
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

7 Sparring




Walking down the streets in the town. Hunter is looking for stores to buy new clothes.

Thankfully Gion lent him some berries, thinking about money he can't help but think about when can he raid the Skypiea.

Inside the store, he is in front of a mirror. He then took off his borrowed clothes 'I've seen my reflection in the water before, but I can clearly see now how I look'.

He has a tall build, is lean but well-defined body and has scars all over his body, and has black hair, and golden eyes akin to a snake

He now wears a white shirt and black pants. and bought a couple of extras.

Looking around town some more, he bought some takoyaki "Thank God! for normal food"

"It's time back now, Gion said she would be testing my ability. I'll try using swords again since I won't be using my devil fruit when I'm in the Navy. And it's better not to rely too much on devil fruit."


"You're back, should we start?" and signals him to follow her.

Arriving at the empty Training

" Don't hold back and use all your strength." then both of them assume a fighting stance.

"Aren't you gonna use your sword Gion-san?". "Usafufu...if you can force me to draw my sword you win."

'This woman underestimating me, huh! Let's see.

He then started walking, circling around Gion. "Rhythm Echo".

Gion watched him as the unusual movement started leaving afterimages.

Hunter flickered and tried punching her in the face, but Gion still caught on and countered it with a punch of her own.

A crunching sound was heard

He was hit in the face and got thrown hitting a wall.


"Are you okay kid?, that movement technique of yours is quite good but still lacking",' If he can learn the Rokushiki, he'll be deadly.'

Hunter shook his head 'damn it! That hurts' he stands back up and attacks again.

They fought for hours ' I can't believe he can match my stamina' Gion witnessed I the fight went on he improved and adapted little by little. She thought if he could have proper training and a teacher he would be formidable. He will easily surpass me.

' I guess I'm no match to Gion without using my devil fruit.' it would be for the best, it's just enough to show my potential.'

He decided to use a final attack and then pretend to lose consciousness or else I might lose it. Assuming again an attack pose.

"Let's call a day Hunter it's enough showing of your potential". Gion declared and smiled, satisfied that she could recommend someone with a lot of potential.

"...hehe thank you Gion-san" he bowed at her. 'If she didn't stop I may have lost my patience, I might accidentally used my devil fruit.

"You go ahead and clean yourself, I have something to do in my office. I will look for you later.


Inside the office, Gion called Tsuru.

"Sister Tsuru, I think I found a true gem here. But I'm just worried that once the Cipher Pol hears about him. I think they will want to poach him. He's a natural-born assassin."Gion explains other things she noticed.

"That's fine Gion, at least it is better than becoming a pirate, bring both your asses then to headquarters and you would also be given a new assignment". Gion agrees with what her sister is saying.

Taking out a drink, she calls one of her men and asks to fetch Hunter to send him to her office.




Knock knock

"it's open"

"Do you need anything Gion-san?" he asked even though he already knew what would she say.

"...Yes, we'll be leaving in a couple of days for Marineford. That is the main headquarters for marines, you'll be trained there." Gion told him, and Hunter could see how proud she was of being a Marine.

"Really Gion-san!?, I'm so excited!" he happily expressed his feelings, and he almost hugged Gion too.

"Ahem.. Ahem, sorry about that Gion-san".

'hehe, ... I can't believe I'm actually good at acting' although exasperated, but he thinks it's necessary.

"Here grab a drink, let's celebrate, I'm sure you'll do well."



Days after a Marine ship docked in the port and a person jumped down.

He wore a fedora hat, haramaki on his waist, and smoking a pipe.

And soldiers saluted."Sir!"

"Where is your Captain?". Tokikake asked.

"We already inform her sir, she would be heading here right now."





A woman and a man walked together. They are Gion and Hunter.

" Hello there pretty woman". Affectionately called Gion

"You are the same as always Tokikake, why are you even doing here?", "Vice Admiral Tsuru asked me since I was nearby doing a mission".

All of them prepared to board the ship and set sail to Marineford.

In the sea, Hunter is sitting and eating his takoyaki.

The travel is long so he decided to organise his next plan. He is trying to think of more events that can help him.

Rosinante will go on undercover under the codename 'Corazon'.

Vergo will also infiltrate the Marines leaving the Heart Seat of the Donquixote Pirates.

Fisher Tiger will attack Mariejois and free the slaves.

Trafalgar's family will also meet their doom.

There are a lot of things he can't remember from the anime he just wished he had watched more. 'If I had known, haha.'

'The first thing I need to do is earn money there is a lot that need to buy from the shop.'

He is also weighing if he would stay as a Marine or join Cipher Pol.

Thinking about the novels that he read in his past time from previous world,' They make it sound so easy, but if it's the real thing and your life is on the line the scary feelings will start to creep in.'

He hears commotion from outside his room "What's going on?".

He runs outside and sees Tokikake and Gion up front.

"Hey kid, I heard you are pretty good at fighting. Do you think you could kill some Pirates?" Tokikake watched Hunter as he failed to look for any expression, But he looked into his golden eyes 'Those are not the eyes of someone afraid to kill'

He then instinctively switches to his acting mode. 'His testing my attitude.'

"Yes, Tokikake-san, I already made a promise to work hard and earn the right to bear the name of Justice' Hunter proclaims

Gion then slightly laughs "Usafufu".

"Not bad kid, then be prepared, will gonna attack them soon"Tokikake replied.

"Full speed ahead! We will kill all those evil pirates!" Tokikake shouted a warcry.


A/N If you have any suggestions and corrections please tell me, I'm just doing this for fun, losing a job is terrible man! I am also writing from a phone. 😭 The boredom keeps rolling. 😂

You could buy me a coffee though. ☕✌️✌️
