tortured just for the fun of it by those lunatics.' clenching his fist ' I will avenge you someday.'

Thinking of the things that transpired in that dark, wide, and empty space, I suddenly burst out laughing "Buhahahaha".


In an open and empty black space hangs two lights. One was a big bright golden light and besides and little red and grayish light

"Where am I?, why can't I move my body? Is this a dream? Yeah. Probably just a dream" Looking around I was shocked to see a big ball of golden light in front of me.

"Do you where you are and why you are here?". Asked the Golden light. "No and no, but I know you are gonna tell me". Smugly replied the little light thinking all of this was not real.

Sighing "Fine, I am gonna let that pass. It happens to newly passed souls, they are very snarky and rude". "what do you mean souls?, Are you saying I am dead?, and why am I here? Is this hell? probably is, I know I'm not gonna be in heaven". Nervously asked the little light trying to remember if any of this was true.

His thoughts were cut by the big golden light "Anyway, I am Libb, the guardian of the place where you came from 'Earth' and you are here because someone wants to sever karma from his roots and you conveniently died making my job faster". The little light Intently listening and somewhat doubting what he was hearing.

"What now?" asked the little light. "let's review for a second your name is Telflaire Hunter a police detective and a good one at that. 40 years old born in Queens, married with a great wife, 2 kids and you've got a lot of pets, but you were ambushed while investigating a murder case. I'd say short-lived but a good one". "Is this really for real? Am I really dead?" asked Hunter shockingly

"Yes, but don't worry, you are getting a second chance, but you are not gonna be back on Earth". Hunter somewhat accepted what he was hearing "Where are you gonna send me then?".

Libb was chanting something, and in the space in front of me, a swirling vortex popped a wheel with names of different worlds that are from the fictional worlds that are entertainment on Earth.

Hunter still thinking and not believing this event is real 'Alright I'm gonna bite, if this is a dream then good, but if not, I'm gonna miss my family.

" what do I do now?" Hunter asked. " Just say 'spin and it starts selecting your next world. I hope you still have some luck, because these worlds are dangerous survival is very low".

" Okay, Spin!". Hunter was anxiously watching the wheel and hoping for a safe world.






- One Punch Man World -

"Oh No! I am gonna die early again"




And the wheel finally stops

- One Piece World -

Pumping my imaginary hand because I'm just a ball of light now. ' Yes! One of my favorite worlds. I hope I will have a favorable start'.

" Not bad.. Did I say you are receiving some gifts from the 'One' who requested this thing to happen?". "yeah!?, give it to me now. Come on man".

Libb was amused by watching this guy 'from the start he was very hesitant into believing anything that I am saying and now? He was like a kid getting new toys'.

"Fine, we are still using the wheel. 'The Wheel of Gifts'"








' So this is what I got from the Wheel'

1. Knowledge Bubble ( I don't really know what this because there are no description when it was selected. I guess I'll find out when I have a body again)

2. The Compass of Desire (I have some idea of what this is, but let's just wait until I have it in my hands).

3. Gene Store ( I hope this is something great).

" Now all is given, I'm gonna be sen ~~" Libb was interrupted " Wait!, I still have some request if you don't mind. I know you can do it because, I think your are very powerful." Libb was getting annoyed but still entertained it. " Tsk!, Don't patronize me, Fine! What is it?"

" Can you send me to a body with good potential?, Can you set me up with the haki thing?, and a favorable starting island? " " You really are shamless! I can give you a body with good potential, but that's it. Then goodbye Hunter".

Then a swirling vortex is pulling the little light sending it to the time and space "Well, it's worth a try asking things. Buhaha".


Back to the present

I was sitting on the rock and saying in my mind 'Inventory' In front of me is blue colored box. Inside are two items the things he received from the golden thing.

It reads ' break to assimilate.'

I already broke the Gene Store cube and I was very happy when I know what the store is for.

It can allow me to buy from a pool of genes from different worlds. It's locked now and I need 50 million berries to activate. The only downside is I can't make myself stronger using the genes, but I can give it to my future descendants.

There is also a function in the store called 'Mix Gene Cloning Tube' but I also need 50 million berries to activate it.

It basically creates a baby from my gene, the gene from the pool and a female gene. ' I guess I'll be looking for a wife in the future.

The store is basically useless now, but I don't want to complain, this is better than nothing at all.

In the future I'll have monstrous children.

Breaking another one 'cracks'. A black hexagon shape compass popped in my hand. My guess was right this is the compass of the OG Captain Jack Sparrow. The Compass of Desire it will point to the thing you desire the most.

'Will it point to the last Island 'Laugh Tale' if I use this?. I'll never tell anyone about this thing it will be a disaster if the World Goverment knows about this artifact.

Tha last one 'The Knowledge Bubble' it's pretty OP in it's own way, its function is a random knowledge bubble will be drop when a person is dead. It will be directly stored in the inventory when I'm near the bubble.

Smirking. I know a lot of place that this will be useful.

The sun is down, I'll sleep for now. Tomorrow is the real start

I hope you guys go easy on me. English is not my first Language I'm trying to learn writing and I hope you will give me helpful advises.

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